View Full Version : BAAB - Extended, this is one of my best

14 Apr 2007, 21:28
This took me A LONG TIME to do, it's a 10 minute spectacular of BAAB and is just as good as my Not a dry eye edit!

Please listen, i heard this over, there is little to no music mistakes, I SYUNCHED IT like i have been recommended to do, and tacked on an extra 4:51 mins.

Enjoy ;)


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15 Apr 2007, 00:39
It is one of your best no obvious joins but

personally i found it a little boring....extended for the sake of it with nothing added, too much instrumental and you already know how i feel about non-original tracks being used, the backing track sounds in a slightly different key/pitch to Meat :?

But much much better than your other stuff!