View Full Version : STOP...IN THE NAME OF LOVE!!!
I am a relative newbie on this site...been here only about 8 months.
In these 8 months...I've found a new home, a new family and some out of this world fantastic friends. People who don't just share my love for Meat Loaf, Steinman and their art...but also people who cried with me when I was low and laughed with me when I was happy. People who supported me and held my hand. People who I have supported and held THEIR hand. Still do...
This is my special place where I can get away from the dull and sometimes harsh reality of every day life and just relax and be happy.
I've heard rumors about people splitting and leaving this site in the past. I couldn't figure out why. Now I know... trend has started here...bickering, mud slinging, personal attacks...ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that actually turns you off people and human society in general...
Threads started appearing that lead to nothing but ruination of love and friendship existent here. Posts that tear old friends apart and don't give new ones a chance to stick around and get to know us...and for us to get to know them. And who knows...maybe there is a new Meat Loaf or Steinman or...even GOD...among us...and we will never find it out... the old saying goes...can we PLEASE try to get along??? We've been together for a while now...and something brings us back together...I think most of us love and respect each other to bits and pieces...and yet...we tear each other apart. It always seems that we are destructive towards the very things in life that we exception here.
Can we all please just do following for the sake of preserving this site as our home and us - as friends:
1. If you feel that thread will cause controversy...think twice about posting it...and HOW to post it in inoffensive manner.
2. If you feel that you're getting into an argument with one other member...or if you have questions about their behavior...please take it into the PM...chances are it's just a misunderstanding and you will be able to clear it out between the two of you much better than with other people involved.
3. Infraction system has been explained time and time again. Read the thread again...understand it finally...and please move on with your lives. It is a test of a system. Software DOES NOT decide points and such...mods and admins still do. AND...there is still plenty of leeway for those who chose to respect this site and it's admins/mods.
Please...move on...nothing to see there. Posts about goldfish and such just keep this thread alive for no particular reason.
4. Before posting something negative on the thread...please think of how it will affect other reply...type your it a few it if you feel it's ok...if not...go on without've already typed already got it out of your's a done deal...
5. Please...try not to go on and on and on on the same subject. Expressing your opinion once is enough...we got your point...thank you for posting. Unless there is something new to say...please don't say it...or say it in PM to whoever you think should hear it again.
Alright...these are just my thoughts of how to keep this forum going and for us to remain friends if not forever...then for a very very long time...
Please feel free to express here your thoughts and ideas of how to keep our friendships intact and keep ourselves from murdering each other.
The Flying Mouse
06 Dec 2006, 16:06
:twisted: Thread moved from Off Topic.
thanks Zina,
you have written what my thoughts were the last few days..only my english isn't always good enough to make a post like that..
thanks once again.
Zina you're not the only feeling like that, and I assure you that if this continues I can give you a list of people who will no longer be using this forum.
I come on here to - amongst other things - relax, and to chat about something that means a lot to me, but unfortunately there is a minority of people who seem to thrive on controversy and posting utter crap which makes for extremely grim reading.
So sadly Zina, you're right, a lot of people are going to be disappearing...
So sadly Zina, you're right, a lot of people are going to be disappearing...
This thread was actually started to KEEP people make us face the reality and smell the coffee...
So I DO hope people will stay...just re-evaluate their priorities and their relatioships here...
Please please please...prove me wrong!!!
You got that right......
06 Dec 2006, 16:23
I couldnt say anything that hasnt been said alraedy.
Thanks for your thoughts and I think this thread is worth a sticky! Mods?
Edit: I used to try to register on other music related fan forums or forums in general, but soon I left everyone of these sites again, because the expressed attitude was very rude and a politeness or friendly handeling of other people was missing there.
This is really a GREAT forum with GREAT people, dont let us destroy it!
06 Dec 2006, 16:44
i come her because i'm a fan from meat loaf and his band. I like to talk with other people about it, in a positive way... why i like his music etc. This site never felt like a home to me untill i met fans at RAH. Now some people are a little bit closer to me. I personaly don't feel the negative things as much as mszee is talking about, but perhaps that is because i don't understand everything what's been said, and i don't read everything. I think that there must be room for a little negative posts, because it's an openion. If that is written with reasons why somebody feels that way, it's oke with me. But just shouting it stinks.... that's to easy. Attacking people on a forum is just not done! ignore him/her is better for everybody's health ;) Don't forget what this is all about, the thing that has brought us together: Meat Loaf!
let's keep rocking!
06 Dec 2006, 17:41
finally a post to make some sense about the good the bad and the downright craziness of the last while...
only thing is i've now got the tune of the title of this thread in my head and it won't stop...which is not got cause i think diana ross is annoying:D
So I DO hope people will stay...just re-evaluate their priorities and their relatioships here...
My priorities are not stressing about the idiots who cause chaos and make it increasingly difficults to have relationships on here...sad but true
Mick Loaf
06 Dec 2006, 19:36
Thanks mszee, that was very well put.
06 Dec 2006, 20:11
I'm also still new to this site, but i would say i have found a place i can share my love of Meat Loaf and all things related. Also i hope i get on well with everyone on here.
I think it's a great site to get info that you just otherwise don't get. Unfortunatly i can't see thing's changing there are quite a few on here who have issues that i feel won't stop being negative.
All you can do is avoid a post you don't like, an opinion is just that not a fact or a truth you just have to live with it even if you don't agree.
There is more positive people on here than negative so let's hope like me any new member's will see this and give the site a chance. :-)
Well said, Mszee.
I don't post here much.. compared to other ML websites I belong too, because the general negativity here, a good deal of the time, makes me uneasy and on gaurd about what I say... because I feel that,there are a "few" who cannot wait to jump on anything you say..
I do like this site though, so if we COULD just let go of the negative energy around here, it would be a much NICER place to visit, for everyone.
06 Dec 2006, 23:07
Zina, you summed up my thoughts in one.
I come here because of my love of Meat Loaf, and when I say that I mean it's respected and I feel it a real honour that we not only have Meat Loaf visit every so often but Paul also, this is precious and I think with this in consideration alot more care should be taken when posting because as pointed out before, Meat doesn't have to come here but he want's to, it's his way of giving something very personal back and think for a minute how he must feel when he comes here and see's his so called fans (And I am bunching a handful in that because 99% of us treat him with the kindness and respect he deserves) slander his work and call his hard work for want of a better word 'crap', and though that's an opinion and I respect that just think if this was you who had worked really hard and put yourself out there and then read negativity like that and yes I have seen Meat loose it completelly once and that totally upset me.
But that aside I think the internet can be a dangerous tool sometimes and when you express an opinion it can sometimes be misconceived as an insult or abusive when that wasn't your intent. I don't know but thanks Zina for making this thread. I really hope we can maintain a strong unit and keep all friendships together. More importantly keep Meat here. Because I find it such an honour that he cares enough to come here, I really do.
Well said Zina Lets loose the negativity and start looking forward to having a great time next year with the tour!! Well said Rosie we are all fans and not critics!!
Well said Zina Lets loose the negativity and start looking forward to having a great time nice year with the tour!! Well said Rosie we are all fans and not critics!!
I am at work right was reading this post while my boss was ripping my ear off on the phone about some I've read..."looking forward to having a great time nice year with the court"...hahahahaha...oh god...I hope it's not a sign of things to come...
You said it Zina. There are some people on here that I don't really care for so I just avoid them. No problem. There are some people on here that I really do love talking to so I just talk to them. Bashing people should stop, do the PM thing instead. I have been reading some of the post thinking, "What are they talking about" "It make no sense" "How negative can some people be" You have problems with someone make it private. When I first came here, all the negativity, I almost stopped coming. Just think twice before ranting and raving on here.
Sorry long day and very hungry!! Whose gonna sue first!!!
Sorry long day and very hungry!! Whose gonna sue first!!!
You didn't do anything wrong...I misread the post...also long day...also hungry...
Think we should eat something before it goes to court?
You didn't do anything wrong...I misread the post...also long day...also hungry...
Think we should eat something before it goes to court?
Definately!! How about some noodles!!
I do know that my best friend left this site and will never come back because of all the horrible incredible down right nasty negative PMs she received when she did a post. I don't blame her but just get past it and move on. I was like that too, staying away from the chat room because of someone but HEY let's get beyond that, I have. An opinion is an opinion, please don't jump down people's throats.
07 Dec 2006, 01:01
Hmmmmm, there's a few things about the initial post that has me curious, reasons, timing, is there certain elements that's hypocritical etc etc
It's a nice idea and all that, don't get me wrong, a little too Partridge Family though.
Pud :twisted:
Hmmmmm, there's a few things about the initial post that has me curious, reasons, timing, is there certain elements that's hypocritical etc etc
It's a nice idea and all that, don't get me wrong, a little too Partridge Family though.
Pud :twisted:
Reason: Sick and tired of things going on here lately
Timing: is perfect...maybe I wore blinkers before - who knows...but just now noticed what is going on here
Comment on hyporctirical elements:
I am not just an author of this thread...I am it's reader too...whatever I said initially...applies to me too and hopefully will be implemented by me in the nearest future...
And you know the end of the day...there was nothing wrong with Partrige Family...
07 Dec 2006, 01:21
I think to get at the root cause of the problem, you need to find out what happened lately to cause the board to go the way it has. But ot be honest, I don't see much difference in how the board is now than say 2 years ago.
To Chris: Did you're best friend report the person who made the nasty horrible PM's to the Mods? I'm assuming you're talking about Tina and that if she can log in as you, you can do likewise and if so you should forward the messages on and get that person reported.
Oh and before anyone starts assuming it was me who sent her a PM, it wasn't.
How's you're broken right hand and shattered left arm doing? Also is there any update on the prosecution of the attacker?
Pud :twisted:
I haven't been here 2 years ago...but understand a lot of people left...don't know why...don't know if I would have missed them should I have known them then...but...if somebody leaves now...we all just might miss them.
Just left and had to come back...
I am not big on reporting people to mods...I'd rather straighten things out or try to myself with offender directly...
With this said...there is a point in Pud's post.
If you feel you were insulted and/or you can't deal with the person directly and privately which, of course, is an optimal way...yes, there are mods here and pretty good ones too...let them handle it then...
AGAIN...this will prevent public fights where everybody and their uncle are involved and it esclates into a huge mountain which was nothing but a molehill to start with...
07 Dec 2006, 02:17
A lot of the so-called fights wouldn't occur if the 2 or 3 or whatever people were left alone to discuss whatever they wanted to discuss. It's when someone labels it as a fight, then it's seen as a fight, when really it wasn't a fight at all, just strong opinions discussed in a manner that the individuals best knows how.
If people aren't free to fully express their viewpoint, even if it's positive or negative or whatever, without fear of the thread being locked or someone jumping the gun and getting their facts all screwed up, then a situation has been created where a situation never existed and a certain level of angst boild over onto another post.
There's a lot of so called do-gooders out there who think they're doing good but are in fact shit-stirring. You only have to look at the recent fanvideo thread for a classic example of that.
Pud :twisted:
I am not even going to go into that fan video thread issue - I don't understand really what happened there except for the sake of restoring peace let's just chalk it off to misunderstanding.
But that actually leads me to another issue.
If you choose to post here any kind of your personally made art...or if you decide to bring your personal issues into this forum...
People here have been known for extreme gentleness when it comes to things like that...
Once your choice is ready for a critique. If you can't handle the heat...don't jump into the fire.
Even famous artists, singers, actors, etc. get criticized...why shouldn't you?
And it's not like you're a Meat Loaf and it's not like it's your fanclub again...if you don't want everybody's honest opinion...don't post your stuff here then. It might be a treasure to you and to your family but a puzzling gibberish to others. Plenty of people don't like Mona your art isn't exempt. And it doesn't mean that it's bad...but you do open yourself to the wide range of audience here...
If you're a sensitive artist...and might get hurt...don't blame anybody if your art is misunderstood and you actually do get hurt...rather share your treasures with close to you people who will appreciate it or at least run it first by close circle of friends...
07 Dec 2006, 02:43
I only mentioned the fanvideo thread as an example only because it's something thats happened recently and it's not something I wish to discuss further.
The rest of your post I pretty much agree with.
Pud :twisted:
07 Dec 2006, 03:06
There are many posts here with which I wholeheartedly agree and relate. It took me a long time to feel comfortable posting here, because of a measure of bickering and negative criticism happening.
Not all here are eloquent in our posts. Some are timid and play down their thoughts for fear of intimidation. Some are limited in their expression by virtue of their first language being non-English. Some of us just want to be frivolous, and there are threads available for that. My recent change of avatar, siggie, etc, was a reflection of my lighter approach here, and I hope is taken in that same light. I think Meat himself would be the first to foster good humour, or at least, an attempt at it.
I have noted, with alarm, a downturn in good manners on other forums as well. Without the benefit of face-to-face contact, a lot of dry humour is easily misconstrued also. The use of smileys would significantly reduce some of these misunderstandings. As for the lack of good manners, I don’t think we’re going to get on top of that one quite so easily. We can only hope we all give careful consideration of others before posting our criticisms / opinions. “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” ??
I take Pud's point about the post he mentions. I read that thread, then went away and thought about it quietly. When I returned to the thread, I was able to see it from a slightly different angle. Perhaps a step back before jumping in with both feet might help somewhat for others as well.
I'm not going to include great amounts of love hearts, smileys, or even encourage a group hug here. I think we all just need some timeout to cool down.
Very valid and important point to emphasize here would be English as a second or third or whatever language.
Although this is UK Fan Club, there are a lot of us here who learned English as an adults and not using it on every day basis just don't have a strong command of it. I personally have been known to offend people just by simple construction...or shall we call it MISCONSTRUCTION of my sentences...and it would take me ages to figure out what exactly did I say to offend when no offense was ever meant.
On top of it...we come from different cultures. Something to take into consideration too. So...if you're British...and reading a post of a person from non-English speaking country...please give them your benefit of a doubt...
07 Dec 2006, 03:29
:D Hell, I've spoken Aussie English all my life! :D And I still get myself in strife. :D
Thank you Pudding but I will not report people I just ignore them. And NO you were not the one who sent the PM to Tina and it's her right not to come back here again. She wants to know what's going on here she asks me. As for as myself reporting people for her, sorry to say, it's her battle and her choice is not to come back. I have learned from other people not to get involved, that's how you loose friends.
That's it.
23 Dec 2006, 08:42
I do the same thing Ignore them...or block them Thank fully I haven't had any bad things on here to do that.
23 Dec 2006, 12:44
I know at times thing's get took the wrong way, but i agree that when a few have a difference of opinion people outside should leave them to it.
I don't know how many times in the short time i have been here that people get involved in something that doen't concern them.
As a newie it took sometime to get to terms with how thing's were on here. It can be quite intimerdating when you first start posting. At first i was not posting incase i got stick for what i would say.
Now thankfully i have stuck at it and don't know how i have managed for so long without this site. You know sometimes if someone say's something to you it's best to wait a while before replying because usually when you post it in the heat of the moment you don't say the right thing.
Sorry for rambling so much. :roll:
As the great John Lennon said - Give peace a chance. :D
28 Dec 2006, 18:01
Lennon also said 'One man's fantasy is another's reality', but yeah geordie loaf basically yeah i agree with you...
Things don't seem to be as heated here, well for the past couple of weeks, recently.
Things don't seem to be as heated here, well for the past couple of weeks, recently.
If you check, you'll find an awful lot of regular posters have stopped posting and/or visiting, and the general number of posts has dropped dramatically. Which means everyone can agree with each other in peace.
29 Dec 2006, 11:57
it's also christmas and a lot of people arent back in work yet...unfortunately i am!
it's also christmas and a lot of people arent back in work yet...unfortunately i am!
I agree...most forums get very quiet at this time of the year...well...we're back with vengeance!!!
02 Jan 2007, 04:17
Well this forum is always business
02 Jan 2007, 16:52
if this forum is business,maybe i should get a new contract with better terms then the last one i had (long term deal no pay):D
02 Jan 2007, 22:34
Like I said before things get taken out of context and then you get problems but it seems that an appology doesn't help either sometimes. Because of negativity and bickering we have driven Meat away and I don't know if it is temporary or not but really is this what we wanted? At a guess I would say no but it's happened. I think you can be misunderstood in so many ways and the best option is to stay quiet quite alot of the time, unfortunatly I found out the hard way.
However it's a brand new year so let's start again!
03 Jan 2007, 00:25
At the risk of being roundly lambasted ~ I did offer my thoughts on this thread early on, so CHISB, MeatGrl.
03 Jan 2007, 14:01
Meat Loaf not posting here in a little while doesn't mean we have driven him away...more then likely he's got a tour to prepare for, a video to shoot and various other business I would imagine.
I wouldn't encourage anyone to stay silent just incase they rock the boat, but i would say that there's ways to get your point across constructively and fairly. Long as we have that kind of freedom in here i think it'll be ok.
03 Jan 2007, 16:43
Huhum ! he's been on .net pratically every day since the 11th December so go figure;)!
Huhum ! he's been on .net pratically every day since the 11th December so go figure;)!
Well, .Net IS his official site...
I'm more concerned as to why anyone would know that..!!
03 Jan 2007, 17:53
the fact that Mr Loaf is visiting and posting on this forum is a nice addition to the forum, so we get news and infos from the man himself
I come here because of the great people and the interesting discussions and arguments and even if he left the site, that wouldnt be a reason for me to leave the site, to cry or to shut up.
As I said many times before:
Meat Loaf is a great artist and I really like his music, and I respect him for what he did/does, but he´s a person like you and me, he´s not God or somebody who´s worth more than other people.
If he stays or leaves, that´s his business, not ours. I would think that it´s sad, but I wouldnt really be bothered much. It would be much worse if some of my friends here would leave the site.
03 Jan 2007, 18:30
Huhum ! he's been on .net pratically every day since the 11th December so go figure;)!
So that means?...
[quote] RJ: 'he´s not God or somebody who´s worth more than other people.
If he stays or leaves, that´s his business, not ours. I would think that it´s sad, but I wouldnt really be bothered much. It would be much worse if some of my friends here would leave the site.'
Great point, if Meat Loaf wants to post here, great. If he wants to reply to any of private messages(which he has been nice enough to do so before) then that's great too, but I didn't join the official .net fanclub because for what it costs it doesn't seem to give enough , but that's just me standing on the outside (yes it's a pun!)
This place can be fun, there's some really decent people who like to come and have a decent discussion with give and take.
I have to agree with RJ 100%...
Exactly my thoughts but didn't have time to post from work.
10 Jan 2007, 01:58
I'm more concerned as to why anyone would know that..!!
Me too :shock:
And RJ makes some very valid points :up:
Pud :twisted:
10 Jan 2007, 15:12
Me too :shock:
And RJ makes some very valid points :up:
Pud :twisted:
Wow and that from the pudding himself!:shock::)) Thanks Sir! :lmao:
Mick Loaf
13 Jan 2007, 15:22
Glad to see thngs have calmed down a bit. Maybe it was like a bushfire?
Nature's way of starting again. Sometimes it's good to have a bit of an
arguement to clear the air. :??:
And I also have to agree with RJ, Meat posting here is a nice touch but it's not the be all and end all of the site.
It's the members as a whole that make me want to return.:-)
Meat Loaf is a great artist and I really like his music, and I respect him for what he did/does, but he´s a person like you and me, he´s not God or somebody who´s worth more than other people.
OMG! Finally!
The bit I've put in bold I agree with 150% and I have been saying this for oh like 2 years and I've been shot down told I'm stupid and various other things, glad someone else agrees.
OMG! Finally!
The bit I've put in bold I agree with 150% and I have been saying this for oh like 2 years and I've been shot down told I'm stupid and various other things, glad someone else agrees.
Really? You'll find out that at this point quite a few of us agree...
15 Jan 2007, 03:44
Really? You'll find out that at this point quite a few of us agree...
There's more that don't and that's how some of problems are started.
Pud :twisted:
15 Jan 2007, 14:31
well in general we could do with less of the 'keep your opinions to yourself' attitude.
So good threads with healthy arguments are fine by me.
15 Jan 2007, 16:09
Ditto (to avoid the phrase CHSIB:)))
15 Jan 2007, 17:22
amen (and awomen, cause i'm not sexist!) to that
How strange that things quieted down with Meat not coming here...hmmm...
15 Jan 2007, 17:38
I look forward to seeing Meat post here again, whenever that is.
but it's not the be all and end all for my posting here
I think a lot of thoughts and feelings were being kept in - and I include myself there - it built up, threads like this were started, people vented, it's done with. Fab.
15 Jan 2007, 18:40
it's like cheap therapy...without the couch!
it's like cheap therapy...without the couch!
Cheap? We'll be sending invoices out shortly :))
15 Jan 2007, 18:48
If that's the case my address is '15 Yemen Road, Yemen'
Really? You'll find out that at this point quite a few of us agree...
Maybe at this point, but only a few months ago (half a year ago now) most people wouldn't be able to say that without starting WWIII or is it IV now.
Maybe at this point, but only a few months ago (half a year ago now) most people wouldn't be able to say that without starting WWIII or is it IV now.
I've been here almost a year now...think I've missed all the excitement somehow...and it feels great!!! :lol:
The Flying Mouse
16 Jan 2007, 16:02
:twisted: Just a couple general observations, why is it that with the various Meat Loaf communities on the web, the same people seem to follow the same people onto every forum and have the same arguments?
This is something that has long confused me :wtf:
Another forum I visit (yep, believe it or not I have a life away from this place :lol: ) was going through a dreadful bout of arguing because people cpuldn't get on.
In the end, a splinter group went off and made their own forum, and things have been AWESOME 8)
Not one fight or argument, never a word said in anger, just a group of folks with a common interest talking about our thing and having a lot of fun in the off topic section.
Now on the subject of is Meat god....
Well, whatever, but, this was at one time a forum he read and posted on.
I don't know if you remember this, but Meat came here in the run up to CHSIB, and told us (words to the effect of) "I haven't told the record company yet, you guys are the first to know, this is the track list of the new album.
Don't know about anyone else, but I happen to thing that is pretty mother cluckin cool.
So why is it, that on the one site Meat was posting on, people had to give him grief?
There are people who believe (right or wrong) that having the artist on the forum destoys what the forum is.
You cannot have an honest opinion because the artist might be offended.
But there are other ML communities online.
Naked Wire, Mirror Of The Soul, two respected names in the online ML world, and both have forums that welcome honest opinions no matter what they might be.
OK, so everyone in the world with an "honest" opinion goes off and sets up a forum.
What does that leave mlukfc as?
A site of Meat Loaf obsessed sycophants toadying to a self righeous rock singer who'll spit his dummy out if you don't praise every golden sound that comes from his mouth? :drool:
Where would this leave this other forum?
A group of know it all music snobs with their heads up their own asses, feeling all big and grown up because they are sharing their opinions, and nobody can tell them what to say, or what to think, and it doesn't matter that they couldn't hit top C with a fart after a chicken vindaloo, at the end of the day they are right and that's that and you can't change our opinion and Meat can't tell us what to think so there :bicker:
BUT, look at the forums with a different eye.
On one forum, Meat is amongst people who make him feel good about the work he has put out.
He gets the acklaim that EVERY artist needs.
The forum members are able to enjoy the company of their idol, and to thank him for the latest slice of Loaf.
Everyone on the forum is HAPPY.
On the other forum, people are exchanging views and debating the tracks on the last album.
There is nobody telling them that they are wrong, there is 100% free speech, and no subject is taboo.
People on that forum are HAPPY.
Can ANYONE see where i'm going with this? :roll:
Why has it become that people feel obligated to follow each other around to argue with each other, when it's obvious that those people do NOT get on, do NOT like each other, and will NEVER change the mind of the other person?
16 Jan 2007, 16:52
Fair points all round
From my point of view the thing that annoys me to read are the ones that blindly follow no matter what is said.
I'm all for debate, cause that's what a forum is about, but there's no chance of a debate when someone's(either Meat Loaf's or anyone else's) is agreed with and treated like infallibility is alive and well.
The undercurrent of anger has reduced significantly and maybe Mszee put her finger on the right reason or part of it.
In one way or another we're all passionate about the music of, and some cases the man, Meat Loaf.
At the end of it all I'd like to be able to express my view about a song/an album/a live performance, be it positive or negative in a constructive way. I'll always back up my point. I don't expect people to agree with me, but i do expect people to respect my view.
17 Jan 2007, 11:42
Can ANYONE see where i'm going with this? :roll:
Not really. You had me at Hello! but lost me at the "fart after a chicken vindaloo"
Pud :twisted:
17 Jan 2007, 12:40
I can probably hit top C in a song and be nicely aided by my own personal wind section but chicken vindalo isn't usually on my menu
17 Jan 2007, 13:27
Not really. You had me at Hello! but lost me at the "fart after a chicken vindaloo"
Pud :twisted:
The Flying Mouse
17 Jan 2007, 19:59
Not really. You had me at Hello! but lost me at the "fart after a chicken vindaloo"
Pud :twisted:
:twisted: My post was really THAT hard to understand? :roll:
I'll try and talk really slowly this time shall I and try to use smaller words :yep:
People who want to express negative opinions would be happier away from people who just want to look at the positive sides of Meat's career.
People who want to focus on the good stuff Meat has done would be happier away from people who are happy to post their negative opinion.
Good enough, or should I get the letter bricks out? :mrgreen:
I like the sound of the happy positive forum it sounds really cool!!!
evil nickname
17 Jan 2007, 20:33
:twisted: My post was really THAT hard to understand? :roll:
No, seems like I got it after all: you're either a "Meat Loaf obsessed sycophant" or a "music snob with [your] head up [your] own ass", and you seem to prefer to have the former over here while the latter, pardon the French, fornicate off.
Unless I still got it wrong, and in that case, yes, it is that hard.
I'll jump in, before this thread degenerates into the slanging match that the intention was to avoid.
Let's just try to respect other peoples opinions please, and show a little restraint. That's all we ask
17 Jan 2007, 21:17
I still stand to reason that a little respect goes a long way.
I am not looking for fights here but I did notice alot of the time when Meat appeared on our screens there were few who liked to take that performance and peel it to shreds like an onion, when shouldn't we be grateful that he is back on our screens again, it got to the point where Meat felt he had to make a thread to forewarn us that he would be lip synching when really is that really fair:roll: ?
Though I respect people's opinions as it would be boring if we all thought the same, but to immeditaly judge someone for theirs isn't exactly fair either.
A little restraint would go a long way!
17 Jan 2007, 21:17
nothings wrong with negative OR positive opinions but its the way both are expressed that is wrong.....
some folk who didnt like bat3 expressed it in a terrible and argumentative way while those who thought it was fab and couldnt critisice a single aspect did exactly the same....the funny thing is the people who fall into either category dont seem to think they do...
anyway this is just another post which is saying what many others have before which will also be duly ignored because everybody knows best and nobody can tell them how to behave.
i dont know about you guys but i personally have a hell of a lot more important things going on in my life than worryng and getting stressed over this shite.
nothings wrong with negative OR positive opinions but its the way both are expressed that is wrong.....
some folk who didnt like bat3 expressed it in a terrible and argumentative way while those who thought it was fab and couldnt critisice a single aspect did exactly the same....the funny thing is the people who fall into either category dont seem to think they do...
I agree.
The problem that I have is, I don't think Meat is perfect (maybe that's not a problem) of course he has he faults. So when people get on their high horse about this is a website dedicated to him so nothing bad should be said about him, I have two choices: argue because I most certainly don't agree with that, everyone has their faults and personally that's why I think today's society stinks because "my kid is perfect he'd never do something like that" suck it up the evidence is in front of you accept no one is perfect move on. Or, I can walk away and not visit here for a month or so which I have done on numerous occasions normally I don't vocalise I'm leaving just go, it's easier...
I like the sound of the happy positive forum it sounds really cool!!!
A happy forum I don't have a problem with but why must everything be positive, just because there are disagreements doesn't make a forum unhappy, just more interesting. If we all liked the same thing and didn't have an opinion, life would be more than dull.
A little restraint would go a long way!
It works both ways though...
17 Jan 2007, 22:37
A happy forum I don't have a problem with but why must everything be positive, just because there are disagreements doesn't make a forum unhappy, just more interesting. If we all liked the same thing and didn't have an opinion, life would be more than dull.
I think it´s not as black-and-white as some think here.
You can have positive and negative views about different subjects, it´s not that there are the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys'.
I want to express my opinion, whether it is positive or negative, without the feeling that I would say something I´m not allowed to say.
It´s just natural that on a forum with more than 2000 members that there are different views. And if you have a differing view from one that was posted, then express it, but respect the other opinion too. (as many said before)
And if you look at the last 10/20 posts Meat did, then look at their responses too! You´ll see that 80% of them are like "good point", "I totally agree" or "Thanks Meat!", it´s not that EVERYBODY is just posting bad things after Mr Loaf has said something!
And even if: would that be bad?
Is it forbidden to argue with Meat Loaf? If you want respect, then show respect, and respect is, for me, to be HONEST with people, and if you have a problem with what Meat said, then post it.
He´s a big boy, he can handle it!;)
If I would be Meat Loaf, I would be annoyed by bootlickers ten times more than by someone who is honestly telling me his/her opinion.
17 Jan 2007, 22:44
as i said both views are fine by me as long as people talk properly and not in an argumentative way....
wow, this is probably the most tear quenching thread I ever read (and the only one I read fully)
The one and only thing that stresses me out the the infraction things. I am not afraid to say I've gotten two of them in two days for unintentionally hurting someone (s).
Something as little as sarcasm could be a big offense, if not said right. Signature or post. :|
And yes, 'Zina", you have made a few (likley a lot) of freinds in those 8 months, and don't get too overwhelmed over this, but that includes me as well. ;)
:oops: - WarioLoaf blushes and lays down to take a nap.
At this point I am actually completely overwhelmed what this thread was supposed to have been about, where it's been and where it's going...
Just reading it and biding my time until I can figure out what is it that I am thinking and what is it that I wanted to say and post it here...
wow, this is probably the most tear quenching thread I ever read (and the only one I read fully)
The one and only thing that stresses me out the the infraction things. I am not afraid to say I've gotten two of them in two days for unintentionally hurting someone (s).
Something as little as sarcasm could be a big offense, if not said right. Signature or post. :|
And yes, 'Zina", you have made a few (likley a lot) of freinds in those 8 months, and don't get too overwhelmed over this, but that includes me as well. ;)
:oops: - WarioLoaf blushes and lays down to take a nap.
P.S. Infraction points were not my doing...didn't report you...YET...:twisted:
A happy forum I don't have a problem with but why must everything be positive, just because there are disagreements doesn't make a forum unhappy, just more interesting. If we all liked the same thing and didn't have an opinion, life would be more than dull.
Isn't that why we're here tho' cos we all like the same thing!!
Isn't that why we're here tho' cos we all like the same thing!!
And what is more...MOST of us like each other...
P.S. Infraction points were not my doing...didn't report you...YET...:twisted:
You scare me......
J/K :shock:
18 Jan 2007, 01:09
:lmao: dont worry it happens to the best of us ;)
:lmao: dont worry it happens to the best of us ;)
Get scared of me? Oh yeah...I am scary...that's why I have that be EVEN MORE scary...BOOH!!!
18 Jan 2007, 01:19
i thought it was to seem less scary :shock:
i thought it was to seem less scary :shock:
No comment...just a promise...:twisted:
I WILL get you!!! :lol:
18 Jan 2007, 01:37
ummm i have your ticket :oops:
ummm i have your ticket :oops:
Oh no, you don't...I've PAID for it...
*Runs around like a mad woman trying to catch Anji and drag her back on topic*
18 Jan 2007, 01:47
what topic :shock: there's a topic
ok i've stopped running and all in the name of love!!
there ya go
what topic :shock: there's a topic
ok i've stopped running and all in the name of love!!
there ya go
I agree.
The problem that I have is, I don't think Meat is perfect (maybe that's not a problem) of course he has he faults. So when people get on their high horse about this is a website dedicated to him so nothing bad should be said about him, I have two choices: argue because I most certainly don't agree with that, everyone has their faults and personally that's why I think today's society stinks because "my kid is perfect he'd never do something like that" suck it up the evidence is in front of you accept no one is perfect move on. Or, I can walk away and not visit here for a month or so which I have done on numerous occasions normally I don't vocalise I'm leaving just go, it's easier...
Absolutely lot know how much Meat means to me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to agree with everything he says and take his every word as gospel, which is what some people here do which is what leads to the who "ass kissing" debate which breaks down into a slanging match. And just because Meat's so important to me doesn't mean that I'm going to jump to his defence and attack anyone who raises something that's either a valid point or something that can raise a healthy debate, which is something that doesn't seem to happen here!
18 Jan 2007, 14:35
18 Jan 2007, 19:14
Meatgrl1 'shouldn't we be grateful that he is back on our screens again, it got to the point where Meat felt he had to make a thread to forewarn us that he would be lip synching when really is that really fair ?'
Fair enough Meat did that but I don't get the fair part, regardless of us being forewarned, everyone would have had an opinion on the performance. We don't owe Meat anything on this site but respect. It's the 'bow down and worship your god' policy mixed in with the 'don't do anything to anger the beast' train of thought that annoys me, cause that's not opinion it's just people trying not to rock the boat and avoid confrontation.
Wario 'The one and only thing that stresses me out the the infraction things'
I couldn't care less about em and don't even know how many, if any i have:D (but i'm sure i'll be told as soon as this post is read)
RJ 'Is it forbidden to argue with Meat Loaf? If you want respect, then show respect, and respect is, for me, to be HONEST with people, and if you have a problem with what Meat said, then post it. He´s a big boy, he can handle it!'
Exactly. My god man, you're wise beyond your years;)
Keblou 'So when people get on their high horse about this is a website dedicated to him so nothing bad should be said about him. I have two choices: argue because I most certainly don't agree with that, everyone has their faults and personally that's why I think today's society stinks because "my kid is perfect he'd never do something like that" suck it up the evidence is in front of you accept no one is perfect move on. Or, I can walk away and not visit here for a month or so which I have done on numerous occasions normally I don't vocalise I'm leaving just go, it's easier...'
I agree with you. After recent events hopefully most of us are more aware about what respect should be shown.
Absolutely - respect is about listening to people's opinions, and even if you don't agree with them they can be debated as part of an adult discussion. Respect, to me anyway, is not agreeing with every word a person says.
18 Jan 2007, 20:35
Life would be boring if we all had the same idea's. Like me i'm sure Meat would rather people be honest with him then just agree for the sake of it. I will say this many times arguments were caused when Meat reacted to something which on some occasions he took the wrong way. (it happened to me on .Net).
I am guilty like many of replying to a post without reading others before it, and you can make your self look like a pratt. :lol:
Absolutely - respect is about listening to people's opinions, and even if you don't agree with them they can be debated as part of an adult discussion. Respect, to me anyway, is not agreeing with every word a person says.
Then, in the end, there is always the option to agree you disagree about whatever the subject is.
Isn't that why we're here tho' cos we all like the same thing!!
Yes we all like Meat loaf or have interest in him, but for some of us it's not just about meat some don't like Meat anymore (shock horror), but even if we go with we all like meat some people will like some songs and some won't like those songs and so on...
So no not everyone will like everything the same...
Ok so generally we are all here cos we like/love or used to like/love the same artist but not necessarily all the songs/films by that said artist!!
20 Jan 2007, 01:53
Ok so generally we are all here cos we like/love or used to like/love the same artist but not necessarily all the songs/films by that said artist!!
That lawyer training came in handy eh!!!!!
Ok so generally we are all here cos we like/love or used to like/love the same artist but not necessarily all the songs/films by that said artist!!
Right, so disagreement occurs... what I was saying in the beginning :roll:
22 Jan 2007, 00:26
i think this thread is just one big roundabout :?
i think this thread is just one big roundabout :? appears that's what it became now...
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