View Full Version : Heather AKA Meataholic and Heady has had a baby boy!
Sorry this is late Heather, but it's that real life stuff getting in the way again lol.
Congratulations to my very wonderful friend Heather on the birth of her little bundle of joy Billy. I can't wait to see you both! Give him a big hug and kiss for me. Thinking of you both
Lots of love Deb xxxx
Congratulations, Heather, on the birth of your little rocker!!!
Wishing you, baby and your entire family all the best and many many happy and healthy years together!!!
21 Jan 2007, 17:29
Congratulations to Heather and her bloke on the birth of the new baby, here's hoping your sleepless nights can all be Meat related!
Congratulations Heather ... I know I joked about you holding out until this coming Monday, but in the end what's more important is that you, baby Billy and Dad are all ok!!
Hi Heather!
I hope you are all making out just fine! Another good reason to bring out a toast today! Congrats on bringing another l'il heartbreaker into this world! I wish you's all the best, right here & right now, but specially in all the years to come! See you somewhere on tour!
Greetz AnneV
Congratulations Heather!!!
Sorry not to be sharing my Birthday with Baby Billy but chuffed to bits he arrived before January 22nd! :lmao:
Glad to hear you're all doing well, that's another little Meat fan to add to the group!!
Lucy xx
Congratulations Heather ... I know I joked about you holding out until this coming Monday, but in the end what's more important is that you, baby Billy and Dad are all ok!!
Since this thread is, quite literally, to celebrate the birthday of Billy ... I have to ask ...
Any cake? :))
The Flying Mouse
21 Jan 2007, 19:40
:twisted: Metal 8)
Congrats folks :D
Congrats Heather, on the arrival of your son. :))
Congratulations, Heather!
Hope he will grow up healthy and give you all lots of joy.
congratulations to all the family may you all have lots of specail memories together
chris & tribe xx
21 Jan 2007, 21:00
22 Jan 2007, 00:19
congrats and very very well done :D:D:D:cheer::cheer:
and good luck ;)
Just heard that Heather and Billy are going home today!
22 Jan 2007, 14:55
Congrats Heather, hope everyone is well :-)
Congrats and well done!!!
Congratulations Heather :D
Wishing you and your little family all the best!
Love, Tamara xx
Congratulations Heather.
I hope all is going well for you adn your family.
Now, have you got as far as entering into your baby book both "Baby's first Meat loaf album" and Baby's first Meat Loaf singalong"? :mrgreen:
02 Feb 2007, 18:47
Thank you all very much for your kind words:D My son Billy Scott Lewis was born on the 18th of Jan & he weighed 7lb 3oz. I was in labour for hours & hours & then I ended up having an emergency caesarian section!! But the important thing is that Billy is healthy:D
Billy is already a Meat Loaf fan!! And could currently be the youngest Meat fan on the planet:cool: As babies in the womb can hear what's going on in the outside world, Billy has been listening to Bat111 almost constantly for over 3 months. And when he hears Bat111 now he seems to be relaxed & content.
Here's a pic of Billy listening to Bat111. !.JPG
Heather x
02 Feb 2007, 19:32
he's gorgous :D
Well done luv ;)
He is already singing along ;)
Aww Heather!! Too cute!!!!
Working on the "babies can hear in the womb" theory...Billy has already experienced two live Meat shows and even "met" the man himself - hardcore fan already!!! :lol:
Lord Kagan
04 Feb 2007, 20:13
Congrats to both of you
08 Feb 2007, 13:29
Here's another photo of Billy - this was taken when he was only 5 minutes old!! - 5 mins old.jpg
And here's one of me & Billy when he was 10 days old. & Heather.JPG
Aww Heather!! Too cute!!!!
Working on the "babies can hear in the womb" theory...Billy has already experienced two live Meat shows and even "met" the man himself - hardcore fan already!!! :lol:
Yep you're right Lucy. Billy has been lucky enough to have already had many Meaty experiences:cool: These include following Meat around a golf course for 3 days (Deb & I recon we covered about 30 miles in total & we were exhausted, but it was so worth it as Meat was incredibly entertaining & we all had a fantastic time:D )
Billy's also been in Meat's presence at an album signing, a listening party, the Paul O'Grady show, 2 Meat concerts (RAH & Mannheim) & the Royal Variety Performance.
I've had such a wonderful Meaty time whilst I was pregnant that this little boy is surely going to be the biggest Meat fan ever lol.
Great photo's Heather ... and you're not looking too knackered either!
Do I have to add nappies and baby wipes onto the list of things to be "carried" in May? :kmao:
Thanks for sharing, Heather. You both look great. Hope Billy's sleeping times do allow you to remain that way ;) . Enjoy this wonderfull time; it flies!
08 Feb 2007, 14:20
Do I have to add nappies and baby wipes onto the list of things to be "carried" in May? :kmao:
Oh Yes!! If you thought the suitcase was big last October just wait until May:lol: :lol:
Hope Billy's sleeping times do allow you to remain that way ;) . Enjoy this wonderfull time; it flies!
I'm currently getting an average of 2 hours sleep per night! But you're right, it's a wonderful time & I wouldn't change it for the world.
Ohh he's a really cutie, he'll look great in the NLE Heather lol
Great to see you looking so well too!!!! :up:
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