View Full Version : Person above me (alternative version).
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is having a good day at the office
Thinks that Broadway is in Timbuktu
is too tall to qualify to be a gnome
is still at primary school
Is teaching his children to jump sideways
is not good at post-whoring
Likes to eat holes from the donuts
Has a vast collection of empty cereal boxes.
Builds sand castles out of cereal
is a secrect sugar cube builder
Has a secret admirer/stalker
thats so true lol
is my secret admirer/stalker
(You wish!)
Not going to any ML concerts in May
can't come to uk in may for mlukfc meet up
(That is STILL a possibility though)
Will never meet the person below
(That is STILL a possibility though)
Will never meet the person below
will be cross if they dont
moved hotel staying across the rd at the plaza
Is NOT going to buy a person below drink at Wembley
only if the person above is really bad
The person below the person above is an ANGEL
or she is lying about herself
The person above me knows EVERYTHING
as does the person below me
Must have no days off this weekend at all
ye --ha 3
is not going out at the weekend
(That is just might be true...very traumatic weekend for me)
Not going to have a beer tonight
Taught Michael Jackson his moon walk
Has had more plastic surgery than Mr Jackson.
Wears Michael Jackson nose to his gigs
Can only eat liquified food.
Will Knock R. down at Wembley
listens to radio 4 all day
Will be all alone at Wembley
Is the man in the shadows
Is the WOMAN in those same shadows
Has got the kind of mind that does less than think.
Has got no mind at all...just some mashed potatoes with gravy
hears the same old line every day of her life.
(and that's the truth)
Is turning 25 next week
Is celebrating tomorrow his bezillion anniversary of 5 years old
Lord Kagan
09 Mar 2007, 18:31
Is the only gay in the village
09 Mar 2007, 18:31
is the only gay eskimo :p
Despite his promises, didn't give her the answer in the morning.
Owns one of every type of Barbie ever produced.
09 Mar 2007, 18:36
has made it to the promised land
was told she'd checked out.
Wants to be alone for the rest of his life
Had breast augmentation surgery
09 Mar 2007, 19:20
looked like Mike Tyson....before the surgeory
09 Mar 2007, 19:24
Is a 40 year old virgin
Isn't sure what her name is.
Like to dance with shadows in the mirror hall
Has a Sesame Street fetish.
Is a ghost of Christmas Past
Always walks under ladders.
Likes to milk cows on Sundays
09 Mar 2007, 20:12
Mistakes Bulls for cows
Can recite Einstein's Theory Of Relativity in forty seven languages.
09 Mar 2007, 20:14
Is not making a list of things to do to poor innocent Monstro
With a face like that has every believing his middle name isn't GuiltyAsSin ...
09 Mar 2007, 20:18
all he wants is rock n roll, porn and a motorbike
Gives discounts to regular customers.
Never touched a drop of alchohol
Doesn't realise that they're sold for a vast profit at the end of the pier.
Gets dinner from the bins outside MacDonalds.
09 Mar 2007, 20:26
has free school meals because is from a broken home
Reads only coloring books
Was expelled for snorting chalk.
09 Mar 2007, 20:28
something that happened to him a few years ago was the base for the saying "the sh!t has hit the fan"
09 Mar 2007, 20:32
ate all my toy soldiers cause their as green as some vegetables
09 Mar 2007, 20:40
Broke My Barbie Doll
Plays with somewhat incomplete deck
09 Mar 2007, 21:16
Needs to go back to the nut house
09 Mar 2007, 21:50
has got a hell of a lot to learn about ROCK N ROLL
Resides in a hut in Congo
09 Mar 2007, 22:02
Speaks only Swahili
Hypnotised George Michael into being straight
09 Mar 2007, 23:06
lol, good one!
wasnt aware that objects in the rearvew mirror may appear closer than they are and so had a crash
doesn't belive in surfs up
Doesn't believe in Surf's down either
very close
is a celebrity chef
Is Martha Stewart personified
Lord Kagan
10 Mar 2007, 01:33
Is masculine
Doesn't have a strict curfew
Lord Kagan
10 Mar 2007, 01:38
Doesnt know the half of it
Doesn't know anything at all
Lord Kagan
10 Mar 2007, 01:41
Is drunk
Was punished and stood in the corner for 3 hours today
Lord Kagan
10 Mar 2007, 01:42
Is on the moon talking to me
Was spanked by his neighbor for stealing cakes
Lord Kagan
10 Mar 2007, 01:44
Really is Meat Loaf in a mask
Really has a GREAT sense of humor
needs a mask to go outside
Lord Kagan
10 Mar 2007, 01:45
Ive had one too many so I could do,
Has so much humor its just not funny
Would do ANYTHING for love...and ESPECIALLY THAT...
10 Mar 2007, 03:56
knows everything about nothing, and not too much about that.
Was Meat Loaf vocal coach...was fired for singing consistently off key
10 Mar 2007, 04:12
Is tone deaf
(You hit a bullseye)
Thinks that Meat Loaf is something you eat for dinner
10 Mar 2007, 06:25
Is the long lost sister to Micheal Jackson
10 Mar 2007, 10:50
stole Michael Jacksons nose and wears it on Halloween
10 Mar 2007, 16:50
must be Henry's Cat
10 Mar 2007, 19:30
lived in a hole in north iraq together with Saddam for some months
Lord Kagan
10 Mar 2007, 19:55
Is santa
10 Mar 2007, 20:16
is the easter bunny
Is an Easter Egg that forgot to hatch
10 Mar 2007, 21:03
Is a rotten egg
10 Mar 2007, 22:09
Was once caught on CCTV making an obscene gesture at Mother Theresa
11 Mar 2007, 01:09
likes kinky boots :shock:
11 Mar 2007, 01:44
can't keep secrets :D
11 Mar 2007, 01:58
is a pain in the ........
no thats true
has a disliking to leather
11 Mar 2007, 03:44
would like to borrow my leathers for his parties
11 Mar 2007, 03:57
Loves wearing eatable undies
11 Mar 2007, 04:02
was seen posing in a ann summers window in her birthday suit
11 Mar 2007, 04:16
Was caught streaking across a football stadium
11 Mar 2007, 16:02
is allergic to wearing clothes
11 Mar 2007, 16:34
is the worlds best Christina Aguilera tribute
11 Mar 2007, 16:42
Is Mary Poppins
11 Mar 2007, 17:31
is Dick Van Dyke
11 Mar 2007, 17:39
doesnt understand why itīs bad to be called dick
11 Mar 2007, 17:50
thinks Dick Van Dyke is a porn position involving a man and a lesbian.
11 Mar 2007, 18:23
is it not?
is wales' top porn expert
11 Mar 2007, 21:46
Can strip a fully dressed man in sixty seconds, using nothing but his teeth
11 Mar 2007, 22:02
All Men Bow Down To You
11 Mar 2007, 22:20
All Men Bow Down To You
Aren't we supposed to be lying?
Is expecting quadruplets
11 Mar 2007, 22:36
Yeah but I like a laugh now and then
Likes to bore people to sleep
Lord Kagan
11 Mar 2007, 22:53
Bought me an egg
11 Mar 2007, 23:37
Has salmonella
If I gave a shite I would have given it to
12 Mar 2007, 04:58
Cares about us all lol
Is a secret admirer of Marie Osmond
12 Mar 2007, 06:40
Has Rabies
12 Mar 2007, 11:05
Gave birth to Ally McBeal's secret love-child
Has a degree in Nuclear Physics.
12 Mar 2007, 11:52
Lives in a small cave under Ben Nevis
12 Mar 2007, 16:04
searching for her sunglasses to watch the total eclips of the heart
Has a girlfriend with 3 eyes
Is the three eyed girlfriend mentioned above.
12 Mar 2007, 16:14
collects women's ears in a can
Wears closely fitted dresses
Does the same, but only because she hasn't bought any new ones recently and is still wearing the same clothes she had when she was 10.
Does the same, but only because she hasn't bought any new ones recently and is still wearing the same clothes she had when she was 10.
Clothes I wore at 10 would be too loose for me nope...
Likes to wear hoop earrings...
It was a lie ... so sue me!
Appeared in Friends.
Has an imaginary friend Charlie
12 Mar 2007, 17:04
Can eat an entire box of After Eight mints in less than thirty seconds
Wouldn't like to try what with them being chocolate.
12 Mar 2007, 17:19
Is distantly related to Keith Harris on his mother's side
Was all too true about chocolates...although probably can beat 30 seconds...
Has been to the Moon and lived to tell...
12 Mar 2007, 17:28
Wrote the lyrics to Madonna's Like A Prayer
Like to sing Like a Virgin during intimate moments
12 Mar 2007, 17:57
Hasn't had an intimate moment for so long she's got... cobwebs...
Hasn't had an intimate moment for so long she's got... cobwebs...
This thread is supposed to be outrageous lies...where do you see outrageous lie here???? :shock:
Has sold her children to Charles Dickens for his new novel
12 Mar 2007, 18:07
Had her bust reduced from size 68 GG to size 44 FF
Made me leave my shoes down there because he insists they look better on him
Really has got size 11 feet!!
Wishes he had size 11 feet :lmao:
Has saved me some Mini-Eggs.
12 Mar 2007, 18:28
has a wooden leg
12 Mar 2007, 18:43
has an axe to chop down the wooden leg
Wear braces on his teeth and on his pants...
12 Mar 2007, 19:36
talks to a little pink elefant only she can see
12 Mar 2007, 19:57
is a little pink elephant
12 Mar 2007, 23:14
is married to a little pink elephant
12 Mar 2007, 23:20
can shove it up is @$$
12 Mar 2007, 23:22
can fit the entire Melbourne Symphony Orchestra up his crack.
12 Mar 2007, 23:27
did it
12 Mar 2007, 23:35
showed me how to do it
12 Mar 2007, 23:53
only cause he asked a thousand times
12 Mar 2007, 23:54
thought that everyone named Kevin was an alien until he was fourteen years old.
13 Mar 2007, 00:01
thought the show ALIAS was about aliens, but misspelled
13 Mar 2007, 00:40
Has read the Karma Sutra over 12 times and still don't under stand it
13 Mar 2007, 00:46
Is writing a revised edition of the Kama Sutra with an additional 67 positions, all developed personally
13 Mar 2007, 00:55
has a massive understanding for this
13 Mar 2007, 01:00
Loves to watch NASCAR but don't like to admit it
13 Mar 2007, 01:06
can't spell NASCAR
13 Mar 2007, 01:15
Likes to be at the race wearing a beer hat, fighting with fans over drivers, and chewing a big ball of tobacco
13 Mar 2007, 02:18
has a broomstick
likes to fly a broomstick
13 Mar 2007, 02:24
is a witch
don't tell everyone
likes to be known as tb
13 Mar 2007, 02:32
is tb
13 Mar 2007, 02:36
has had a sex change
is in need of a sex change
13 Mar 2007, 02:39
needs one desperately
next week hopefully
is in the tv programm lost
13 Mar 2007, 02:41
can't find his way home
needs a homing pigioen to get home
13 Mar 2007, 03:47
Needs a bloodhood to find his way home
13 Mar 2007, 11:20
leaves a trail of small drops of blood to find their way home
Left home to seek their fortune in the big city and then became Mayor.
13 Mar 2007, 12:12
Wears mittens tied together with string
Isn't allowed string in case he chokes.
13 Mar 2007, 12:40
Has velcro as buttons are just way too complicated
Has the nurses and hospital orderlies tie the arms of his jacket round his back.
13 Mar 2007, 12:45
can only leave the house after the psychiatric team complete several risk assessments
Can only leave the house when accompanied by both parents, and even then isn't allowed to cross the road.
13 Mar 2007, 12:49
Ties a sausage round his neck so his dog will play with him
Loses to the cat when playing subbutteo.
13 Mar 2007, 12:52
Was once turned down for the position of local roadsweeper
Is currently taking part in the latest series of I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.
13 Mar 2007, 13:00
Likes to sit next to the office water feature during telephone conference calls with French people...
Is dressed like Nora Batty.
13 Mar 2007, 13:12
Has a pair of silky black pyjamas
How do you know? :shock:
Hasn't used the hoover in years.
13 Mar 2007, 13:20
Too true - I've got a Dyson :p
Hoards his toe nail clippings in a specially made jar
13 Mar 2007, 13:27
uses said collection in recipes which call for the use of coconut as it tastes better
Has tasted how good the results are.
13 Mar 2007, 13:49
Secretly loves coconut but refuses to admit it because it'll deny him the opportunity to eat his toenails
Has a toenail fetish...yuck!
13 Mar 2007, 14:05
Has stocked up on nail polish remover just incase aliens attack us with nail polish
Thinks that nail polish is for mass destruction of Polish people
13 Mar 2007, 14:18
changes the colour of her nail polish every day to co-ordinate with her outfit
Changes the color of her eyes every day to coordinate with the surroundings...camouflage...
13 Mar 2007, 14:34
Ignored the receipe and chopped off her finger adding it to the mixture of a chicken and vegetable pie for flavour
Don't know what finer is in Dublenese...
Is monkey's uncle
13 Mar 2007, 15:15
played Monkey in the old Kung Fu series
Likes to ride unicycle on his head
13 Mar 2007, 15:22
wished disco had never gone out of style
How did you know THAT??? I used to LOVE disco
Listens to Donny and Marie Osmond non-stop
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