View Full Version : Favourite Meat Loaf Character?

07 Jan 2007, 05:11
Ok... this has possibly been done before, if so, sorry :oops:

I saw “Roadie” for the first time on Friday night. What a brilliant film. It set me to thinking (‘cause I can’t sleep as usual) about the characters that Meat Loaf has portrayed and I wondered who folks’ favourites are and why.

OK… I’ll start.

Aaron Felton – DMG (Mail Order Bride)
My heart went out to him. Can’t explain why, he was just…. so sweet. I loved the end where he listened to the boy and went after his mum, and even though she professed her love for the bad guy (to save Aaron Felton’s life), he stayed on it and whooped the bad guy’s ass. That’s my kind of man.

Travis W, Redfish – Roadie
Loved his entrance, the smile, the eyes, loved his trailer boogie, I haven’t smiled as broad as that at a film in ages. Playful, exciting, lovable, loved the shy bit where he said she was beautiful. Awww bless. Just want to cuddle him.

What do folks think?

07 Jan 2007, 05:55
You've already named my 2 favorites, JanT. :))


07 Jan 2007, 10:59
I´m up for Eddie :))

07 Jan 2007, 18:51
I like Bob, face blown off and Bitch Tits!


07 Jan 2007, 19:59
I can only have 2?

Travis W Redfish is one of my ultimate favourites because this guy is so sweet, caring and putting himself out there to help others but yet it is still not good enough. Several parts of the film you want to shake Lola and say; Look this guy is crazy for you, quit talking about Alice all the time.
That aside the brainlocks are amusing and I would do anything to have a guy that was like this.. If he LOOKED LIKE THIS ASWELL it would be an absolute dream come true :drool: :faint: :heart: :faint: :drool:.

Part that almost made me cry when I first saw it...


TRAVIS: My sister and my best friend are
getting married, and that means alot to me, and if
I ain't at their wedding, then I'm gonna feel like a
bigger fool than I do right now.
LOLA: But Redfish, you can't ask me to go with you now!
TRAVIS: I didn't say a word did I?
LOLA: But Redfish, this is my dream. I may never get
another chance.
TRAVIS: You probably won't!

It's just so beautiful but so sad at the same time.


Big Jake Grizzley is my second choice because apparently this is Meat's meanest role
yet and they were not exaggerating. He's also gorgeous in this and what can I say...
Nothing much just that I love him alot!


Best bit...

WESLEY: I told you this guy was a jerk!
JAKE: Walk easy kid... I didn't come here to be insulted!
WESLEY: Where do you usually go?
JAKE: Listen you sort of short little runt. You wanted
a Yeti and I got you a Yeti OK?!?
WESLEY: Oh! Let me...
JAKE: Hey you say one more rude word to me,
I promise you this, I will throw you across the room!
WESLEY: You idiot!

;lmao: !!!


07 Jan 2007, 20:54
Damn. forgot my second one!

Meat in Extream Dating with the bear! I forget his character's name, though. :oops:

07 Jan 2007, 21:03
Damn. forgot my second one!

Meat in Extream Dating with the bear! I forget his character's name, though. :oops:

I have yet to get that one though I have seen a clip...


Thanks to blackkat for hosting it:))!

07 Jan 2007, 21:09

yet meat with no pants .......


07 Jan 2007, 21:25
I've got to say Eddie and Travis.

Especially since I have only seen him in three films (those two and the tower one!)

07 Jan 2007, 21:39
Sheriff John Doggtt and Eddie.

07 Jan 2007, 22:15
I've got to say Eddie and Travis.

Especially since I have only seen him in three films (those two and the tower one!)

The Squeeze he plays a mute for most of this film called Titus. That is disappointing because Meat Loaf just does not do mute:bicker: :angry: :bicker: !!! He has the grand total of three lines out of the entire thing and then dies by having a replica of the State Building lighter stabbed through his heart:(! Though I suppose for some compensation we get Blind Before We Stop playing in the nightclub scene!

08 Jan 2007, 00:41
NJope not that one Emma.

The one where he plays the maintainence guy in the tower in Vegas who is determined to get the roller coaster working and ends up trapped in the burning tower.

08 Jan 2007, 00:49

I have yet to see that one I think...

08 Jan 2007, 01:43
I've got to say Eddie and Travis.

Especially since I have only seen him in three films (those two and the tower one!)

the tower one "TRAPPED"

08 Jan 2007, 04:30
I used to have Trapped...(pretty good) but I accidently taped over the first half of it recently and have not seen a copy of it for sale or on tv since.

But Jim, that character, from what I remember was very sweet.
I love Travis, too. And Aaron Felton...what can I say? I love the romantic ones!

08 Jan 2007, 19:40
hmm, i havent really seen many meat films to comment but i obviously like Travis (duh who doesn't!)
my second out of what i have seen would probably be the lizzard (not because i like the character, but cos i think meat did the rol really well,,does that count?)
but the extreme dating clip looks cool...may change it to that character once i see the full film lol