View Full Version : 31 ways to make a girl smile.

31 Jan 2007, 09:24
This has just landed in my inbox from a lovely lady:

1. Tell her she is beautiful
2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its Just for a second.
3. Hug her from behind
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her http://syokkahwin.com/blog/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif
6. Don’t go hang out with your ex when she’s not with you, you might not relize how badly it Hurts her.
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you’re done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her….let her know she’s yours and they aren’t.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say “hi”
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10.Play with her hair.
11.Pick her up (she loves it)
12.Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn’t like it
13.Make her laugh
14.Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15.If she’s mad at you, kiss her.
16.If you care about her, then TELL HER
17.Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal (she’ll hug it every time she goes to sleep), jewelry (she’ll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she’ll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with his cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally.
18.Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
19.Look her in the eyes and smile.
20.Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the heck of it
23.If your listening to music, let her listen too.
24.Remember her birthday and get her something, even ifnits simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. It means all the world to HER.
25.When she gives you a present on your birthday, Hari Raya, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don’t (it’ll make her happy.)
26.Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don’t necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27.Give her wat she wants
28.Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.
29.Dont hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she’ll feel left out.
30.Hang out with her whenever you are free
31.If u care about her…SHOW her!

Now the only one puzzling me is number 17 - the only t-shirts I own are either Meat loaf ones which i refuse to part with or freebie promotional ones from the lottery. Somehow I doubt a T-Shirt emblazoned with "Ask me For A Lucky Dip", "It's Rollover Time" or "Over 16? (we may ask for ID)" would go down very well!!!! :shock:

31 Jan 2007, 13:02
LOL good point Chris!! :lol:

Can't believe that you guys would need to read this though to figure out how to make your girls smile... ;)

31 Jan 2007, 13:14
Can't believe that you guys would need to read this though to figure out how to make your girls smile... ;)

That's the problem - I didn;t think i did need to read it to know how to make her smile. However, she has now got me paranoid - perhaps sheis hinting that i do need to read it. Or perhaps she just meant it as a funny email.


31 Jan 2007, 13:20
You mean there are instructions? :))

31 Jan 2007, 13:29
Don't tell me you didn't read this first...!! :lol:

31 Jan 2007, 13:30
I never read instructions first ... ever!

31 Jan 2007, 13:36
Mmm.. and if this doesn't work??? :lmao:

just kiddig.. nice to read... will pass the word of love on.

31 Jan 2007, 13:37
Make them smile???? As soon as they see the Meat Loaf collection they usually piss themselves laughing!!!!!!

31 Jan 2007, 18:43
Point 1 would have got me to smile:D but the other 30 a bonus:roll:

31 Jan 2007, 20:10
Most women laugh when i take my cloths off if that counts?:oops:
Hang out with her on weekends? don't think it would work unless they want to go to the match or spend the day fishing.

01 Feb 2007, 17:43
This must have written by a woman...no man would or could come up with something like that...cause they just don't know...nobody to blame...

01 Feb 2007, 17:44
32. She sees me:))

01 Feb 2007, 20:19

Mick Loaf
02 Feb 2007, 01:08
Somehow I doubt a T-Shirt emblazoned with "Over 16? (we may ask for ID)" would go down very well!!!! :shock:

That one's a bit close to the bone!:lol: :-P

Number 27 says it all really though it should be reworded slightly:

27.Give her what she wants
should read:
27. Give her whatever she wants whenever she wants it!(and hurry up about it);)