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31 Dec 2006, 04:27
Okay, so this has most likely been posted b4, but I am relatively new here so go easy on me. As the title suggests, What is your favourite NON Bat album.

So here goes , I`ll open a can of worms and tell y`all that mine is...

Bad Attitude!!

Any takers??

All the best and a happy new year (Hogmany tae aw ma fellow Scottish Meat Fans!!).

31 Dec 2006, 04:46
Yeah, I go for Bad Attitude too, but WTTN comes a very close second, and then Dead Ringer, but all close call. :D

duke knooby
31 Dec 2006, 04:57
well thats a difficult question, probably either wttn or bad attitude, though they're very different, depends on my mood, 3rd would be monsters loose, but again depends on my mood.

Lord Kagan
31 Dec 2006, 05:02
CHSIB, like most tof the album,

Jonty doi you like bat III as an album but not as a bat album? if that makes sense..

duke knooby
31 Dec 2006, 05:06
you mean monsters loose?? yeah, its better than chsib, definitely in the top 20 meat albums, lol

31 Dec 2006, 05:08
My fav non Bat album.. CHSIB


duke knooby
31 Dec 2006, 05:11
and i forgot deadringer, very difficult question, can i have a tie between dead ringer bad attitude and wttn?????

31 Dec 2006, 06:34
CHSIB and Welcome to the neighborhood are tied

31 Dec 2006, 07:31
Dead Ringer and CHISB are a tie for me, although Dead Ringer might just win by a nose hair.

31 Dec 2006, 12:03
CHSIB on top closely followed by Bad Attitude :D

31 Dec 2006, 13:00
Dead Ringer for me followed by WTTN.

31 Dec 2006, 13:22
damn, hard question:confused::lol:

either BA or WTTN.
I say WTTN, as the song quality is constantly on a high level. BA on the other hand has some VERY great song, but some less good too.

31 Dec 2006, 14:53
CHSIB as it has some great songs: "CHISB" and "DIST" and "MOS" plus "Testify". I personally prefer some of that stuff to Bat 3.

31 Dec 2006, 15:52
Mine has to be WTTN, followed closely by DR.

Eddie's Teddy
31 Dec 2006, 16:57
Mine has to be WTTN, followed closely by DR.

Yeah, same here. :D

31 Dec 2006, 17:46
CHSIB and Welcome to the neighborhood are tied

Same here

duke knooby
01 Jan 2007, 01:36
currently monsters loose is by far my most played non bat album, so its currently my fave i suppose.

01 Jan 2007, 01:58
CHSIB is my favourite ML album Bat or no Bat!! I still love it!!

01 Jan 2007, 02:06
Wow this was a tough question, WTTN or CHSIB.....................

I gotta say BA

01 Jan 2007, 15:33
For me it's either CHSIB or WTTN

02 Jan 2007, 01:53
Dead Ringer, BA and CHSIB...I don't like to choose from good things...love to have them all!!!

02 Jan 2007, 02:15
Is everyone assuming the question is "favourite MEAT non-Bat album"? 'Cos it doesn't say that so it's not clear what's being asked ...

Assuming Meat-only, then my order is Bat 1 -> Bat 2 -> DR -> Bat 3 -> CHSIB, so Dead Ringer would be my choice.

Otherwise there's a ton of albums I rate above Dead Ringer (but none above Bat 1/2).


06 Jan 2007, 05:02
WTTN. CHSIB second.

06 Jan 2007, 05:14
Darn you! Okay:

Stoney and meatloaf, Blind Before I stop, Bad Attitude , and Dead Ringer.

Welcome and CHSIB are good, but don't exceed them.

Midnight sucks, hate to say it here, but Promised Land, Razor, Midnight, and if You Really Want To are the really good songs there, even they are a bit low tone.


06 Jan 2007, 06:29
I actually like Midnight, i think Meat sound's great on the album. I would add to the one's you already mentioned fallen angel & you never can be to sure as song's that stand out.

06 Jan 2007, 06:33
Of Course Never too sure, I forgot! and Wolf at Your Door, yes. BUt fallen Angel, prissila, Don't you look at me like that, they are very unbearable.

I'm probably the only person who can lyp-synch Promised Land in its entirety. Took me two years, but I have it down Finally.

07 Jan 2007, 02:01
My fave non-bat and third fave Meat album is 'Bat Attitude'.

10 Jan 2007, 01:49

Pud :twisted:

Loafy Meats
10 Jan 2007, 15:36
Dead Ringer is my fave Meat Loaf album anyway. But I think some of the best songs are on WTTN. Midnight at the Lost and Found was the first album I bought with my own cash so that's special to me - but I just about wore out the Bad Attitude album - Just now I can't seem to get enough of Blind before I stop- Its been in the car for about 3 months solid now.

I'm one of the minority people who would probably listen to the non bat albums more than the bat ones.

10 Jan 2007, 16:24
Couldn't have said it better closely followed by Welcome to the neighbourhood

10 Jan 2007, 23:34
Bad Attitude, then Couldn`t have said it better

22 Jan 2007, 03:41
CHSIB !!!! Love it!

22 Jan 2007, 05:06
Dead Ringer

22 Jan 2007, 15:08
Welcome to the Neighbourhood!!!! Love it so much!:heart:

22 Jan 2007, 18:36
My fav is The Monster Is Loose :P

Evil One
22 Jan 2007, 18:36
Very Best Of
Dead Ringer
Welcome To The Neighbourhood
Bad Attitude
Couldn't Have Said It Better
Blind Before I Stop
Midnight At The Lost And Found

22 Jan 2007, 18:50
The hard thing on this question is that all the albums have a great musical quaility, the quality of the BOOH albums are outstanding, but these all are still great. The difference is that the quality is nearly the same on most of the albums (speaking of Dead Ringer, Bad Attitude, Welcome to the Neighbourhood and CHSIB) all got great and less good songs, and that makes it so hard to judge.

22 Jan 2007, 21:19
Dead Ringer

Absolutely - best album he ever did!

22 Jan 2007, 21:29

22 Jan 2007, 22:49

2. BA


Mick Loaf
23 Jan 2007, 01:23
WTTN though I haven't listened to it for ages.

Think I might stick it on now!:D

25 Jan 2007, 17:25
"Welcome to the neighbourhood" and "Bad attitude".

Sapphire Lady
25 Jan 2007, 21:06
Another vote for Dead Ringer :D

25 Jan 2007, 21:37
for me, tricky one: it's got to be a choice of three

deadringer/bad attitude or blind before I stop

my cat feels the same!!!


25 Jan 2007, 21:48
for me, tricky one: it's got to be a choice of three

deadringer/bad attitude or blind before I stop

my cat feels the same!!!


Jeepers creepers...you ARE a witch after all...:shock:

25 Jan 2007, 22:00
liked that quote zina

25 Jan 2007, 23:58

26 Jan 2007, 22:07
Welcome to the Neighbourhood - but I also love Midnight at the Last & Found!