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View Full Version : Question about 2 albums

18 Jan 2002, 18:22

I've got an question about 2 albums. Well, i don't know if this are albums, but on the internet i saw pictures of 2 Meat Loaf Cd's: 'Heaven and Hell 2' and 'Live in New York 1993'.
Can anyone tell me if this are albums and where i can buy them . I asked in some Cd shops, but they didn't know them. So, please help.... It looked like they were great!!!



18 Jan 2002, 22:48
HI there.
The quick answer to your question is that these are both "bootleg" albums. I am not sure about the one called HEAVEN AND HELL 2, but the concert from NYC in 1993 has surfaced in many shapes and forms over the years. If you are interested in digging just a little bit deeper, I might suggest a website that is a little out of date, but still an excellent resource:


Hope this helps!

With all the love there ever was....
David M. Driskell