View Full Version : Person above me (alternative version).
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07 Apr 2007, 00:35
What's walking????
Prefers nylon or polyester to leather
07 Apr 2007, 00:47
Has fluffy cat ears on his lid
07 Apr 2007, 00:53
Has ordered air conditioning as an optional extra on the CBR
07 Apr 2007, 01:00
Transports Marvin in the underseat storage
perfers to be a pillion on a bike
07 Apr 2007, 01:19
repeatedly gets asked for his autograph due to his resemblance to Gonzo
well it's better than being mistaken for miss piggy
07 Apr 2007, 07:34
never falls asleep early
Is going to wake up fresh as a daisy!!
Lord Kagan
07 Apr 2007, 23:44
Lives in my cupboard
08 Apr 2007, 12:51
Is the mouse that got into my pile of Easter Eggs and ate one.... grrr...
08 Apr 2007, 14:57
carries a loaded gun when her chocolate is threatened
kill the B-----D! it won't get my EGG!
Lord Kagan
08 Apr 2007, 15:23
Wont go out until 7pm
08 Apr 2007, 15:25
smokes 120 cigarettes a day
08 Apr 2007, 16:31
Hangs by his toes to make his hair grow
Hangs upside down cause fancies himself a bat
08 Apr 2007, 18:34
claims to be a human being
Just came back from his finest performance of Count Von Krolok
08 Apr 2007, 20:09
Is Andrew Lloyd Webber's second cousin twice removed...
Was rejected for musical Cats - doesn't look enough like a cat...:(
08 Apr 2007, 22:03
was the reason for ALW's and Sarah Brightman's divorce
was camillas secret fella before charles
Secretly wishes to be boring and dowdy Camilla
09 Apr 2007, 01:03
works secretly on her plan to assassinate Fidel Castro
is fidel castro's love child
Looks like Fidel, acts like Fidel...IS a Fidel!!!
Wants to have 10 more kids...
was one of the chips motorcycle cops
Had plastic surgery ala Michael Jackson
tut tut
is the only invisable women
Is a VERY visible woman...
(How did you know I am a size 6???? :shock:)
Is wearing a wig
09 Apr 2007, 11:43
Shaves her body hair to be made into designer wigs
likes to wear a dress while pulling wheelies on her cbr
09 Apr 2007, 14:35
is the only officially assigned loo tester of the queen
Will come to Wembley wearing red frilly shirt and nothing else...
09 Apr 2007, 17:15
Will only be wearing the rest of RJ's outfit
Will park her bike in her room
09 Apr 2007, 18:13
is the person in the plane who tries to be absolutely funny: After they're landed she stands up and does the Eminem to the other passengers "Please stand up! please stand up!"
(took me quite a few seconds to create this pile of bollocks :)))
And b*llocks it is...
Is Eminem's long lost brother...the one which is in a frilly shirt, of course...
09 Apr 2007, 18:16
Wrote all the lyrics to Eminem's best known songs
09 Apr 2007, 18:17
Isn't wearing any pants (in the English sense, that is, i.e. going commando)
I don't get any English sense frankly because I don't think any of you make any sense...
Rides tricycle and tells everybody it's her new motorcycle...
09 Apr 2007, 18:21
doesn't know that we all make things up randomly and tell her it's an obscure English meaning of something
I am getting an idea about THAT...:lmao:
Sends her American friend PMs explaining stuff she didn't understand WRONG...
09 Apr 2007, 18:30
Believes them!!!!
That actually is the truth, my friend...
Plans to wear medieval knight suit to Wembley...will need a few people to drag her around with them...
09 Apr 2007, 18:36
Will be riding into town on a white steed
Will be riding into town on a blind donkey sitting backwards...
09 Apr 2007, 20:14
neutered that donkey by yodeling at it
Played main part in Sound of Music
09 Apr 2007, 21:07
went back in time, to London 1888, killed several prostitutes in Whitechapel, went down in history as of the most famous killers of all time, went back, and all that just to see Johnny Depp in another movie.
Is Johnny Depp wannabe!!!
10 Apr 2007, 06:16
has an aversion to the letter 'Q'
Is wearing a big puffy wig!
Lord Kagan
10 Apr 2007, 21:57
Shot JR
Filmed Dallas on location
10 Apr 2007, 22:52
produced bat3
duke knooby
10 Apr 2007, 23:04
could have been a worse producer for bat 3
Is the most normal man I've ever seen
duke knooby
10 Apr 2007, 23:27
(thats true though... your meant to lie in this one kid)
(thats true though... your meant to lie in this one kid)
I did...;)
duke knooby
11 Apr 2007, 01:25
fave song on chsib 2 is cry over me
CHSIB is his favorite album and it's the ONLY thing he will EVER listen to...
(that's your definition of hell, eh?)
duke knooby
11 Apr 2007, 01:59
nah, chsib is a good album, like chsib 2
Is waiting for CHSIB 3...
11 Apr 2007, 11:08
Is taking over from Judge Judy
Has spent the last 20 years in Lebanese Jail
11 Apr 2007, 16:01
Was my jailer
Was Raquel Welsh in her previous life
Lord Kagan
11 Apr 2007, 17:07
Is the Mummy the films were modeled on
Doesn't have any arms...types with his eyelashes
Lord Kagan
11 Apr 2007, 17:08
Has 20 large elephants typing for her
That, my friend, is physical impossibility...
In any event...doesn't know who Jim Steinman is
Lord Kagan
11 Apr 2007, 17:10
Thinks Jim Steinman was Meat Loafs first car
Thinks Meat Loaf is breakfast food
Lord Kagan
11 Apr 2007, 17:13
Listens to Breakfast Food on the radio
11 Apr 2007, 17:38
Listens to nothing but the breakfast club LP
11 Apr 2007, 18:35
thinks CD stands for change of dresses
has cds hung up in car as airfreshners
Didn't show up for a date with CC
(I wish and you wish...hahahahahahahaaha)
Looks more like Meat Loaf than Meat Loaf
12 Apr 2007, 12:48
thinks meatloaf is something to eat
Has an extensive collection of red hankies
12 Apr 2007, 18:06
Fashions her underwear from said collection
Had a date with Meat Loaf but stood him up to spite herself.
missed may meet up because of missing date with meat
13 Apr 2007, 04:01
says that thongs make him itch
13 Apr 2007, 15:21
Was the one who filled them full of itching powder
13 Apr 2007, 15:26
is a midget
Is a giant hanging to a beanstalk...
13 Apr 2007, 16:49
is the one, whooooo'll stop the rain :))
Is gonna fly to London on his broom
13 Apr 2007, 18:07
is flying to london in her chity-chity-bang-bang
is terrified to come to london in may
duke knooby
14 Apr 2007, 03:26
is actually monstro, when wearing THE jacket
will be a triplet when he meets up with monstro & sw31 with said jackets
duke knooby
14 Apr 2007, 03:30
will be a muppet if he doesn't wear a green jacket
has had a green jacket specialy made
duke knooby
14 Apr 2007, 03:35
wants to hear man and a woman sung live in may
will sing man & a women live on the kariokie in may
Has nothing to do but post nonsense
Has nothing to do but read it all.
Has uncanny ability to pop up out of nowhere
Lord Kagan
17 Apr 2007, 21:57
Smells of tuna
18 Apr 2007, 17:54
Is trying to lay down the rules, but I was born to refuse :))
18 Apr 2007, 19:06
likes to wear a beard :))
Grows beard on his forehead...:lmao:
18 Apr 2007, 21:23
got vampire fangs surgically applied to her teeth
Applied to vampire school but was rejected on account of absense of all the teeth
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 21:37
Got fired from her last job because she ate her boss' wife
Was his bosses wife...was fired when boss found out that he isn't actually a girl but just pretends to be...
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 21:42
thought the YMCA was full of indian police men and construction workers
Frequents gay clubs trying to pick up chicks.
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 21:44
Frequents chicks trying to pick up gay clubs
Learned to post on forums from his pet parrot
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 21:45
Was davy jones parrot
Has a 10 year old girlfriend
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 21:47
Has 10 girlfriends each month
(I should be so lucky)
Like to practice boxing on himself
18 Apr 2007, 22:15
is in love with the TV
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 22:16
Still believes little people live in the TV
18 Apr 2007, 22:32
watches tv with her toaster
watches tv with her toaster
Toasts his mittens before putting them on...
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 22:43
Toasts kittens as an appitiser
Spells absolutely PERFECTLY
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 23:52
Is the best thing since sliced bread
As a matter of fact, many people do think so...
Is Knooby's drinking buddy
Lord Kagan
18 Apr 2007, 23:53
Is a recovering addict from tic tacs
19 Apr 2007, 00:07
makes love in an elevator.....or to the elevator....?
19 Apr 2007, 00:09
Makes love to himself in an elevator
19 Apr 2007, 00:16
makes love to the cat in the elevator
19 Apr 2007, 00:22
makes love to the do....nah, that's too easy.....
Certainly wont take any money from any German people he'll ever meet anywhere...
Has a very poor grasp of the English language
duke knooby
19 Apr 2007, 02:14
Frequents gay clubs trying to pick up chicks.
i did that quite recently lol
19 Apr 2007, 03:26
can fit sixty hard-boiled eggs in his mouth, and still drink a glass of wine.
Won championship of speed eating frankfurters
i did that quite recently lol
:shock: :silence:
19 Apr 2007, 15:06
wont do that
Won't do anything at all for love!
20 Apr 2007, 22:10
was the inspiration for Alice Coopers poison
Looks EXACTLY like Alice Cooper
20 Apr 2007, 23:40
wants to be a flame and reduce to ashes, but has never burned
Dreams of being Joan D'Arc in his next life
20 Apr 2007, 23:49
plants camera's disguised as rocks for MI5
Plants rocks in his garden
duke knooby
21 Apr 2007, 02:14
has yet to post in off topic
21 Apr 2007, 04:17
suffers from Mad Cow Disease
21 Apr 2007, 10:52
suffers from somwthing I dont wanna talk about....
Lord Kagan
21 Apr 2007, 13:34
Doesnt owe me money
will be bringing 20 suitcases with her to london
(close enough)
Will bring his pet monkey to Wembley
25 Apr 2007, 18:28
will bring 20 suitcases AND a pet monkey to wembley
(that actually gives me the idea for a nice little game....--> working on thread...)
wanted to be a fitness instructer
Will be a pilot on the airplane I am flying on to England
will show zina cockpit of said plane
26 Apr 2007, 12:08
will be cycling to Wembley on a Raleigh Chopper
actully it will be a griffter
will be support rider for cycle ride
26 Apr 2007, 14:02
Will drink 15 litres of water on said cycle ride
will supply the beer after said cycle ride
26 Apr 2007, 14:56
Can only drink been from thimbles, and then only one a week
Lord Kagan
26 Apr 2007, 22:15
Is a bad person
Lord Kagan
26 Apr 2007, 22:48
Would like to kill meat loaf
Would like to eat Meat Loaf alive
will try & buy london bridge
Bought Brooklyn Bridge at a great discount
duke knooby
28 Apr 2007, 14:44
is the cause of most earthquakes
Breaks hearts for no particular reason
28 Apr 2007, 17:17
Ran into the back of my car this morning, giving me whiplash
Lord Kagan
28 Apr 2007, 18:51
Knows how to fly
duke knooby
29 Apr 2007, 02:11
is rarely high as a kite
29 Apr 2007, 02:59
is going to 7 of the gigs
duke knooby
29 Apr 2007, 03:01
is a T total, whisky hating person
29 Apr 2007, 03:02
never hits below the belt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
duke knooby
29 Apr 2007, 03:03
has no sense of humour
29 Apr 2007, 03:04
used sat nav to find the Montana
duke knooby
29 Apr 2007, 03:09
(aye and a few blue lights) was an acomplice in the post office raid to help pay for his ebay addiction
Lord Kagan
29 Apr 2007, 11:22
Lives with cows
29 Apr 2007, 11:29
is the retarded offspring of five fish having sex with a monkey-squirrel....or similar
Lord Kagan
29 Apr 2007, 11:31
Copied from hayley tut tut
Is a man
duke knooby
29 Apr 2007, 16:31
is a looser in the arcade
Is extremely skinny and malnourished...
duke knooby
13 May 2007, 21:42
is using a broomstick to fly to the uk
14 May 2007, 03:36
will steal said broomstick and sell on ebay
Will buy it and pay triple for it on e-bay
will use spare to fly to london
Will arrive riding a Minotaur
will be sleeping in her couldren
Will be cooking in her cauldron
true i need a bath lol
was a crazed axe women in a former(this) life
Is a modern day Jack the Ripper
16 May 2007, 07:43
Got voted out on Survior
Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 17:36
Was flying a spaceship yesterday
Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 17:48
Meant that comment whole heartedly
Will write his finals with crayons
Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 23:11
Will be marking my papers
Will go to study to be a carpenter
Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 23:17
Could be a good backup.. If my grades for uni dont work out :p
Has mastered all trades
Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 23:22
Made the alternate universe
Is the greatest speller in the world
Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 23:29
Was once the champion of the roman gladatorial ring
duke knooby
17 May 2007, 01:04
actually does look like cartman
Lord Kagan
17 May 2007, 14:40
Killed kenny a few times
Lord Kagan
18 May 2007, 11:56
Was at the alamo
Lord Kagan
18 May 2007, 23:35
WAs in the Trojan horse
Lord Kagan
18 May 2007, 23:41
:lmao: no comment
Invented the condom
duke knooby
19 May 2007, 02:30
doesnt know what a condom is
wears condoms on his head
duke knooby
19 May 2007, 02:38
and why not??
is ashamed of middlesborough
hates ireland with a passion
19 May 2007, 03:03
is going to stay seated on Sunday night.......
is Fcuk
is comming on sunday night for support
Lord Kagan
19 May 2007, 13:59
Lives on the moon
20 May 2007, 01:30
does a moon quite regularly:shock:
theres no need to tell everyone of your saturday night goings on
20 May 2007, 01:49
has a mysterious rendezvous on a saturday night
could be true?????????????
will be staying in on friday night
20 May 2007, 02:28
Eh! no
will wear a wig and other items which I can't mention......on Friday night
you asking
will be wearing a tutu at wembely
20 May 2007, 02:37
currently being worn by Chris ^^^^^^^^^^
yep it is a little tight lol
will be wearing her meat loaf pants aswell & no chris won't be wearing them?
20 May 2007, 02:53
You said Meatloaf and pants in the same sentence..
Is slagging off the most passionate singer on the planet, tut tut
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