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View Full Version : How did Meatloaf change your life?

Stuart Richards
08 Feb 2002, 14:29

08 Feb 2002, 19:15
Wow what a cool thread!

The very first time I heard Meat Loaf I was about three or four and I figured out how to use my mum's tape player! I turned it on and the orchestral part of For Crying Out Loud came belting out and scared the hell out of me! Then when I was six, I found the tape again and started to listen to it, and I really liked, then in 1993 when I was seven - Meat released Bat II - and I didn't like it!! I know!! I really wasn't keen at all. It went to Number One in the charts so it was played all the time everywhere I went and it started to grow on me. LOL One of my clear memories from that time is being in the town with my mum and she bought me a copy of the Bat II album because "There's no point in wasting money on something you're not going to like in two weeks time!" How wrong can a person be?!
So I got the album and well...the rest is history! Meat did loads of interviews and promotional stuff on TV, so I started to collect the pieces from newspapers and magazines and taping him when he was on TV. And I guess that was the beginning of that crazy feeling of obsession!!! I slowly but surely started to collect the albums, got the calendar and along with my best friend, and it was with her that I decided I needed a life ambition ( I was nine at the time! lol ) and my ambition was to see Meat live. I used to live in Stockton in Teesside where no-one ever went so I thought that was a pretty good ambition!! And it was, until April 26th 1996 when I had my very first live Meat experience - and what an experience it was! While I was there, I bought my first concert programme and T-Shirt, the things you dont find in the shops so I started to search for more rare Meat Loaf items.
And the slow process of my collection steadily growing continued until 1998 - when I joined the MLUKFC. For anyone who is reawding this and isn't a member, I've gotta ask - why?!!! I can honestly say that after being a member for almost four years now, I can't think of one single thing to moan about. Oh!! I thought of just ONE thing!!! The only thing I can think of is that through the MLUKFC I hae made some of the best friends a person could ask for - and we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like! And that's my only thing to winge about! Thanks to the MLUKFC Ive made alot of brilliant friends, MET MEAT, had the oppertunities to purchase those rare items that you can never seem to find...the list goes on!
And now, I'm 16 and am pretty much desperate for this new album!!!!


08 Feb 2002, 20:09
i just gotta ask - how'd you get to meet meat? (that's a tongue twister!)
i am a massive fan, and have been for about a year now. my boyfriend first got me into meat (he's been a huge fan ever since i've known him) and one of his ambitions is to meet meat. (of course i wouldn't mind that either!) i'd really love to do that for him sometime, so maybe when the man goes on tour or something. i'd be grateful if you just let me know how you got to meet him!

08 Feb 2002, 23:06
Ohhh Sam, the MLUKFC guys are gonna kill you for asking that because I don't shut up about it!!!!!

When I joined the fanclub, we were getting ready for the Very Best Of album to be released, and when it was and the tour dates were announced, Anne who runs the fanclub organized "Meet and Greets" at the shows, and all you had to do was send in your name and address to the fanclub and say which show you were going to and then 10 names were chosen for each show - simple as that!!!

AND...if you go to http://www.meatloafonline.com and click the explore button at the top, you can read what happened!!!!

See how I advertised there Ewan...!!!


08 Feb 2002, 23:10


<font face='Verdana, Arial' size='1' color='#000000'>[Edited on Feb 08, 2002 / 22:10:39 by R.]</font>

09 Feb 2002, 20:38
RAINER!!! With that yawn face ( even though I DIDN'T tell the story!! ) and that freaky smiley scarey rabbit thing in chat...I'm gonna have to come and sort you out!! lol


Time stamp corrected. R.

<font face='Verdana, Arial' size='1' color='#000000'>[Edited on Feb 09, 2002 / 19:38:26 by Lucy!]</font>

09 Feb 2002, 20:39

10 Feb 2002, 02:50
My parents like their music, and they tried not to influence me with their preferences. Although I had developed a taste for Queen from my Dad, it wasn't until BOOH2, did my love for music take off.

Just before Christmas, I was attacked and my wrist broken in two places. I had a full arm cast on to stabilise the fracture and couldn't go to school with it. As an early birthday present, we had Sky installed and I got hooked on MTV. (Can you see where this is going!)

It's rare to see the whole video on TV these days as it's normally cut to suit, but I was fortunate enough to see the whole thing. At first I thought it was an advert but I stayed with it and enjoyed it.

Because I had broken my arm, and it was my birthday, I went to buy the album but was stopped by my mum. I hated her for it, but I got it on Christmas Day. I wore the damn thing out within a week! I then got the Heaven&Hell album with Bonnie Tyler and enjoyed the new(to me) songs and it developed rapidly.

In my last year of High School, I chose to use a fictional Meat Loaf tour for two pieces of coursework which helped me to gain B grades in IT and Graphics GCSEs.

Whereas most people like a song due to the tune, I look further. The lyrics are an obvious feature with Meat but I love the way his songs are sung with passion and feeling. Modern Pop and most Rock doesn't hav this these days. I'm not saying others don't put that little extra in, in fact I'm a big fan of Kid Rock whos performances I enjoy. It's just that with Meat's introduction, I get a lot more out of music than I thought possible.

Is it possble that I have found Loafdom?

10 Feb 2002, 21:20

I first started listening to Meat when Mum used to play Bat to me in the womb!! (She'd read some thing about producing intelligent kids). I wanted to buy more of his tapes about ten years ago so I got a paperround. i now own his entire UK back catalogue on CD and have been asked to work at the newsagents fulltime!!!!! Am currently a student at Cov uni and annoy the hell out of my housemates by playing his cds at full volume when I am writing my dissertation. I went to see him on the Welcome to The Neighbourhood tour in Manchester and thought it was great. Front row seats and everything!

I like all his songs especially Where Angels Sing although I can't listen to that anymore as they played it at a v. good friends funeral after cancer got her so it is too upsetting.

I am currently listening to Meat sing Somebody loves Me from the Glory of Gershwin album.


PS> I am 21 on wednesday!!!!