View Full Version : Meat Loaf Font
12 Feb 2007, 20:09
Anybody help???
I'm trying to find a font as close to the "Meat" style I can get but not having a lot of success, anybody know of one?
I seem to remember reading somewhere that there wasn't one but the writing was a mixture of fonts, though I'm probably wrong on that.
You're spot on Michael - the Meat Loaf logo is made up of a variety of fonts, and because of that there's a copyright on it.
Not sure about one's to get the usual Meat Loaf logo, there's one that's quite similar to the font used on the Dead Ringer vinyl single...
12 Feb 2007, 20:12
I want to do some stuff on leather but need a font for a pattern
(not that I'm saying this on a public forum, but ) can't you print the logo and use it as a template/stencil?
try to download deutch gothic.. that comes close..
very close
12 Feb 2007, 20:43
Many thanks Caelan, did a search and led me to a site for free fonts that had it, and a couple of other interesting ones.
Anybody else interested just click below......
you're welcome..
have fun with them:cool:
I want to do some stuff on leather but need a font for a pattern
12 Feb 2007, 21:27
What am I supposed to do with this font once I've downloaded it? I just get a winzip file on my desktop. Where do I extract it to so that I can use it in word docs etc? Soz if this sounds a bit thick, but I'm not the most computer savvy guy around... my talents lie elsewhere ;)
Extact the zip file into your Windows/Fonts folder, the font sholuld then appear in the font list in word etc.
What am I supposed to do with this font once I've downloaded it? I just get a winzip file on my desktop. Where do I extract it to so that I can use it in word docs etc? Soz if this sounds a bit thick, but I'm not the most computer savvy guy around... my talents lie elsewhere ;)
Don't worry, I'm the same, tried to have a discussion about my wireless internet connection the other night...wasn't happening! My talents definitely lie elsewhere!
12 Feb 2007, 21:36
You weren't alone Shaun, cheers Andy lol
12 Feb 2007, 21:50
Right, I did that, but it still wasn't showing up in text documents when I clicked on format and font, so I went into Windows>Fonts and noticed that the 'read-only' button wasn't ticked when I clicked on Properties, and it was for all the other fonts, so I clicked it, and hey presto! It works!
Does this mean I'm learning? ;)
Yep ... we'll make an IT geek out of you yet :lmao:
12 Feb 2007, 22:35
Right, I did that, but it still wasn't showing up in text documents when I clicked on format and font, so I went into Windows>Fonts and noticed that the 'read-only' button wasn't ticked when I clicked on Properties, and it was for all the other fonts, so I clicked it, and hey presto! It works!
Does this mean I'm learning? ;)
Yep I had to do the same!!!!!!!!!
The Deutch Gothic one will be the one I use, just got to change the capital "T" as it doesn't look right but the other letters are a near enough match.
12 Feb 2007, 22:47
where´s a capital T in Meat Loaf?:confused:
try Bradley Gratis its near enough spot on. pm me if u have problems finding / installing it
12 Feb 2007, 22:59
where´s a capital T in Meat Loaf?:confused:
Actually "Meat Loaf" are not the words I'm using, they're not even going to be used lol
12 Feb 2007, 23:00
will you light the big secret Michael?
12 Feb 2007, 23:04
Afraid you'll have to wait til May!!!!!
duke knooby
12 Feb 2007, 23:24
will it be MONSTRO??? i hope your beautiful bat 2 jacket isn't going to be restlyed!!
12 Feb 2007, 23:26
You and several others m8 lol
You can't deface that jacket Michael ... not after you promised it to me in your will :))
duke knooby
12 Feb 2007, 23:30
i believe it may be stolen in the near future, so dont wait for the will. is it well insured????
12 Feb 2007, 23:30
Well insured and well hidden lol
Oh you better don't do that, Michael...
12 Feb 2007, 23:36
Brings this back on topic lol
Cheers Ben, I've downloaded it.
12 Feb 2007, 23:48
is it The Monster Is Loose?
I know where it is!! So its safe and hopefully addition free!!!
13 Feb 2007, 03:20
I know where it is!! So its safe and hopefully addition free!!!
How much would it take for you to share that particular secret? You must have seen me eyeing-up that jacket enviously at RAH ;)
Everybody had their eyes on it and at the signing!! Thats why its being held at a secret location in a very exclusive place!! In other words my bedroom its too heavy for Michael to take home!!
*Looks up address, hunts out burglary kit, practises innocent look and innocent "I've had one of these jackets for years" statement :whistle:
You'll have to get past Marvin first!!!
13 Feb 2007, 11:27
Gets on bike to remove jacket from now not so secret location!!!!!!!!
I'll bring smoked salmon ...
13 Feb 2007, 11:30
I'll bring smoked salmon ...
HAHAHA He doesn't like that lol Now if you went with a pizza...............
Duck pizza it is then ... thank you :))
13 Feb 2007, 11:33
Oops, that's the guard cat taken care of
It'll look great hanging up next to my Virgin Records Bat II jacket in the secure location, guarded by the tigers and leopards :lmao:
13 Feb 2007, 11:39
Oh yes, that'll be the man made fibre bomber jacket wouldn't it lol
:lol: well the sleeves aren't ;-)
13 Feb 2007, 11:48
Duck pizza it is then ... thank you :))
Duck pizza?!! You can get duck pizza?!! Where from....mmmm Duck pizza!!! I'll swap the jacket for two of them please!!
Duck pizza?!! You can get duck pizza?!! Where from....mmmm Duck pizza!!! I'll swap the jacket for two of them please!!
Deal .. thin crust or thick crust?
is it The Monster Is Loose?
I reckon it's Seize The Night...
14 Feb 2007, 14:52
15 Mar 2007, 12:04
Thanks for everyone's help with the fonts, I'm using a collaberation of two.
I've also after much seaching found a company that'll do the stitching, all I have to do is print off what I want off the computer and they'll transfer it to leather, at an incredibly good price as well!!!!!!!!
Thanks for everyone's help with the fonts, I'm using a collaberation of two.
I've also after much seaching found a company that'll do the stitching, all I have to do is print off what I want off the computer and they'll transfer it to leather, at an incredibly good price as well!!!!!!!!
15 Mar 2007, 18:16
yeah how much is it going to set you back?
15 Mar 2007, 18:46
yeah how much is it going to set you back?
Under £20, about $38
16 Mar 2007, 13:46
Not bad.
Hey, that Bradley gratis font is great! The 'L' isn't as dodgy as the Deutch Gothic one! Will download it when I get home!:D
27 Mar 2007, 14:04
Gutted, went to the place that's doing my stitching for me and they couldn't use the font I wanted as it would've cost me £80 to get them to set it up + the £20 charge for the work, had to settle for some weird gothic font they've already got available.
Hey ho, life could be worse, I pick it up in three weeks - hope it looks ok
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