View Full Version : Person above me (alternative version).
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06 Mar 2007, 22:27
Needs to eat more Cheesy Puffs
06 Mar 2007, 22:34
really does look like his avatar
06 Mar 2007, 22:36
wears the Angus Young stage outfit
06 Mar 2007, 22:41
wishes his school uniform was as cool
Takes a daily shower in gasoline
06 Mar 2007, 22:44
really does look like his avatar
Cute Cat........BTW I'm A girl
06 Mar 2007, 22:44
just decided to get the new Britney Spears haircut
06 Mar 2007, 22:45
Cute Cat........BTW I'm A girl
It's the hoody, threw me off lol
06 Mar 2007, 22:49
I thought it was the grim reaper in the avators but yeah looks like a hoody hows this avator
06 Mar 2007, 22:50
ate my shoes
Was marriage counselor to Britney Spears
06 Mar 2007, 22:51
married britney spears
06 Mar 2007, 22:53
is eagerly anticipating puberty
Had an affair with Pamela Anderson
06 Mar 2007, 22:54
watched from the wardrobe
06 Mar 2007, 23:10
Drinks too much
Wears fluffy pink bunny slippers
(I don't think as much as you drink I do.)
06 Mar 2007, 23:20
Wore her copy of Roadie out
(Seen the glass in the pic and I wear Pluto Slippers) :lol:
Lord Kagan
06 Mar 2007, 23:51
Has a dead body in her basement
Put the dead body in her basement
Lord Kagan
07 Mar 2007, 00:05
Plans on world domination
07 Mar 2007, 00:06
Dreams of world domination
07 Mar 2007, 00:08
HAS the world domination
07 Mar 2007, 00:17
Wants everyone to bow down to him
Needs to lay off the sauce
07 Mar 2007, 01:35
misses her red hair
(You just posted totally off topic...I am dying laughing here...I do miss my red hair...)
Dyed his hair green and was severely reprimanded at work for that
07 Mar 2007, 01:50
Needs to get on the sauce
is a bat out of hell
You never stop amazing me...
And you're SO right...
Absolutely does NOT need to get a life
07 Mar 2007, 01:51
Hasn't realised she can
07 Mar 2007, 01:58
Likes to fly Jet Blue
07 Mar 2007, 02:57
entered american idol
07 Mar 2007, 02:59
never sleeps
07 Mar 2007, 03:01
would like to be an invisible man
07 Mar 2007, 03:02
wants to be his invisible woman
07 Mar 2007, 03:04
wishes for the impossible
07 Mar 2007, 03:23
ignores her feelings for Monstro (lol)
07 Mar 2007, 03:31
Ignores his feelings for AndyK :p
07 Mar 2007, 03:33
Is jealous
07 Mar 2007, 03:35
Wants to be a model
07 Mar 2007, 03:36
doesn't leave home without his ceramic hair straighteners
07 Mar 2007, 03:38
doesn't leave home without his 'rampant rabbit'.
07 Mar 2007, 03:42
wants to be called "Monstro's bunny"
07 Mar 2007, 03:43
07 Mar 2007, 03:50
(it wasn't that funny)
Thinks 'safe sex' is when you put the cigarettes out and move the cans of beer.
07 Mar 2007, 03:54
thinks sex with the one you love is masterbation
07 Mar 2007, 03:54
and it was funny
07 Mar 2007, 03:56
thinks Master Bates is the name of his boss
07 Mar 2007, 04:01
Wanted to join the Navy and change his name to Seaman Staines
07 Mar 2007, 04:01
real name is Roger the Cabin Boy
07 Mar 2007, 04:02
wants to change his career choice to Cabin Boy
07 Mar 2007, 04:04
spends his time friggin' in the riggin'
07 Mar 2007, 04:08
Isn't fit to shovel ****
07 Mar 2007, 04:14
thinks the sex pistols are a gay gunslinging dance troupe
Lord Kagan
07 Mar 2007, 09:48
You mean they arent?
Still plays with barbies
07 Mar 2007, 10:50
still plays with Ken :p
Ageing Bat
07 Mar 2007, 11:36
Is Barbie
(Well, he's got the hair for her!!) :wink:
07 Mar 2007, 12:05
Stands in shops all day long reading Celebrity magazines, but doesn't buy anything
07 Mar 2007, 12:17
takes books from the library and doesnt bring them back
07 Mar 2007, 14:02
Is heading off to an important university to learn floristry
07 Mar 2007, 14:24
wanted to be a jockey when she was younger and couldn't understand why the greyhounds never wore saddles
07 Mar 2007, 17:03
rides a horse to work :shock:
Likes to wear mesh stockings
07 Mar 2007, 17:27
just found out that a toothbrush and a loobrush are not one and the same thing
Discovered that fact first.
07 Mar 2007, 17:31
just noticed that a closet and a water closet are not exactly the same
Just found out that confessional isn't WC
07 Mar 2007, 18:52
is a nun on the run
07 Mar 2007, 18:58
is a fox on the run
07 Mar 2007, 20:08
always wanted to be a foxy nun on the run
07 Mar 2007, 20:10
is one of those
07 Mar 2007, 20:40
is one of "them" (referring to the band with that name)
Lord Kagan
07 Mar 2007, 22:25
Is invisible
Has nothing in common with a glass of water.
insists on wearing my clothes
07 Mar 2007, 23:10
can read this
Seems to think that walking Scrabble in my knee highs is acceptable, despite severael police warnings
Is not aware that her knee high boots don't fit Scrabble
07 Mar 2007, 23:17
wrote all the hit singles for britney spears
Has a Britney Spears duvet cover and pillowcase set.
Doesn't want to replace it with a Meat Loaf one.
Is lying through his teeth as i would never want Meat up there in bed with me
Doesn't even really know who Meat is.
Thinks CC looks permanently hideous
07 Mar 2007, 23:49
gave Britney Spears the idea for her new haircut :p
Talks so much about Britney Spears is probably her publicist
08 Mar 2007, 01:14
doesnt wanna talk about Britney Spears, cause she´s appearantly Christina Aguilera :twisted:
Is really 87 year old grandma
08 Mar 2007, 02:12
marched with the penguins and ended up an eskimo
Has Michael Jackson's old nose.
08 Mar 2007, 02:24
looks like ben
Threw her birthday cake at Meat
08 Mar 2007, 02:48
is double jointed, can pick her nose with her toes
Sends her dirty socks to dry cleaners
08 Mar 2007, 02:51
is a mob's moll
08 Mar 2007, 02:58
uses a jar of hair gel a day to keep the wig in control
08 Mar 2007, 11:54
Has a secret wig collection stolen from barristers over a 20 year period
Has a first class degree from Harvard in Antidisestablishmentarianism
08 Mar 2007, 14:33
Has several ASBO orders against him but still rides into city centres on a white pony shouting "I didn't break the law. I am the law"
Likes to sing Wild Rover while sitting on a toilet
08 Mar 2007, 15:24
Likes to drink Wild Turkey while sitting on the toilet
Has a stuffed parrot in his closet
Is Danny DeVio's body double
Sits all day in the closet with Tom Cruise and John Travolta and refuses to come out
Was born in a cross-fire hurricane
Was NEVER born...IS a fetus...
Is a gin-soaked bar room queen from Memphis.
Sells lemonade on the streets of Liverpool
08 Mar 2007, 15:54
Owns a variety of sequinned jumpsuits which he wears to the pub at weekends
Stuck around st. petersburg, when they saw it was a time for a change, killed the czar and his ministers, heard Anastasia scream in vain.
08 Mar 2007, 16:01
Has no sympathy for anyone
See's a red door and wants it painted black.
Ageing Bat
08 Mar 2007, 16:08
Does a pretty mean Shakin Stevens impression
Walks on crutches...POOR...
08 Mar 2007, 16:24
Is replacing Joan Rivers on the red carpet at next years Oscars
Is replacing Joan Rivers on the red carpet at next years Oscars
What year were you born in??? She hasn't been there for ages...
Is Joan Rivers illegitimate daughter
Hasn't cut her toenails in years.
08 Mar 2007, 16:43
What year were you born in??? She hasn't been there for ages...
Is Joan Rivers illegitimate daughter
all the more reason to replace her
Looks EXACTLY like his avatar and has the same attitude
08 Mar 2007, 16:44
made 28 million dollars last year from selling american people shares in aleprechaun making company
08 Mar 2007, 16:49
Just has no sense
08 Mar 2007, 16:53
is still waiting to lose 3 baby teeth
08 Mar 2007, 16:55
tried to send George Clooney a vietnamese pot bellied pig
Lost all his teeth in his last Bank robbery before RAH
Can't eat three shredded wheat.
Shreds wheat just to be able to eat it...
08 Mar 2007, 17:00
will the on the next 'Got Milk?' poster
RUNS when he hears "Send in the clowns"
08 Mar 2007, 17:09
is masking her own childhood traumas in relation to circus clowns by trying to convince others that they have that same fear
Was fired from Barnum Circus for trying to perform on all 3 rings simultaneously...
08 Mar 2007, 17:23
Tried to shoot me out of a cannon (had nothing to do with the circus)
Looks EXACTLY like Kirk Douglas in Spartacus...and is of about the same age
Was one of the first across the red sea when Moses parted the waves.
Drowned in the Red Sea while trying to be The Flying Mouse tribute
08 Mar 2007, 17:55
was kermit the frog's stunt double in all the muppet movies
HATES to post p*ss about other members on this thread
Can't remember anything, even if it did happen only yesterday.
Has to send out multiple PMs and e-mails each morning with the request of reminding him his name
Is Mickey Mouse impersonator
Is a cross dressing construction worker called Brian
Loves to sing IACBTMN as a duet with himself
You're not far wrong there :lmao:
Hasn't seen her feet for over 16 years.
Reads Playboy magazine religiously...strictly for the articles...
And that would be how made up???
Has a gerbil for a pet and regularly takes him for a walks in the park
Is the love child of Godzilla and Goofy
NOW we're getting personal...
Steals bills from his neighbors and pays them regularly
08 Mar 2007, 19:17
once got charged with indecent exposure
Only once??? :roll:
Threw his bra at Meat in 2005
Lord Kagan
08 Mar 2007, 19:53
Is a ladyboy
08 Mar 2007, 20:04
Sang the whole of bat out of hell while standing on her head
Sang I Will Do Anything For Love...But I Won't Do THAT the last time he had sex
08 Mar 2007, 20:14
it's good to serenade a loved one!
redecorated their office with an axe
Regularly wears a Mister Blobby outfit.
08 Mar 2007, 20:19
borrowed said outfit from me and didn't wash it before returning it
Hasn't wasted his youth a all, in fact spent all of it teaching sunday school classes and doing macrame.
Loves cross stitching and made a portrait of Meat entirely of wolves with red roses...
08 Mar 2007, 20:28
The movie 'groupies forever' was based on the person above's life
Is a world famous Bolivian Nasal Flute player.
Likes to march around the house wearing a plaid skirt and playing his bagpipes
08 Mar 2007, 20:37
ran the new york city marathon backwards
Can find NYC on the map of Australia
08 Mar 2007, 20:41
auditioned to be the female terminator for terminator 3
08 Mar 2007, 20:43
likes to do the rocky horror as Frank
08 Mar 2007, 20:46
nice one lol
will replace Oliver Khan as the new Bayern Munich goalkeeper next season
Became famous for writing the song "Every Breath You Take" which, of course, subsequently became stalker's anthem
Can sing all of Abba's songs in the style of Martin Luther King.
Will never reach 10,000 posts
08 Mar 2007, 20:52
Can sing all the Meat Loaf songs in the style of Paris Hilton
08 Mar 2007, 20:52
wrote Escape for Enrique Ingleseas as the stalking song for the modern generation
08 Mar 2007, 20:53
was the person the song "shaddup you face" is about
08 Mar 2007, 20:55
was born under a wand'rin star
Punched Jimmy into the nose because disagreed with the title "Heaven Can Wait"
08 Mar 2007, 20:56
was the person the movie "american pie" based one
edit: damn, too slow, was for Andy
08 Mar 2007, 20:56
broke fist on my face
08 Mar 2007, 20:56
was disappointed that the never ending story ended
08 Mar 2007, 20:57
chained the unchained melody
Bought all the seats at RAH and enjoyed the show all on his own...
08 Mar 2007, 20:58
insured Nancy Kerrigan's legs for €1 million,
Mike definitely lives in yesterday...
Had an argument with Beatles cause wanted to name Yesterday...Now And Here...
08 Mar 2007, 21:00
was asked first to follow Patti before they found Asspen
Was dismissed by Meat as his personal assistant once it was uncovered that he broke into his mlfcuk account and posted under the name of Fire Ball...
08 Mar 2007, 21:08
is really fireball
08 Mar 2007, 21:09
was the person the song dude looks like a lady based on
Will continue sitting in garbage can all through the Wembley
08 Mar 2007, 21:18
wishes it could be christmas everyday
And how is THAT not true...duh, Mike...slipping slipping...
Wishes he lived on the Moon
08 Mar 2007, 21:26
i'm a space cadet already
a long time ago, lived in a galaxy far far away
still has his mother buy his clothes.
can't get no satisfaction.
is easily satisfied by eating pickled fish every morning
08 Mar 2007, 21:46
likes to eat nothing but the skin of fried chicken I'm hungry
is indeed the master of the radio.
Gnaws on bones in fine restaurants
For hygiene reasons, isn't allowed into any place that serves food.
Works as an air traffic controller
(Been close ... if writing the software counts?)
Was an extra in Meat's last film.
(That's right...using my prior knowledge here)
Was meat in Meat's latest film...or skin...whatever it was...haven't seen it (waiting for the first stone to be cast)
Is only allowed to write in crayon.
Is attending his first year of kindergarden and behaves accordingly...
would love to be mentally advanced enough to go to kindergarten
Stayed 3 years in the last year of nursery school
Has had genetic testing prove she is descended from camels.
Posed for a famous British Bulldog
Has a deathwish.
Ain't it the truth...
Knits 5 mile long scarves...
Lord Kagan
08 Mar 2007, 23:03
Is an alien from pluto
Really does spend his days in the house of lords.
Lord Kagan
08 Mar 2007, 23:06
Not for much longer,
Has a lifetime peerage as a lord
Has won best of breed at Crufts.
Lord Kagan
08 Mar 2007, 23:11
Has won an Oscar
Has won nothing at all and therefore has a chip on his shoulder
09 Mar 2007, 00:01
likes to get naked in public places
What else is new???
Makes love fully dressed
09 Mar 2007, 03:11
is never online
09 Mar 2007, 09:49
Hates everything cartoon/animation related, especially the works of JM Barrie
09 Mar 2007, 11:49
Doesn't fly to Paris for meetings, has a secret addiction to Walt Disney
:lol: It's all a ruse ;-)
Doesn't have a sense of humour that is going to come back and bite him one day.
09 Mar 2007, 12:05
Goes to bed wearing a Tigger costume
Has a house brick as his closest friend.
09 Mar 2007, 12:12
Dresses Scrabble in a cute little jumper and red bow when nobody's looking
Is still waiting on news about his application to join the human race.
Wears footsie pajamas to bed
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