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31 Jan 2007, 08:23
It's decision time and the question is:

Should I get a dog or a child?




31 Jan 2007, 09:57
:shock: Is there, perchance, a third option? :shock:

31 Jan 2007, 11:43
I'd get a dog .. then you can spend the change on a new sofa ... :))

31 Jan 2007, 12:51
Not the kids :shock:

31 Jan 2007, 13:49
Get a cat

31 Jan 2007, 13:50
It's decision time and the question is:

Should I get a dog or a child?




Pray tell, Chris, is there a way of 'getting' a child that we women don't know about that doesn't involve 9 months of peeing, backache and craving ice-cream and celery on toast?!!?

31 Jan 2007, 13:51
Pray tell, Chris, is there a way of 'getting' a child that we women don't know about that doesn't involve 9 months of peeing, backache and craving ice-cream and celery on toast?!!?

Ask Madonna

31 Jan 2007, 13:55
Ask Madonna

Damn... I didn't think of that...

31 Jan 2007, 13:55
Ask Madonna


01 Feb 2007, 00:22
Get a parrot. They are easier to care for than a dog, cat or certainly a child. Cheaper, too, almost no vet bills.

On the downside, they can argue with you just like a kid. And they can bite harder.

02 Feb 2007, 01:02
I've never seen a dog do that, I've seen what they can do to Piano legs, and as for children, we never did that as children :roll: :shock:

Mick Loaf
02 Feb 2007, 01:15
:shock: Is there, perchance, a third option? :shock:

I'm for the third way as well! Great pics though, made me laugh.:lol:

03 Feb 2007, 22:13
Having three nephews (live in Maidstone, luckily!), it's a dog for me anytime, not as noisy
At least the dog only scratched up the sofa, but the kids and the TV!!!!!:shock:

03 Feb 2007, 22:44
hehehe... very funny.. but don't choose the dog!!!

04 Feb 2007, 00:01
Get a parrot. They are easier to care for than a dog, cat or certainly a child. Cheaper, too, almost no vet bills.

On the downside, they can argue with you just like a kid. And they can bite harder.

Oh my dear lord...did you EVER actually had a parrot? And I mean...REAL parrot...not some small parakeet or something...

I did...

More work than ANY pet I've ever had...argh...

THAT didn't last AT ALL...