View Full Version : Living On A Prayer for British Charts.

The Flying Mouse
29 Jan 2007, 18:52
:twisted: A pal of mine posted this on another forum.
Thought it might interest a few folks here.

Hi Guys,

There is a campaign going on by Bon Jovi Fans to get 'Livin On a Prayer' back into the UK charts.

Heres the info...

Hi Jovi Fans,

We are going to try and get Bon Jovi back into the UK charts.

Download 'Livin' On A Prayer' from Monday 29th January until Saturday 3rd February.

Heres a link to Woolworths where you can download for 59p. But any of the official download sites will do!


Please pass this email on to as many Jovi fans as you can.

Any help would be appreciated! 8)

I'll sticky this for one week (wanna try out a new function :mrgreen: )

29 Jan 2007, 18:55
It's an interesting experiment and had it have been "Living In Sin" I might've gone for it.

29 Jan 2007, 18:57
Interesting is one word for it ... but I've heard of at least 6 other experiments of this ilk in the past week ... all I can see coming out of this is company profits increasing ... cynical me? :twisted:

29 Jan 2007, 18:59
Can imagine the executives sitting in their offices thinking which old track shall we push this week!!!

29 Jan 2007, 23:15
So you really think it's a push by record company???

I mean...I don't exactly disagree...just wondering...

29 Jan 2007, 23:26
well it is a theory, i mean it wouldn't take much i suppose to log on as a dud name and suggest it to the fan forums, certainly beats advertising, just hit every official fanclub for any artist you hav with a reasonable following.

btw Neil i'm not dumping on this by any means, just thinking how it could be done is all ;)