View Full Version : why do I have to keep logging in - from Deb

27 Nov 2006, 00:38
This is from Deb, who can't post this herself:

I just opened mlukfc and had to log in. Usually i'm logged in all the time. Then when i clicked on something to read it I had to log in again. This happens everytime I click anywhere and I can't post in the shoutbox.
A couple of minutes ago, I managed to get it to work and then its gone back the same problems now.


27 Nov 2006, 11:46
Thanx for doing this for me Virginia. Thanx for ALL the help I got from my fav mods as well lol. NOT :lol:

It's worked itself out now. So I don't need any help anymore :-P But don't worry I'll be back later if that changes :D


27 Nov 2006, 12:24
Just seen this ... I'm guessing' it's a cookie issue, delete your temp internet folder contents as a matter of course and hopefully it should stay away :))

27 Nov 2006, 20:22
Just seen this ... I'm guessing' it's a cookie issue, delete your temp internet folder contents as a matter of course and hopefully it should stay away :))Sounds more like a PEBCAK issue. :bleh: :))

27 Nov 2006, 20:56
Sounds more like a PEBCAK issue. :bleh: :))

Which would be :??: :? :lol:

27 Nov 2006, 20:59
Hmmmmm :? I just looked this up R and I'm not so sure I agree with you lol.

It's not my fault :evil:


28 Nov 2006, 14:28
Sounds more like a PEBCAK issue. :bleh: :))

Are you sure it wasn't a PICNIC? Or perhaps an ID-Ten-T error :lmao: