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13 Apr 2009 20:36 daveake
Hi Lisa and Evil that's not like me then. Dave is just my stage name and my real name is Abigail from dave
13 Apr 2009 20:32 Evil One
Hi Lisa. Same as me then. Evil is my name and I just added 1 to my name from Evil One
13 Apr 2009 20:28 lisa01
Hi evil one lisa is my real name i just added the 01 to my name from lisa
13 Apr 2009 20:22 Evil One
Hi lisa01 what is your name from Evil One
13 Apr 2009 19:23 daveake
lisa01 his name is immaterial. i know that's an unusual name but these germans are strange like that from dave
13 Apr 2009 19:18 mszee
Lisa, RadioMaster name is RadioMaster...he is not English and that's how they roll...from mszee
13 Apr 2009 19:17 mszee
Uh uh from mszee
13 Apr 2009 19:15 daveake
stupid keyboard
13 Apr 2009 19:14 daveake
Ji lisa01 i can help i can send you one of my clay friends to me your friend from dave
13 Apr 2009 19:06 lisa01
Hi radio master if you dont want to tell me your name thats fine but can we be friends i wont give up that easy from lisa01
Total shouts posted: 45,400
Shouts in past 24 hours: 0
Your shouts: 0
Top 10 Shouters
duke knooby 7722
Lord Kagan 7216
RadioMaster 5054
tinkerbell 1920
mszee 1658
The Flying Mouse 1479
MeatGrl1 1407
daveake 1250
Deb 1190
Evil One 957

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