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The Flying Mouse 02 Apr 2008 21:55

:twisted: :??:

sexyeyes_jo 02 Apr 2008 21:56


Deb 02 Apr 2008 22:03

..... Please don't tell me Neil, Jo and Barb are all in the same house when post whoring for the globe :D That make sense? It's a joke, one of them funny ha ha things lol

I have visions of you all sitting there typing away to each other while in the same house. I ventured out of this thread today for the first time in a long long time and was pretty shocked lol

The Flying Mouse 02 Apr 2008 22:06

:twisted: Actually, because of situations beyond our control, we haven't been able to see each other for nearly four weeks.

Deb 02 Apr 2008 22:09

I just meant in general that's all :D Just made me smile when I thought of it...

LucyK! 02 Apr 2008 22:11

Do you not use MSN/private messages/texts/phonecalls ?!

The Flying Mouse 02 Apr 2008 22:22

:twisted: Yes.Yes we do.

We also communicate via PM, and posting on a public forum.
That is, after all, what the off topic forum, and those designated threads, are for.

LucyK! 02 Apr 2008 22:24

Not sure anyone can dispute that!

Battybarb 02 Apr 2008 22:57

Why is it kids are always sick when you very least expect it,ugh

Deb 02 Apr 2008 22:59

God only knows Barb, Chloe ddi it at the dinner table the other week totally out of the blue :shock:

Battybarb 02 Apr 2008 23:21

It always seems so much as well for such a little person lol

duke knooby 02 Apr 2008 23:26

:shock: 574 new posts... ~~~~ sake

duke knooby 02 Apr 2008 23:27

(and that made 100 disappear)

LucyK! 02 Apr 2008 23:28

You can probably get away with reading about 20 of them

The Flying Mouse 02 Apr 2008 23:29

:twisted: Yeah, the ones trying to orginise a pub to go to in Liverpool where utter tosh :roll:

duke knooby 02 Apr 2008 23:29

no no.. each and every post deserves my time and attention to read.. its just polite after all

mszee 02 Apr 2008 23:35


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 404876)
no no.. each and every post deserves my time and attention to read.. its just polite after all

Very true...I read The Last Word and Who Will Post Last religiously...

duke knooby 02 Apr 2008 23:36

no one even missed me then?? ah well

LucyK! 02 Apr 2008 23:42


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 404875)
:twisted: Yeah, the ones trying to orginise a pub to go to in Liverpool where utter tosh :roll:

Bullshit. Deb, RJ and I posted perfectly valid points in that thread and instead of taking them on board you thought it best to declare "discussion over" and storm off. If you do't agree with what we said then fine but don't dismiss valid contributions as "utter tosh". Especially not with the current content of this forum.

I realise it's my name attached to this post but I assure you i'm speaking on behalf of many people here, all of whom are obviously welcome to speak up but it's not for me to post their names...

In the Off Topic guidlines Neil you posted this:

If you are having a conversation with one other member,consider continuing you're conversation via PM to keep the boards as clear as possible.Of course,if more than two people are talking,you are more than welcome to use the Postwhores topic.

I'm sorry guys but this forum is completely over-run at the minute with constant personal conversation between three members, have you not noticed how many people have stopped posting here? A few weeks ago a posted thought from you read "Is this MLUKFC?" ...well you know what, no, it isn't anymore, because people aren't posting.

I realise Off Topic is exactly that, but there are very few people here that want to log on to find literally hundreds of new posts, the contents of which only applies to three people out of however many hundred people are registered here. I'm sorry guys but if you wanna talk about massages or the iminent murder of your father in law then I don't see why that can't be taken to PM/MSN/ or telephone.

mszee 02 Apr 2008 23:42


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 404882)
no one even missed me then?? ah well

Actually, I did...but didn't think you would be interested...

Deb 02 Apr 2008 23:42

I missed you

mszee 02 Apr 2008 23:47

I do have to agree with Lucy...

duke knooby 02 Apr 2008 23:52

nice to be missed... i'm loosing the will to live now... 311 still to go

Betty 02 Apr 2008 23:53

I missed you too, but I dont actually had to say it, eh?

The Flying Mouse 02 Apr 2008 23:53

:twisted: You know what Lucy, you're right.

I was wrong about bringing up that thread,
It was wrong, and I apologise for that.

I am just so sick of the niggling little comments on this thread because Jo and myself are posting a lot in off topic.

Nobody has even had the grown up attitude to talk to me or Jo if they have a problem, they have just made innuendoes that are dismissed anytime i've pulled them up about it.

This way of behaving is childish and silly.

I am sadend with the current attitude on this forum.
Yes, Jo and I post a lot, but if you would care to look at the statistics of who has posted how many times we've posted on a thread, you will see that our postcount pales in comparason to what some members have posted.

I am going to ignore this thread from now on tonight.
Simply because i'm too angry, upset, and close to the subject that I can't look at it with and reply to these attacks with a calm and clear mind.

What is the off topic forum for?
It's for people who want to kill time talking to people and messing about it the daft (yes, daft) games in there.
It's a place to have some fun, and I have never been made aware there was a daily post allowance.
Everybody has the right to post in off topic, not just me and Joanne, and if more people excersized that right, they might find less to complain about.

But as I say, that's all I want to say on the matter.

My apologies to Lucy once again.

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