View Full Version : Person above me (alternative version).
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The Flying Mouse
26 Feb 2007, 18:42
:twisted: Exactly like the other version, except for the fact that the things you post should be outrageous lies :mrgreen:
Just nothing too offensive :wink:
The Flying Mouse
26 Feb 2007, 18:43
:twisted: The person above me can ask for a bacon buttie in 923453260 differnt languages, including 45 dialects of Chinese.
26 Feb 2007, 18:47
the person above me is from Japan.
The Flying Mouse
26 Feb 2007, 18:51
:twisted: The person above has the largest collection of fluffy bunny slippers in the world :shock:
26 Feb 2007, 18:52
The person above me looks great in green
26 Feb 2007, 18:54
the person above me is a woman
26 Feb 2007, 19:00
the person above is a man
The Flying Mouse
26 Feb 2007, 19:03
:twisted: The person abouve was involved in a bizare plot to bungee jump into cuba from a hot air balloon to steal Fidel Castros shoes :wtf:
duke knooby
26 Feb 2007, 19:17
person above has a beautiful green jacket
The person above me absolutely adores mice and wouldn't dream of hurting one.
Lord Kagan
26 Feb 2007, 19:25
The person above me is male
The person above me reached his retirement age
Lord Kagan
26 Feb 2007, 19:30
Is not going to Wembley
Bought the entire Wembley stadium last Tuesday
26 Feb 2007, 19:49
Isnt living in no asylum :twisted:
The Flying Mouse
26 Feb 2007, 20:48
:twisted: Was the man behind the grassy knoll :shock:
26 Feb 2007, 20:50
wearing his jacket was the grassy knoll
The Flying Mouse
26 Feb 2007, 20:52
:twisted: Does not have a bizare compultion to keep mentioning that jacket in this thread :roll:
Bought an elephant from E-Bay
Is extremely short in stature
Lord Kagan
26 Feb 2007, 22:14
Has 3 arms
Lord Kagan
26 Feb 2007, 23:50
Is not as smart as George Bush
26 Feb 2007, 23:54
speaks in an american accent
loves middlesbrough f.c & will be supporting them on saturday when we are in his home town
for the person above the person above me
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 00:01
Loves Sheep
(shhh it's suppose to be quiet)LOL
is a native yorkshire man
27 Feb 2007, 00:15
is olympic squaredance gold medal winner
duke knooby
27 Feb 2007, 00:17
has a girlfriend called nora
27 Feb 2007, 00:19
wants a girlfriend called Nora
duke knooby
27 Feb 2007, 00:22
wants a slower motor bike
Was NEVER on the motorbike
Is at work right now working hard
how did you know
is not going on a journey in may
Is going to sing duet with Meat
yep thats true with 20.000 other fans
will be getting up to sing at the after show party
27 Feb 2007, 02:33
wishes he'd been born just a few miles north
is a kitty kitty...
27 Feb 2007, 11:57
Has a secret double life as Her Majesty, The Queen of England
The Flying Mouse
27 Feb 2007, 14:31
:twisted: On a regular basis shows her appreciation for Wotsits through the medium of dance.
Ageing Bat
27 Feb 2007, 15:13
Is a world champion belly dancer
27 Feb 2007, 16:01
Regularly makes superior quality Persian-style carpets from her belly button fluff
Ageing Bat
27 Feb 2007, 17:30
Is in need of a sex therapist :wink: :lmao:
The Flying Mouse
27 Feb 2007, 17:49
:twisted: Taught her sex therapist a thing or two :mrgreen:
27 Feb 2007, 18:04
Is a lovely swiss maid
Ageing Bat
27 Feb 2007, 18:27
Is sane :nuts: :devil:
Looks like Harrison Ford...
27 Feb 2007, 18:37
Taught Harrison Ford his carpentry skills
27 Feb 2007, 18:41
Is only 2'6" when you meet her in person
Has a handlebar moustache
27 Feb 2007, 18:51
wrote all the songs for the album Bat OUt Of Hell
Resides permanently in a garbage can
27 Feb 2007, 18:57
Is looking like a giant bat :shock:
27 Feb 2007, 19:12
Is completely made of reformed chicken
IS a reformed chicken (whatever it is)
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 21:33
Is a lemon
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 21:40
Uses a zimmer frame
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 21:42
Lives with a leprachaun
IS a leprachaun himself...minus pot of gold, of course...
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 21:45
Has hair down to her knees
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 22:07
Has the personality of a shoe
duke knooby
27 Feb 2007, 22:18
doesnt drink alcohol
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 22:19
will be as sober as the pope tonight
duke knooby
27 Feb 2007, 22:24
is really rj
Is a Little Red Riding Hood
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 22:33
Has mental issues
27 Feb 2007, 22:54
does not wax his legs
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 23:04
Is good looking
IS Cartman and lives in Colorado
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 23:35
Is batman and lives in gotham
27 Feb 2007, 23:41
Is gotham and lives in batman
Lord Kagan
27 Feb 2007, 23:48
Is a genius, Is so smart he makes me look dumb
is not going to see meat on tour
28 Feb 2007, 01:49
is going to every meatloaf gig in the uk
is going to all wembely concerts
28 Feb 2007, 11:50
Can make a supercar from a bicycle inner tube, an empty margarine tub and a roll of sticky-back plastic
Lord Kagan
28 Feb 2007, 17:15
Was an extra in LOTR
28 Feb 2007, 17:43
was an audience member for the Oprah Winfrey Show
The Flying Mouse
28 Feb 2007, 18:11
:twisted: Is Chris's get fit trainer :lol:
28 Feb 2007, 18:22
Is Chris
Isn't having any wedding anniversary today...
28 Feb 2007, 18:28
Will be getting a piece of my celebratory Wedding anniversary cake in tomorrow morning's post
Likes to taunt people with her desserts
28 Feb 2007, 18:51
Likes to taunt people with her desserts
I thought this was the one where you lied? :lmao:
Has a pet tiger who sleeps at the bottom of her bed.
True...completely forgot I am supposed to lie...
Has 3 chests ( do you say THAT politely??? Bwahahahahaaha)
The Flying Mouse
28 Feb 2007, 18:55
:twisted: Once made a hot air balloon out of used lottery tickets and spit.
28 Feb 2007, 19:00
Owns Florida
The Flying Mouse
28 Feb 2007, 19:02
:twisted: Owns Bognor.
Lord Kagan
28 Feb 2007, 19:03
Is a better postwhore that me in SB
28 Feb 2007, 19:09
Has spent the whole day studying hard, including lunchtime
Ate one of her patients...
28 Feb 2007, 19:25
Ate the rest of them
Is, in fact, Hannibal Lechter???
28 Feb 2007, 19:42
Is telling big fat porky pies about being Ukrainian, and in fact comes from Brighton
Is really terrified of meeting the person above
P.S. You're not THAT wrong...the biggest Russian/Ukranian community in NY is on Brighton...yeah we have that one too...
The Flying Mouse
28 Feb 2007, 20:01
:twisted: Collects beer mats.
:twisted: Collects beer mats.
In any event...sang duet with Patti Russo
Lord Kagan
28 Feb 2007, 23:23
Lives in an asylum
28 Feb 2007, 23:34
Killed his best friends parents and made them into chili
Lord Kagan
28 Feb 2007, 23:35
Would like to grow up to be a ladyboy
duke knooby
28 Feb 2007, 23:48
is always nice to rj
Lord Kagan
28 Feb 2007, 23:49
Doesnt have an offensive irish sentence below his name
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 00:00
is a cute little cartman
Lord Kagan
01 Mar 2007, 00:04
Whos that directed at btw? Everyone in general?
Would make a good republican :p
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 01:11
is a multi millionaire
loves the song blind as a bat
Has never eaten a stottie
omg everyday
never went to teesside poly
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 02:42
really lives in newcastle
loaths bat out of hell ll
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 02:54
never met paul crook
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 02:57
didnt go to any concert
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 03:01
flies the flag with the beautiful red english rose
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 03:27
is a moose.. no offence (havent used that for ages) hope it aint dusty
01 Mar 2007, 11:16
Has toenails sixteen feet long
Ageing Bat
01 Mar 2007, 11:32
Has plaited nasal hair
Can play the motorcycle guitar solo from BooH on the spoons.
01 Mar 2007, 13:41
is a secret admirer of Britney Spears and is about to shave his head as a tribute to her
Not too far frmo the truth on the hair front :lol:, although I prefer Brittany Ferries :))
Looks exactly like his avatar.
01 Mar 2007, 14:06
Knows who really shot JFK, but won't hand him over to the authorities
Shot JFK and now is lying about his age and is hiding in Brazil
Has a cat, a cauldron and a black pointy hat.
Is a shitake mushroom...
P.S. You're off topic...this supposed to be outrageous lies thread...
Not off topic at all ... I said you had one of each, not a collection :p
Was in the film Ben Hur bad...
Parted Red Sea so members of MLFCUK could pass on the way to RAH
01 Mar 2007, 16:51
Every day drinks her own body weight in turpentine
Takes a turpentine bath every single night...
01 Mar 2007, 17:26
Dances with pagans to the music of American Idol rejects
IS American Idol reject...hails from the state of Alabama and sings redneck songs
Cannot say the word "wombat" without suffering from an unfortunate fit of the giggles.
Can't say word "womb" without breaking into tears...
Has her gloves attahced to each other by a string which runs up the arms of her coat.
Consistently wears bows in his hair
01 Mar 2007, 17:58
walked a mile in my shoes and didn't clean them before she gave them back
Persists on saying that I have borrowed his clown shoes size 152-1/2
01 Mar 2007, 18:00
left her pink socks in those shoes
01 Mar 2007, 18:00
Has the words 'front' and 'back' embroidered in her gold sparkly thongs.
01 Mar 2007, 18:03
gave the above item to me as a christmas present
01 Mar 2007, 18:04
Wears it to his evening job in the lap dancing club
Will do some lap dancing after Wembley concert
01 Mar 2007, 18:13
Has frequently been arrested at Meat Loaf concerts after climbing up on stage and attempting to stuff dollar bills in his G-string
Threw her grandmother's bra at Meat Loaf concert circa 1919
01 Mar 2007, 18:24
Is descended from Peruvian Royalty
Lord Kagan
01 Mar 2007, 18:36
Lives with mr blobby
01 Mar 2007, 18:59
Humps mr blobbys goat everyday at 3.54PM in the city halls closet.
Is a being form another time and another place.
Is going to wear pretty pink tutu to Wembley
01 Mar 2007, 20:31
Is going to look good wearing it :p
01 Mar 2007, 20:32
Wears the tutu on stage :p
wishes he had the legs for a tutu
01 Mar 2007, 20:33
gets off on watching men wear tutus :p
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 20:39
know how to rewire a jag
01 Mar 2007, 20:40
has never stolen one
Was asked to be the Harmony Hairspray girl
01 Mar 2007, 20:42
Isn't jealous of my hair at all ;)
Spends less on shampoo than I do.
01 Mar 2007, 20:45
drinks brake fluid. But it's okay, he doesn't have a problem - he can stop any time :p
Isn't now sat giggling like a girl at his own jokes.
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 20:48
didn't recognised a great joke above
01 Mar 2007, 20:57
was asked to star in the movie version of Evita as Mrs Peron
01 Mar 2007, 21:00
Likes to bite the heads off of bats
Wears garbage can as fashion accessory
duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 21:23
is a cardboard cutout
You're a cardboard cut out yourself...
Has a wooden leg...hence the handle...
01 Mar 2007, 21:39
Is not afraid to show you who she is
Is not afraid to show you who she is
Ummm...this is outrageous lies thread????????????
In any from South America...
02 Mar 2007, 13:57
still plays with his lego set
Isn't allowed Lego, as it has sharp edges.
02 Mar 2007, 13:59
Will do the dance of the seven veils after two halves of bitter shandy
Has stabilisers fitted to his motorbike.
02 Mar 2007, 14:17
finds waxing his legs strangely erotic
Finds the thought of another man waxing his legs strangely erotic.
02 Mar 2007, 14:28
looked upset holding the waxing kit when I said no
Has clearly been having those deluded dreams again.
02 Mar 2007, 14:37
was replaced in his previous job by a coffee machine, a pencil sharpener and a hole punch
02 Mar 2007, 14:53
still co-sleeps with his Mum and Dad
02 Mar 2007, 14:58
Thinks the movie Godfather III is the best movie ever.
Should be on solid food by now.
Can eat nothing BUT soft food for absence of any teeth
Held the world record for being the worlds shortest giant.
Is an international magnate
Lord Kagan
02 Mar 2007, 19:54
Smells bad
02 Mar 2007, 20:39
was applying for a licence to thrill
Was categorically denied license to thrill...
Lord Kagan
02 Mar 2007, 21:15
Has several livenses to thrill
02 Mar 2007, 21:16
is the license to thrill examiner
Lord Kagan
02 Mar 2007, 21:16
Is wrong :-P
02 Mar 2007, 21:18
has been right in his life at least once
Has several livenses to thrill
This supposed to be outrageous lies thread...duh...
02 Mar 2007, 21:19
takes a chance on a promise and a roll of the dice
Lord Kagan
02 Mar 2007, 21:20
Meant for me Zina?
Has 3 arms
02 Mar 2007, 21:20
has two arms :p
Lord Kagan
02 Mar 2007, 21:21
Is 100% straight
Lord Kagan
02 Mar 2007, 21:23
Is oblivious to the fact they have a head
02 Mar 2007, 21:24
looks like cartman
Lord Kagan
02 Mar 2007, 21:26
Killed Kenny
was never allowed to watch south park
Can tie his own shoe laces
Can tie his own shoe laces
it's supposed to be lies
is a sugar daddy
It was a lie :p
Drives a Noddy Car
03 Mar 2007, 02:43
has escaped from a high security prison
Rowed for Cambridge in the boat race in 1987
is STILL residing in that prison
(feels like it today)
can burn boiling water.
Shares flat with Flying Mouse
Shares father with Gollum.
03 Mar 2007, 02:48
is gollum
Didn't make millions from appearing in Lord Of The Rings
03 Mar 2007, 02:50
rode Red Rum in the grand national
03 Mar 2007, 02:50
IS red rum.
Isn't allowed to keep live animals following the court case.
03 Mar 2007, 02:56
wears a bowler hat to the office
Has one nostril three times as big as the other.
03 Mar 2007, 02:57
can't keep an erection for more than 8 seconds
Didn't even know what one was until he looked it up on google.
03 Mar 2007, 03:03
used to be married to Chris Evans
03 Mar 2007, 03:04
starred along side Oliva Newton John in Grease
03 Mar 2007, 03:05
know all the words to the Bible
Travels everywhere on a space hopper
03 Mar 2007, 03:08
has an appointment for a bikini wax tomorrow morning
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