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View Full Version : Pepperette

19 Jan 2002, 04:16

does anyone know about the Live video
"Meatloaf Meltdown" ? I hear it is an
explosive concert done in London. Has
any of concert been captured on CD ?
what is the track listing

till next time
~ take care Loafers ~

24 Jan 2002, 04:21
I have heard of the show. It was filmed
at Londons Brixton Academy and features
some explosive live versions of Bat Out
Of Hell , Execution Day and Others. VHS format runs for sixty minutes . But as
far as I know , there is no recordings on CD
from the record.

27 Jan 2002, 13:08
Ive never heard of it on CD, but it should be quite easy to get a copy on VHS. The fan club may have an eMail for a guy called called MADJOCK in Glasgow who can sell you a copy of the VHS? The show is made up of tracks mainly from Blind Before I Stop..

I have pictures from the show at
in one of the gallery's somewhere...

maybe sounds too - I cant remember!
