View Full Version : You know you are bored ...

01 Mar 2007, 21:21

01 Mar 2007, 21:23
Bored or not but I'm not sitting and reading all those letters and symbols...!

duke knooby
01 Mar 2007, 21:24
didn't make any sense to me either

The Flying Mouse
01 Mar 2007, 21:27
:twisted: :lmao: Good one R. 8)

What? :shock:

You mean you don't get it? :wtf:

01 Mar 2007, 21:30
Ohhh should I be trying to figure it out?! I swear I should have been a blonde

01 Mar 2007, 21:34
Well I can't even get it to open on my PC, so I must be having a blonde day too :))

01 Mar 2007, 21:38
How did you two spot that straight away?!

01 Mar 2007, 21:44
Now that I have your attention, just click the link in the 1st post. :tard: :bleh:

The Flying Mouse
01 Mar 2007, 21:51
Ohhh should I be trying to figure it out?! I swear I should have been a blonde

:twisted: I was taking the pee pee dear :lmao:

I'll go see what the link is now :lol:

01 Mar 2007, 21:56

I thought that the point was we were meant to be so bored that we'd sat trying to figure out how to work the link, which actually couldn't be fixed...I did have a logic! And let's face it R, that's the kinda thing you'd do to me!

Lord Kagan
03 Mar 2007, 10:08
Nice one R.

03 Mar 2007, 20:55
R. this one is inspired...saved me one insomniac night...wasn't fun to do it bleary eyed...but I am surprised I've gotten as far as I did which wasn't too far...hahahahahahahaha