View Full Version : Emote Story
Lord Kagan
22 Dec 2006, 21:45
Just like the other thread, you tell a story BUT in this one in the sentence there has to be an emote, (thanks to caelan for the idea :p)
Once upon a time there was a man called :sherlock:
Once upon a time there was a man called :sherlock:
He was investigating a very strange disease where all people start to :drool:
Lord Kagan
22 Dec 2006, 21:54
the people looked very :hic:
and turned into :tard: looking
Lord Kagan
22 Dec 2006, 21:56
Because of the :twisted: wizard
coming from a :keke:country
Lord Kagan
22 Dec 2006, 22:01
whos pets all looked like :bunny:
:sherlock:didn't really know where to start
22 Dec 2006, 22:05
A local recommended seeking a :arrr: for clues
Lord Kagan
22 Dec 2006, 22:07
but the pirate was slightly:tard:
22 Dec 2006, 22:08
This caused him to :panic:
Lord Kagan
22 Dec 2006, 22:09
as he was looking for:hand: with finding the
22 Dec 2006, 22:11
:devil: he had a vision
22 Dec 2006, 22:30
this suggestion made him :lmao:
Lord Kagan
22 Dec 2006, 22:51
he then decided to go :nag: the village idiot
22 Dec 2006, 23:01
Who talked :shit: for 3 hours
after which time he decided to :boohoo:
22 Dec 2006, 23:46
which mad the locals :cheer:
Lord Kagan
23 Dec 2006, 00:14
just then an evil :devil: appeared
23 Dec 2006, 00:47
which caused total :silence:
23 Dec 2006, 00:48
that made him :roll:
23 Dec 2006, 01:27
so he decided to have another :cheers:
:barf: But...landlord of the inn he was staying in was completely :barf:
23 Dec 2006, 01:32
Disgusted by this he fakes a :yawn: and quickly leaves
the premises...on the way to another inn he meets...:yay:
23 Dec 2006, 01:47
He thinks to himself that he may have :hic: a little too much
But then he sees...:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
23 Dec 2006, 01:50
upon seeing these.. he .... :faint:
However...he got lucky...because :D was passing right by
23 Dec 2006, 06:30
So I picked him up, and helping him to the toliet where he....
23 Dec 2006, 11:20
:barf: after which i decided to take him....
Lord Kagan
23 Dec 2006, 15:29
he felt :oops: as he seen a
Santa Claus dragging him all puked up home...:roll:
23 Dec 2006, 23:53
where he :zzz: for hours
However...when he woke up he was badly in need of :coffee:
24 Dec 2006, 00:14
whe he had finished....he remembered what he was in the village for :sherlock:
And so he started to :whistle: and went
24 Dec 2006, 00:26
about :wtf: for clues
Lord Kagan
24 Dec 2006, 02:16
he felt slightly :mrgreen: as he
24 Dec 2006, 02:18
stumbled upon a :??:
24 Dec 2006, 06:26
a man wearing a pink robe reading a magazine about....
Lord Kagan
24 Dec 2006, 14:33
gnomes which made him :roll:
24 Dec 2006, 21:58
realising this could be a :??: he proceeded to...
Lord Kagan
24 Dec 2006, 22:02
:pray: to his
24 Dec 2006, 23:05
:devil: for....
25 Dec 2006, 06:24
a safe way out of .....
Lord Kagan
25 Dec 2006, 13:03
the :shit: he had stood in
26 Dec 2006, 08:47
just rolled off his shoe and the smell was.....
Lord Kagan
26 Dec 2006, 16:48
strong so he had to act :cool: to avoid
26 Dec 2006, 18:59
:oops: as he had seen a nice young ....
Lord Kagan
26 Dec 2006, 21:56
:ninja: doing his martial arts when all of a sudden a
26 Dec 2006, 23:40
:lock: jumped on top of him..
Lord Kagan
26 Dec 2006, 23:45
this made him very:angry: cause the lock was
27 Dec 2006, 05:19
Coved with crazy glue making the lock hard to get too and it was really......
Lord Kagan
27 Dec 2006, 14:45
:evil: because it had
Stopped them clean in their tracks,meanwhile.....
28 Dec 2006, 03:41
The cops were......
28 Dec 2006, 11:49
29 Dec 2006, 02:28
to muck coffee mixed with Baileys and were eating......
Lord Kagan
31 Dec 2006, 04:58
:shit: although
31 Dec 2006, 06:35
It was fake :shit: made out of choclate with some .........
31 Dec 2006, 12:00
magic dust brought to them by :sherlock:
01 Jan 2007, 02:08
Hey look a giant yellow chicken doing the chicken dance someone yelled and it was wearing a...........
01 Jan 2007, 16:56
fur coat made from :bunny:
01 Jan 2007, 21:03
raccoon pelt with...
Lord Kagan
04 Jan 2007, 21:11
:twisted: hairs which looked like
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