View Full Version : Oh holly good *%£$ Here comes a rant!

20 Dec 2006, 04:24
Ok, people read what ive just been made aware of. im outraged.
I like some people here am a fan of Tom and Jerry. And im sure some would agree that they are fantastic.
Sadly i have just learned that when T&J re-runs air (at least in the uk) apparently the voice of Toms owner has been changed to Irish so make the show more politically correct.
What the balls is that all about? Thats like stoping kids from Studying "To Kill a Mocking Bird" because it shows a deformed African American getting killed and accused of a crime he didnt commit. Or banning Crazy in Alabama cause Meat kills a black school boy. And the police then beat them up at the funeral.

Y and how can i compare these.

People can argue, well thats what happened in those day. People were discriminated against.
So does that mean jolly women like the original Mammy two feet didnt own cats or werent allowed to now that her voice has been changed?

If i were from the african american comunity i would probably be offended that the voice had been changed. The reason being that the woman who played her was working. She was an actress. She was lending her voice to a cartoon. She didnt have to. She could have said no. She wasnt tricked into being the butt of a racist joke or anything. And now because of the ridiculous level of all this PC crap that womans talents are no longer there. Do you think she'd be happy about it? Doubt it!

Please dont think of me being racist. I certainly am not. I just dont like it when stupid little people abuse their power and make the country a worse place to live.

Any thoughts on my rant folks?


20 Dec 2006, 22:44
ok i'll be the first to wade into this one ;)

i don't know much about this stuff so disregard as you see fit!
I'm assuming you mean the original cartoons are being shown again with the only difference being this one voice-over change,
if so and the true reason is what you say then it is wrong imo,
If the reason is pc then surely the pc thing to do would be to keep the original voice in? What you're describing seems to me the opposite to other politically correct stuff that has happened.

like i say i don't know much of this stuff to give more of an opinion so i won't waffle on with no substance ;)

22 Dec 2006, 12:45

Couch Potato
22 Dec 2006, 13:15
You are correct Dick, but the Irish woman was the voice for only one episode.

I have been put through every T&J ever made by made 5yr old niece I can assure it is just for one.

22 Dec 2006, 17:39

is this in response to my post?

23 Dec 2006, 06:11
Did they really do that cause if that is true thats sad