View Full Version : A request

26 Mar 2007, 20:18
Could anyobody please put the upcoming tour dates into the calendar or place them on a major point on the frontsite, as I find it very hard to figure out when the next dates are and when actually a how is up right now.


26 Mar 2007, 20:21
I am sure you can look it up on .Net...don't have to be a member for that...

26 Mar 2007, 21:03
posted in wrong section, was meant for site feedback. sorry

26 Mar 2007, 22:19
It's OK RJ, I'll tidy up after you, and unless someone else beats me to it I'll sort the calendar out tomorrow.

26 Mar 2007, 22:23
thanks Andy!

duke knooby
26 Mar 2007, 22:54
would it be possible for you to tell me the winning lottery numbers for this coming saturdays lottery draw?

26 Mar 2007, 22:57
5 7 13 21 39 36

27 Mar 2007, 00:08
no its gonna be 2, 9, 23, 26, 34, 99:))

Lord Kagan
27 Mar 2007, 01:15
no its gonna be 2, 9, 23, 26, 34, 99:))

only goes up to 49 anji :-P

27 Mar 2007, 19:54
did that just to prove my prediction is about as accurate as anyone elses lol