View Full Version : Person above me (alternative version).
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Can be intimate only in the dark...with the partner wearing paper bag over the head
likes to ware baby doll outfits all the time
Gives Barbie a bad name
Likes to wear flippers around the house and pretend that he is a fish
bob bob bob
thinks she is an alien
(knows she is an alien - her mother told her this all through her childhood)
Bought his children in a super store
oh that could go either way
loves to ice skate
(butt skate is more like it)
Loves to play bagpipes
yep badly can't get the holes right
wares nothing under her kilt
Wears nothing BUT the kilt
23 Mar 2007, 04:43
Is a direct descendant of Rob Roy
Doesn't know the difference between Rob Roy and Roy Orbison
Lord Kagan
23 Mar 2007, 19:26
Was in the backround of the moon landing
IS a flag posted on the moon...
Hasn't threatened to send communicable diseases through the post
Hey...could have been worse...
Thinks that every time people open their mouth they talk about him
takes a staring role in bill & ben the flowerpot men
24 Mar 2007, 01:55
shaves his back
Has a varied diet of food and music
24 Mar 2007, 02:00
wishes he'd put more thought into his screen name
lol, wishes he could think at this time of night
24 Mar 2007, 02:01
would love to have Monstro's unique view on life
doesn't need anymore whiskys & cokes
24 Mar 2007, 02:03
longs for the day he's toilet trained
Likes to wear training underpants...just for kicks
24 Mar 2007, 02:11
(only so I can go without going)
Doesn't spend all day posting on here
(said this before already...tsk tsk)
NEVER repeats himself
24 Mar 2007, 02:14
has the same number of posts on the Westlife site
Has MORE posts on a fansite for Girls Gone Wild
24 Mar 2007, 02:17
was only on this site because it came up when she googled meat
(And that's the truth)
Lies to her cause it's the truth
24 Mar 2007, 02:21
Lies to her cause it's the truth
You got me there, can't figure that one out
Well, I will consider it my greatest achievement for the day...
Is completely and totally sober
likes to go fast on his bike with no engine
24 Mar 2007, 02:25
Is scared to meet me
No and no and no
In any event...
Is a transgendered individual
24 Mar 2007, 02:27
talks to fairies every night
talks to everybody every night cause is tired of listening to himself
(yes, it's true though...this is lies thread)
Likes to read in complete darkness
24 Mar 2007, 02:39
Walks naked through the park in the early hours
Always walks naked...especially at the "head" office
24 Mar 2007, 02:41
Is intherapy coz of her "Monstro" thoughts
Is in therapy cause thinks he actually is a monstro
24 Mar 2007, 02:43
wishes she'd thought of the name
Name for what/who/where???
Wishes he was now in coal mines...coal mining naturally...
wish he did't think of name
24 Mar 2007, 02:46
has to use an alias as his real name tells all
Had a wedding with full reception for his cat
Had a wedding reception in McDonalds
24 Mar 2007, 02:56
sits naked watching the X factor
Watches X-Factor when needs pron
24 Mar 2007, 02:59
married her tv in an official ceremony
24 Mar 2007, 02:59
but the marriage only lasts as long as the warrenty
Thinks that Girls Gone Wild is a children's show about teletubbies
24 Mar 2007, 03:02
Auditioned for Girls Gone Wild but Monstro objected
Had his leather jacket stolen by evil Monstro
24 Mar 2007, 04:01
built the pyramids
was there to see them get built
Builds pyramids out of his mashed potatoes in his backyard
24 Mar 2007, 04:12
was there when they built the Shpinx (I know that's spelt wrong but I don't care)
not spelled wrong...just a typo
Can't wait for tomorrow to come
is not looking forward to the weekend
24 Mar 2007, 11:45
dreams of the day he passes the traffic warden entry exam
failed his lolipop man road test
24 Mar 2007, 11:56
kept licking my lollipop
24 Mar 2007, 12:01
has better things to do on a Saturday morning
true at work in 2 hours
hates to be at home this weekend
24 Mar 2007, 12:05
is so pleased to be going to work today
wants to take chris's place at work
24 Mar 2007, 12:08
would refuse such an offer
really wants to take chris's place at work
24 Mar 2007, 12:12
wishes it was Monday
wished he'd didn't drink all that whisky & cokes last night
24 Mar 2007, 12:17
has been teetotal since waking up in a nuns outfit at 4am by the Angel of The North
shhh don't tell everyone i rember it well my head was bad for days
wished he was out on that night
Hasn't seen the photo's Michael took of that night out.
doesn't want to see the photos of that night
Did a striptease at RAH and there are photos to prove it
24 Mar 2007, 18:13
still sucks her thumb
24 Mar 2007, 18:31
Also sucks Zina's thumb - he keeps it in a little box under his pillow after stealing it from the hospital's clinical waste department
24 Mar 2007, 18:47
has thumbs half way up her arms, like a cat.
24 Mar 2007, 18:54
When he shaves his back hair, can be seen to have stripy skin like a tiger
24 Mar 2007, 18:55
has to shave her back twice daily
24 Mar 2007, 19:00
Has rude words waxed into his once a week
24 Mar 2007, 19:00
wears her pubic hair as pigtail
24 Mar 2007, 19:01
Hasn't grown any yet
Lord Kagan
24 Mar 2007, 19:04
Is a lord
24 Mar 2007, 19:15
Is a Lay-deee...
Has a tattoo of a tiger eating a baby on her back...
has no room for anymore tattoos as fuull body is coverd
25 Mar 2007, 01:57
has a ladybird tattoo on his hip
x2 infact
has 666 on her ear
25 Mar 2007, 03:18
on his ass
yep i am sitting on my arse thanks
has been hooked, line, & sinkerd
25 Mar 2007, 03:22
sitting on which arse?
25 Mar 2007, 03:25
cheers is going to feel a hard kick on his arse in may
this is a lies thread tut tut
will be buying a round at may meet up
25 Mar 2007, 03:30
is unable to lie as he is a jehovah's witness
noooooooooooooooooooo ......but have family who are
has been a jahovah's witness for 20 years
25 Mar 2007, 03:41
doesnt consume alcohol:roll:
25 Mar 2007, 19:16
HAS no body - is just a head with attitude.
Yeah, well...attitude we have...
Has to make his own straw hats cause head way too big...
Lord Kagan
26 Mar 2007, 01:44
Is queen of the universe
26 Mar 2007, 01:48
is nocturnal
26 Mar 2007, 01:54
uses pillows to clean her ears
uses pillow to communicate with fellow aliens
Lord Kagan
26 Mar 2007, 18:31
Had a hand in writing bat 2
Lord Kagan
26 Mar 2007, 18:33
Stared in Anything For Love video
Was a backup singer for The Future
Lord Kagan
26 Mar 2007, 18:34
Lives in the future
Is Steinman's illegitimate son
Lord Kagan
26 Mar 2007, 18:35
Is steinmans wife
Lord Kagan
26 Mar 2007, 19:16
Was once jims left foot
Had a wild love affair with Patti
Lord Kagan
26 Mar 2007, 19:53
Had several with Kasim
Has a nice little garden in his left nostril and waters it dilligently every day...
27 Mar 2007, 08:13
Is Tired
Lord Kagan
27 Mar 2007, 09:40
Lives in a garden shed
27 Mar 2007, 12:51
Has a river of green snot running from his left nostril
Cries a river that flows into the ocean every hour on the hour...
Has crabs ... in a tank, in the kitchen.
Walks sideways cause wants to be a crab tribute
Can't think of the word armpit, without getting all excited.
Does with his left foot what most men do with their right hand...
lol, well you have to hold a phone somehow ;-)
Only eats cabbage soup.
Is really Russian secret agent...i.e. SPY
Now doesn't have to be assasinated with a poisoned dart shot from an umbrella.
Drives rusty bucket and tells everybody it's a secret Batmobile
But I do!
Really has got the hang of this game with her bleeding obvious lies about me :))
Is such an angel is VERY hard to come up with bleeding lies about him...
So I see :p
Escaped from Guantanemo Bay.
Were in the same cell at Guantanemo Bay and is still there...
didn't suit that orange boiler suit the way I do.
won't be able to come into this country in may because of crimminal record
Woudln't be even allowed to London because of his hairdo
Lord Kagan
27 Mar 2007, 23:46
Has an afro
Is bald but does do a combover with his 3 remaining hairs...
Lord Kagan
28 Mar 2007, 01:32
Is satan reincarnate
28 Mar 2007, 01:33
really does look like his avatar
Doesn't look like his avatar and prays to god it stays that way...
Lord Kagan
28 Mar 2007, 21:06
Is really clint eastwood
Is really Clint Eastwood's wannabe...
Lord Kagan
28 Mar 2007, 21:09
Would like to be his chaps for a day
Doubt he wears those...
In any event...
Is a Bluebeard...
Lord Kagan
28 Mar 2007, 21:13
Wears jasons dream coat on outings with friends
Killed Flying Mouse and hides him in a trunk in the attic
Lord Kagan
28 Mar 2007, 23:32
Worships a 1cent coin
Never heard of 1 cent coin...
28 Mar 2007, 23:38
wants a piece of the action
29 Mar 2007, 04:14
invented the world's first inflatable dart board
29 Mar 2007, 12:23
Turns so violent at the sight of needles that he has to be innoculated by blowgun
Rides her bike backwards...just because she can...
29 Mar 2007, 20:58
has her head on backwards. Was born that way. Doctors are baffled.
29 Mar 2007, 21:01
is actually a muppet
29 Mar 2007, 21:02
lives in MySpace full time. Hasn't got a real-world life.
Has his head backwards but nobody ever notices the difference...
has one arm & leg 5 inches sorter than the other
30 Mar 2007, 02:05
knows his team will win the premiership one day
30 Mar 2007, 02:09
Is not a cheeky sod relying on other peoples humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can stand the heat in the kitchen
30 Mar 2007, 02:14
has a circle of friends he bought off ebay
30 Mar 2007, 02:35
is still searching for his dream job as a street gas lamp lighter
how true
has just got a 2nd job as a toilet cleaner
30 Mar 2007, 04:42
creams himself at the thought of such a marvellous job
The Flying Mouse
30 Mar 2007, 05:30
:twisted: Did a gig on St Patricks's Day in a emerald green frock coat :p
30 Mar 2007, 05:40
has a really nice green jacket :p
30 Mar 2007, 14:14
Has innundated the owner of said jacket with dozens of requests to borrow it
30 Mar 2007, 14:57
Is the proud owner of a Honda C90 step through
Can't see the monitor of his puter...that's why most posts don't make sense...
(type of motorcycle zina)
will have done 15000 posts this week
(Didn't get the message above - I know Honda is motorcycle...what about it?)
Should drink a whole lot MORE...or LESS...depending...
need to stop can't even read properly hic hic"
is dead drunk at this very moment
That is're in the wrong thread and just posted off topic...MODERATORS!!!!! J/K
Pours straight vodka into his ears to achieve the buzz
yep of seeing it come stright out the other side
is a modarator ohhhhhhhhhh
WISHES with all his heart to be a moderator!!!
03 Apr 2007, 23:16
is owning the rights to all of the Beatles' songs.
duke knooby
03 Apr 2007, 23:27
is blowing bubbles.. (also michaels jacksons favourite song)
Is blowing in the wind...
duke knooby
03 Apr 2007, 23:29
is full of wind
Is the most outgoing person I've ever known!!!
(There...chew on THIS)
duke knooby
03 Apr 2007, 23:34
cheers, you know it makes sense
The Flying Mouse
03 Apr 2007, 23:35
:twisted: Originally did the voice of Megatron in Transformers.
duke knooby
03 Apr 2007, 23:38
(acutally i was tigra in thundercats)
originally performed george in rainbow
03 Apr 2007, 23:39
was tink in one of the many peter pan movies
Rode Peter Pan while he was flying...
duke knooby
03 Apr 2007, 23:42
that statement conjurs up bad images in my mind
Is a person with BAD imagination
duke knooby
03 Apr 2007, 23:45
loves talking to me
:crossed eyes and stuck tongue:
Resides in a doghouse...PERMANENTLY
her house is named the doghouse
The Flying Mouse
04 Apr 2007, 02:20
:twisted: Lives in a lighthouse in the middle of Birmingham.
lives nextdoor in an old boot
04 Apr 2007, 19:14
Has been completely sober for months
04 Apr 2007, 20:30
Is nothing but a creature longing for the things she cant have...
How true...
Looks more like Meat Loaf than Meat Loaf
To figure out what thread is about go to the very first post of the thread...then you will know what thread is about...this is not a very nice thread so to speak
won't bother with this then!
05 Apr 2007, 04:19
fell out of a tree and killed a passer-by.
05 Apr 2007, 10:30
is actually a flying-spaghetti-monster
05 Apr 2007, 10:33
Boiled Son of Meat Loaf in salted water for this very reason
05 Apr 2007, 10:36
drinks the blood of virgins, cause she think that'll make her stay forever young
05 Apr 2007, 10:45
Has formaldehyde running through his veins instead of blood
05 Apr 2007, 21:04
grabs me from behind and pulls me is not the lyrics thread? ah, anyway
Is the only successful ML tribute in Germany
05 Apr 2007, 21:10
is the only Monica Lewinsky tribute in the states
IS Monica Lewinsky's blue dress...
05 Apr 2007, 21:23
lol, good one!
is Kenneth Starr
Is a Redneck and is married to his sister
05 Apr 2007, 21:36
has six fingers and toes on each hand and foot respectively.
(how in the world did you know THAT???)
Is terrified of the person above
05 Apr 2007, 21:52
if terrified of everything, especially hampsters
Is scared of his own shadow
05 Apr 2007, 23:50
is a basket case:cool:
No kidding...
Is a Bengal tiger...
06 Apr 2007, 00:00
got a gun
The Flying Mouse
06 Apr 2007, 00:03
:twisted: Joined the Swiss army with the sole intention of getting a free multi functional knife.
06 Apr 2007, 00:09
is a totally sane, mature grown-up man :p
Lord Kagan
06 Apr 2007, 19:53
Is on the moon right now
06 Apr 2007, 22:34
Has watched the video for COM over a hundred times now
07 Apr 2007, 00:24
Likes to wear thermal socks in bed, and NOTHING ELSE... :shock:
07 Apr 2007, 00:25
(You've been peeking)
Has swapped the bike for a battery powered car
07 Apr 2007, 00:33
Has a top walking speed of 25 miles per hour
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