View Full Version : Scary AFL covers

10 Dec 2006, 21:55
Kinda moved this from another thread coz it was going off topic so...........

As Celine released IACBMN as Meat did AFL on Bat 2, who could've released AFL if Meat had done IACBTMN on Bat 2. You get the idea....

So far we've had....

Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton
Jason and Kylie
Peter Andre and Katie Price (Christmas cover)

My scariest pair would be Pete Doherty and Kate Moss, christmas single with white snow everywhere in the video.

10 Dec 2006, 22:25
Ann Widdicombe and John Prescott?

10 Dec 2006, 22:28
Posh and Becks!:yikes:

10 Dec 2006, 22:30
Ann Widdicombe and John Prescott?

Scary Andy, VERY scary lol

10 Dec 2006, 22:30
Daniel Küblböck:panic:



10 Dec 2006, 22:39
Britney Spears and K-Fed

10 Dec 2006, 23:29
Britney Spears and K-Fed

My god...I'd rather go in the electric chair before I hear that!

10 Dec 2006, 23:39
My god...I'd rather go in the electric chair before I hear that!

True...but it was on topic

Lord Kagan
10 Dec 2006, 23:54
Mr blobby :p even though he knocked him off the top spot

10 Dec 2006, 23:59
Michael Bolton and Nicolette Sheridan

11 Dec 2006, 06:08
Here's My Worst One's
Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton
William Hung and Jessica Simpson
Wierd Al and Alshey Simpson

11 Dec 2006, 13:55
How about Kermit and Miss Piggy for a real romantic one or Bert and Ernie for a funny one!!

11 Dec 2006, 14:00
This could get interesting if we paired up forum members...! :))

11 Dec 2006, 15:25
This could get interesting if we paired up forum members...! :))

I'd resisted doing that lol

11 Dec 2006, 18:20
Hey I didn't name names...just left the door open for someone else to!!

Lord Kagan
11 Dec 2006, 18:30
Gerry adams and Ian Pasiley - Anyone from Northern Ireland should get that :p

11 Dec 2006, 18:35
The LK verses RJ remix could be interesting!

11 Dec 2006, 18:51
Rainer and Diane?

Lord Kagan
11 Dec 2006, 19:41
The LK verses RJ remix could be interesting!

lol it would :up:

12 Dec 2006, 00:12
Just thought of another slightly scary duet, but I reckon we should get them to do it next time they're over in the UK ... Terry and Jules from The Nakedwire!

12 Dec 2006, 00:13
Ohhh how didn't I think of that!!!