View Full Version : Oxymoron - can you think of any?

26 Jan 2007, 19:08
conjoining contradictory terms (as in 'deafening silence')
Two words together that contradict each other.

I had an oxymoronic day today, I applied for a job I couldn't possibly get that pays less than I get on benefits.

The oxymoron that sprang to mind?

Womens' Logic

Can we think of any others?

26 Jan 2007, 19:24
Top 20:

20. Government Organization
19. Alone Together
18. Personal Computer
17. Silent Scream
16. Living Dead
15. Same Difference
14. Taped Live
13. Plastic Glasses
12. Tight Slacks
11. Peace Force
10. Pretty Ugly
9. Head Butt
8. Working Vacation
7. Tax Return
6. Virtual Reality
5. Dodge Ram
4. Work Party
3. Jumbo Shrimp
2. Healthy Tan
1. Microsoft Works

26 Jan 2007, 19:27
I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)


26 Jan 2007, 19:27
Military Intelligence

Government Worker

Dry Martini

Microsoft Works

Hard Water

Play Dead

26 Jan 2007, 19:31
Definite maybe

Jumbo shrimp

Act naturally

Almost exactly

Minor crisis

Exact estimate

clearly confused

extinct life

working holiday

freezer burn

26 Jan 2007, 19:32
original copies

unbiased opinion

even odds

free love

LOVE oxymorons as you can all see!!! :lol:

26 Jan 2007, 21:45
compassionate conservative

26 Jan 2007, 22:32
love the microsoft works one!:lol:

26 Jan 2007, 22:46
Trapeze Artist

27 Jan 2007, 11:37
waahahhaha :lmao: those are great... sorry.. couldn't think of any.

Ageing Bat
27 Jan 2007, 12:08
True Lies

27 Jan 2007, 12:44
Actually those oxywhatsever are very Steimanistic.
Think of it!
In every way I want you out of my life, but IŽll kill you if you dont come back

28 Jan 2007, 04:24
I saw a great one today!!!

Chinese Bistro...:wtf: