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Ross 29 Apr 2006 15:51


Originally Posted by lotus96
Is it illegal to sell body parts (mine or other peoples) on Ebay?

I think I heard there is a no DNA rule on Ebay

May I enquire as to what parts?

dottie 29 Apr 2006 22:02


Originally Posted by dottie
thank god its the weekend, going to see my new little grandson tomorrow, having a talk with him concerning keeping mummy and daddy awake all night..:roll:

What a good little angel, but then aren't they always for Nanny....... very, very enjoyable day with my little one......Liam is going to Great Ormond Street Hospital on the 9th May with regards to his breathing problems, I hope Liam is okay, I won't be able to go with my daughter as I am flying out the following morning very early......

Chris 29 Apr 2006 22:08

If I take anymore pills, i will rattle when i walk!!

L96 30 Apr 2006 12:18

Why are you taking pills?

I would like to know about Amersham and the people in it, which I believe is in Buckinghamshire. I would also like to know about Manchester and the people in it. Can anyone help?

dottie 30 Apr 2006 22:18

Went to bed this morning at 5 o'clock am, arose at 8.30am - just so shattered, getting fed up with this insomnia lark, do they call it a lark because you're always up and listening to the first lark of the day:lol:
Thank you to the two lovely ladies who passed the time away with me in the chat room......

Rockette 01 May 2006 04:54

Dottie, I'll trade you my nightmares for your insomnia. Awake has gotta be a better option. I'd listen to the roosters competing for supremacy as the sun comes up, and that ain't no lark.

dottie 01 May 2006 23:01

I'd listen to the roosters competing for supremacy as the sun comes up, and that ain't no lark.[/QUOTE]
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: what a pair we make

Rockette 02 May 2006 08:14

YAHOO!! I got to hear the roosters, larks, and any other little critter that wakes at 5.30am today! Summonsed from bed to mind my grandson while his Mum gave birth to his little brother! Brings the total of Granddies to 10!

I sped across town at break-neck speed and I even had a whole speech prepared if the cops pulled me up. Did they? Mongrels let me down. They were all still in bed!

Ageing Bat 02 May 2006 09:57

Congratulations Rockette!

My thoughts: even my aches ache!!

Ankie 02 May 2006 10:00

Congratulations Rockette.

Hope everyone is well?

Rockette 02 May 2006 10:11

Well, I am excellent, the new baby is likewise, but I think the new mum might have different ideas. LOL

Caelan 02 May 2006 10:20

yes darling you don't have to say it to us your exellent we already know...CONGRATULATIONS

AndyK 02 May 2006 11:08

Why would anyone want to know about Manchester? :shock:

Ross 02 May 2006 11:28

Fantastic news, rockette!!!!
Happy, happy!

dottie 02 May 2006 12:06

~Congratulations Rockette - isn't it lovely be a nanny:-P

Ankie 02 May 2006 14:18


Originally Posted by AndyK
Why would anyone want to know about Manchester? :shock:

No idea, fill us in :D

Rockette 03 May 2006 14:39


Originally Posted by dottie
~Congratulations Rockette - isn't it lovely be a nanny:-P

Yes, well ask me that at Christmas time. 10 of the little blighters now. :cool: Plus 10 adults and 1 canine son and 1 feline daughter and 1 canine granddaughter, and they all hold out their grubby little hands/paws for a pressie. :lol:

L96 03 May 2006 23:13


Originally Posted by AndyK
Why would anyone want to know about Manchester? :shock:

Well, Amersham is higher on the list than Manchester...

It is a *long* story (which doesn't surprise any of you) and involves violence, death, drugs, lies, multiple illicit breedings, mental illness, alcohol, a variety of crimes and some tenuous family connections. :oops: :oops:

From the New York Times review "A sweeping saga spanning many continents and generations..." "More twists and turns than the fabled labyrinth from Crete...." "A thriller guaranteed to have you on the edge of your seat, as it ambles towards a stunning conclusion...." :D

Ross 04 May 2006 02:09

I am Really Happy!!

One my students has been accepted for the teaching course at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama!!!

Felt like sharing.....

AndyK 04 May 2006 12:03


Originally Posted by lotus96

It is a *long* story (which doesn't surprise any of you) and involves violence, death, drugs, lies, multiple illicit breedings, mental illness, alcohol, a variety of crimes and some tenuous family connections. :oops: :oops:

Sounds like you know all there is to know about Manchester already .... :))

dottie 04 May 2006 21:36


Originally Posted by Rockette
Yes, well ask me that at Christmas time. 10 of the little blighters now. :cool: Plus 10 adults and 1 canine son and 1 feline daughter and 1 canine granddaughter, and they all hold out their grubby little hands/paws for a pressie. :lol:

Oh yes I know it well - must have spent a fortune on my new grandson and you cannot leave his 1 sister and 2 brothers out of the equation.....:shock:

L96 04 May 2006 23:25


Originally Posted by AndyK
Sounds like you know all there is to know about Manchester already .... :))

Really? :shock:

That slots a few more pieces of the puzzle into place then. :D

But doesn't help with Amersham. :(

dottie 04 May 2006 23:29

But doesn't help with Amersham. :([/QUOTE]

All I can say concerning Amersham is that if you can attend the Craft Fair (um better catch plane now), you could be as lucky as I was a couple of years ago I found a super duper bat brooch, complete with sun and moon.

We stopped in Amersham for a meal, and stood in awe at the beautiful traditional cottages and the absolutely incredible olde wordly feeling..

L96 04 May 2006 23:34

Really? That is most interesting, thank you dottie! :D

I would also like to know about Radio Caroline - "The international airwaves home of great independent country music"

AndyK 05 May 2006 10:46

Radio Caroline was a pirate radio station, broadcasting from a ship located in the North Sea ... playingh that popular rock and roll music in the early 60's that was so subversive :devil:

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