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View Full Version : Santa, witness for the prosecution?

The Flying Mouse
12 Dec 2006, 17:38
:twisted: 12 yr old kid arrested for opening one of his xmas prezzies early :wtf: :nuts:


12 Dec 2006, 17:48
Fair play, he won't be doing that again will he!!!

12 Dec 2006, 18:03
Bit silly....................getting caught that is:D

13 Dec 2006, 07:05
Silly woman should have hidden it behind the kitchen drawers, like I used to do. :twisted:

13 Dec 2006, 10:41
To be honest, i contemplated taking Neil's present over on Christmas Eve just to stop him doing something like that.

13 Dec 2006, 15:22
Yeah...now he has a court appearance...in addition to the :retard: mother...

14 Dec 2006, 00:02
:wtf: :nuts: :wtf:

That's crazy! Seriously though that mother needs help, and that is the most messed up storry that's hit the news recently, thanks Neil for sharing it.


14 Dec 2006, 08:02
The really sad thing about it is thats its not even the up to date game boy!! Its only the advance theres 2 more that have come out since then the ds and the lite!! Poor little tyke wasn't even getting a decent present!!

15 Dec 2006, 12:31
Only in America!:lol: