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View Full Version : Welcome

09 Jan 2001, 21:16
Hi folks,

due to people requesting a message board on mlukfc.com, we decided to install two new boards. Most of you will already know the look & feel of this board, because we use it as our guestbook, as well as in our News section.

We think, it's pretty easy to use and will not publish any documentation for it.

Just one hint:
It's possible, to include those funny little smilies in your post.
Now, how does this work?
Read on!

If you type (without the _ [underscore] between the characters!)

:_) you get: [./icons/icon7.gif]

;_) you get: [./icons/icon12.gif]

:_D you get: [./icons/icon2.gif]

8_) you get: [./icons/icon27c.gif]

x_) you get: [./icons/icon10.gif]

:_o you get: [./icons/icon11.gif]

:_( you get: [./icons/icon8.gif].

Easy, huh?

That's all, folks!
Have fun,


26 Sep 2004, 14:19

"We were so young and foolish, and now we are " much more im "mature"
:lol: "Martha" "Welcome To The Neighborhood" Track 11.

Those were the days...


10 Sep 2006, 16:22

Found the very first beginnig of this "waste" of time of our lives we call MLUKFC :cheer: Great! :))