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Monstro 03 Apr 2008 17:37

I need retraining on how to use a fax machine

mszee 03 Apr 2008 17:42


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 404992)
I need retraining on how to use a fax machine

Stick a paper face down, dial the number and press start...

Monstro 03 Apr 2008 17:46


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 404992)
I need retraining on how to use a fax machine


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 404993)
Stick a paper face down, dial the number and press start...

Whilst at least by the 6th attempt, when resisting urge to throw it through the nearest window, ensure nobody is on the extension and you're doing your very best to cut off a very important telephone call!!!!!!

RadioMaster 03 Apr 2008 17:49

I feel very confused now

mszee 03 Apr 2008 17:49


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 404994)
Whilst at least by the 6th attempt, when resisting urge to throw it through the nearest window, ensure nobody is on the extension and you're doing your very best to cut off a very important telephone call!!!!!!

Do you mean to say that fax machine is hooked up to somebody's line??? Ouch...

Deb 03 Apr 2008 17:55

LOL RJ :D;):cool::lol::-P

djfierce 03 Apr 2008 18:07


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 404988)
For the record, the british fan community has only very few people who think they are 'better' than other fans. ThatS what I like about you guys: you are kind and friendly to everybody new to the community, and dont judge them by facts llike how many shows have they seen, or how many records do they own.

In the German community on the other hand, you have maybe 5 or 6 people who dont even bother talking to or looking at 'newer' fans, as they think theyre not worth it.
Thats why I spend so much time with you guys ;)

I wasn't generalising the whole british fan community RJ, i did say there are a very few, which i'm sorry to be honest but there are, i dont know everyone's nationality well enough to state whether they are british or not but like Deb said no one's feeling need to get hurt so i will also refrain from being more specific. I hope you understand this post a little better ;)

RadioMaster 03 Apr 2008 18:13

Didnt say you were Anji, was just stating my opinion on that matter ;)

Deb 03 Apr 2008 19:04

Well I decided to try that ignore button out again and I have to say it works a treat :up: Should have done this months ago :-P

mszee 03 Apr 2008 19:07

I have a goofy question...

If you ignore somebody and they send you PM...what happens?

RadioMaster 03 Apr 2008 19:14


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 405007)
Well I decided to try that ignore button out again and I have to say it works a treat :up: Should have done this months ago :-P

so you decided to ignore me after all.....shame

The Flying Mouse 03 Apr 2008 19:24

:twisted: Right, now i've tried to rest on this, and will try and address the matters raised on this thread last night.
I will ATTEMPT to do it in a logical and practical way, although that is not easy at the moment as I am still very bitter at what has happened here.


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404893)
The issue isn't the amount of posting Neil, it's the content.

Because from all the niggly little comments i've seen recently on the forum, it's all about the post count.

And what content anyway?
You said about massages?
Jesus tapdancing christ, talk about out of context here.
One or two stupid flirty remarks in how many dumb posts of person above me, one word story thread, bat & belfry.
I have seen MUCH more flirting here over the years than what I and Jo have posted, so please don't pretend that that is even an issue.
Unless it's an issue that only applies to me and Jo.


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404893)
It's constant posts that exclude everyone except two people because they're constant posts about your private lives.

Constant posts about our private lives?
I'm just not seeing it.
How is The Person Above Me or The One Word Story Thread (both standard and alternative versions) a keen insight into the personal life of me and Jo?


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404893)
but no-one wants to log on here and read things that really should be private between the two/three of you.

What for god's sake?
That "The person above me makes a nice Sunday dinner"?


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404893)
And to be honest if we're discussing maturity here then I really don't think calling people childish and ignoring things is the way forward here.

From what i've read on this thread, a good few people have been bitching about me, Jo, and Barbara via PM in a way and volume that beggars belief.
How the hell does that represent grown up and mature behavior?

NOBODY who has a problem with us has had the maturity or the nerve to try to talk to Jo Barbara or myself through PM about how they feel.
Nobody has thought it would be the right thing to do to contact another staff member, who could then contact one of us and explain that there is a problem.
Sorry, but THAT is immature, silly, catty, small minded and spiteful.
To slag people off behind their backs without them even knowing, or without a chance to answer for themselves is disgraceful.

Christ, what next?
A Yahoo group?


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404898)
Several people here have made little quips and remarks about it, but I think I can safely say that they've been made with the hope that perhaps the hint would be taken and we could avoid someone having to post as bluntly as I did. Unfortunately for everyone that didn't happen.

Don't think I haven't noticed thm.
And when i've responded to those quips and hints what has happened?
Either silence or pretend you're talking about something else.
Christ, how many little "quips" have I taken over a certain green jacket?
It'll still crop up now and then even though it's nearly one and a half years since RAH.
Are we supposed to be telepathic about what hints and quips are to be taken seriously and which are friendly leg pulling ones?
If there ARE and friendly leg pulling ones that is.


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404898)
Again, no-one has an issue with the quantity - like Deb says, RJ, Karl and Jonty posted constantly at one point too - the issue is the personal content that excludes everyone else and is things that really aren't for our reading

Again, the same points and the same response?
What are the big personal issues here?
Oh sorry, "Any chance of a cuddle to go with that pint? :mrgreen: " posted in the bat & belfry is of such an intimate nature it sends everyone into a immediate bout of high embarrassment?
Come on for gods sake?


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 404899)
I agree completely with Deb, alot of people have private conversations using this board including some who complain about neil and co.

"A lot of people"?
I mean, this is PRICELESS.
Just how many people are involved in this little behind the scenes community?


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 404899)
Things do seem to go haywire once people know each other personally or date, which is why me and m dont post to each other too much on board, pretty much because none of it is relevant to any threads anyway but because our private life is just that M has a blog for the other stuff. I'm not saying everyone should do that its just how we do it.

Again, what is so revealing about our private lives in posts like the person above me?
What? "The person above is missed very much"?
It's hardly Watergate material here folks.

I hate to admit it, but not the vast majority of what I post is vastly profound idealogical theory or enlightenment that would have Einstein scratching his head in wonderment.
Most of what I post in off topic is CRAP.
It is the stuff this area and threads were built for.
Slapped or saved is never going to enable anyone to make a thorough phycological profile of me Jo or Barb, and the CIA will never be able to accurately predict our movements by reading whoever posts penultimate wins.

I'm just not seeing the vastly personal content here.


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 404899)
I'm talking about friends too, when you type something that you know only one or two other people will get then i define that as a private conversation, thats just me though.

Now this brings me nicely to the big "in joke" comments i've read.
Yes, we take the piss out of Steve on the forum.
This is not a very complex highly secret in joke that keeps everybody puzzled (and might I say i've seen a few of THOSE posted on the forums).
OK, here's the gag for those who never got onto it - now and again we post a random insult about him, or a remark about how to kill the fat ~~~~~~.
That's how simple that in JOKE is.

This is not the kind of in joke that is going to puzzle great minds is it?
Mentioning things said in PM's or on the phone, now THAT'S an in joke that excludes everybody else, and not the kind i'd post myself on a public forum.


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 404899)
Some people should look at themselves before criticising others i think, and i mean no one in particular before i get hounded, there are way too many to mention.

Thanks Anji, I knew I liked you for some reason :wink:


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404902)
It's inevitable on a forum of people who are friends both on and offline, including people who are couples, that there will be comments made that are for the attention of a specific person or group, "in jokes" are to be expected, but surely not constantly in every thread in an entire area of the forum? Especially by the Mod who posted rules stating we shouldn't do that.

See above.
How out can an in joke be and still be an in joke?
And if you'd care to read those rules.......................


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE
If you are having a conversation with one other member,consider continuing you're conversation via PM to keep the boards as clear as possible.Of course,if more than two people are talking,you are more than welcome to use the Postwhores topic.

There is not much conversation in the one word story thread.
Conversations between myself and Jo are kept to PM, the things we post on the forum are in line with the thread in question (one word story, whoever posts last etc)


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 404902)
Like you Anji, Andy and I considering our private lives to be private, and apart from the fact it's no-one business what we get up to I very much doubt anyone here is interested enough to read about it anyway, which is why, like Michael, things we've done as a couple are told in Blog posts. That's also our choice and I respect other people's choices in how their conduct their relationships (be it as part of a couple or a friendship), the issue as far as i can see is that this is Off Topic for everyone, but it's hard to get involved in constant personal conversations

AGAIN, how much personal conversation is going on in the person above me thread?
Me and Jo post on threads, and when other people post on those threads we post with them.
How do you break up a personal conversation that consists of one word posts?


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 404922)
But when I personally see a happy couple (and thank god, we do have a few of them here) addressing each other on open threads I try to stay away. I am letting those couples talk to each other. Never will I intrude on a stream of conversation between two people who are considered a couple in real life or otherwise, unless I am in on the inside joke of some kind or am really close to them.

Now this would be very much appreciated, if we were actually having a conversation.
How can anybody but out of a conversation that doesn't exist?
Joanne asking for a vodka and red bull is NOT a highly personal tender moment.
How can anybody be put off posting in the person above me (alternative version) be put off posting because the last two posters are engaged to each other?


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 404922)
So...I stay away from one thread for a while until I see somebody else joining in...and then I stay away from another thread if I see similar conversation there...and then I find myself staying away from most of the off topic (topic which I enjoy) threads...and then, I guess I feel left out...and sometimes when all threads are jumping I do try to chime in...but it does feel like being a 5th wheel and I just bud out...

Joanne, Barbara, or myself have NEVER excluded anyone from threads.
We will post to each other while nobody is posting, and then when somebody else joins on we post right along with them.
Again, these are not serious threads dealing with serious things, they are stupid, time wasting, and fun.


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 404970)
ok hun,
If something is wrong or members are acting inappropriately then it is the mods job not members to sort it out, yes Neil is a mod and maybe biased on this but he isnt the only mod.

Correct, and it has never stopped people reporting posts or certain kinds of behaviour on the forum to the staff if there has been a problem.
Yet in this case people have been happy to bitch behind our backs and make snide comments that they deny when asked in the slightest to elaborate on what they have said.

I am personally DISGUSTED by what has happened on this forum.
By the level of hostility, it's volume, and the spiteful way in which has manifested.

Later on in the thread Deb mentioned that Barb, Jo and myself would not be the only ones with hurt feelings.
Hurt feelings?
I was the one who was on the phone to a very upset Joanne last night, and it makes my blood boil that people I thought were our FRIENDS have caused upset like this because they don't like us posting as much.

To actually communicate behind our backs about something more than one person has indulged in in the past, with such poison, and then to accuse us of freezing everybody else out............

It is beyond the pail.

I am so angry about what has happened here, and sad, and worst of all, DISAPPOINTED.

I know that Jo doesn't feel comfortable posting here anymore, and quite frankly, neither do I.

Deb 03 Apr 2008 19:29

Thats what I was wondering Zina (Yah it's not you lol) Also what happens if they post in sb?

and I can still see you RJ (until you start with the lyrics again anyway ;))

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 19:39

Neil, you've referred me to threads such as Person Above/Below Me, the Pub thread...they're threads I don't even read, to be honest anything from me was based on this thread because I have no interest in the others and never have, so I can't comment on their content regarding Sunday dinners, one word posts or anything else.

In regards the content v post count thing, I don't think anyone's bothered about how much a person posts, but as Zina said it's about the peresonal posts and content between three people. Whether it's intentional or not I don't know if you realise how much stuff here is personal, I'm sorry Neil but I can't think of anyone here that wants to read about you and the others wanting to kill your father in law/husband/ me old fashioned but whether it's true or not they are private feelings that I don't think are appropriate for a public forum.

In regards people talking behind your back, I think you need to know right now that none of the conversations I've heard (and that does not necessarily mean been a part of) are not nasty or bitter, they're people who have felt excluded like they couldn't post anymore, disappointment and sadness that there are lots of people who don't post anymore, and no-one dared speak up. And look what happens when someone does. I'm actually disappointed that as soon as someone does bring it up the vast majority go quiet...

In my original post Neil I quoted the OT rules that you originally posted and I can't help but feel that those rules would have been pointed out by yourself to anyone else

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 19:41

Another point, I know this was mentioned to forum staff, long before yesterday.

mszee 03 Apr 2008 19:42

Yeah, well...enough probably said...but I would like to speak for myself now...

1. Was it not I who tried to post in between your guys posts and my post got lost in a shuffle. I appreciate, Neil, that you have apologized when I've asked why I was ignored. And I do sincerely believe that you meant it. And I also believe that a post from Jo is 1000 times more important to you than a post from me and it was honest mistake...and yet...the fact is...when you, guys, post to each do have eyes only for each other (and that's how it should be but in real life)...after that try...I didn't see a point to join in the "fun" anymore...

2. Was it not me who got an angry PM after I constantly posted in the thread Avatar above me with a request that I should stop and let other people post for a change? And that was ONE thread...

3. I have to admit...I used to be THE BIGGEST postwhore of this forum...and was it not I who was moderated as a result on almost every thread in off topic by everybody but Diane, Dave and SueW (I don't really count the last 2). In fact...was it not me that got moderated in the thread of Word Association, for God's sake...and that was MY association? And if I want to associate knife with watermelon, this is how my mind works...

4. Yes, I am pretty sure PM's flew...but I consider this legit...people do have to establish that they are not minority before addressing something.

5. Jonty, Carl and RJ? I pretty much remember EVERYBODY moderated them whoever wasn't lazy right in open they pretty much paid their dues too...

Alright...rant over...but I just had to make my point...

Joanne shed tears? You think she is the only one?

mszee 03 Apr 2008 19:42


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 405018)
Thats what I was wondering Zina (Yah it's not you lol) Also what happens if they post in sb?

and I can still see you RJ (until you start with the lyrics again anyway ;))

Yahoo!!! I am not on ignore list!!!

Deb 03 Apr 2008 19:45

I have a lot to respond to this post of yours Neil. But until I manage to work out how to copy and paste the relevant bits I just want to say I AM NOT one of those that have been talking about you behind closed doors or any other way for that matter. My comments yesterday were based on yesterday and nothing else. I do't want any of you 3 thinking that because of the things I said then that this has anything to do with me as it truly doesn't. The 3 of your posts to each other don't offend me. They may not always interest me but I can ignore them. And more often than not I just laugh at it and have in the past commented on what a postwhore Barbs became. My comment yesterday about are you all in the same house while posting was as I said then just a joke.

mszee 03 Apr 2008 19:48

I don't know expression beyond the pail? Beyond the bucket? What does it mean? We don't have that expression here...sorry...:oops:

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 19:51

I can only pass comment on conversations that have either involved me or that other people have told me about (in which case it was all second hand info anyway!) but I have no idea where this assumption of poison and being spiteful has come from. People have commented generally that the place isn't the same because lots of other members don't post anymore, but I can't see the evil in that? To be quite honest I'd like to think that the vast majority have more to care and worry about in real life the with 3D people! :lol:

RadioMaster 03 Apr 2008 19:56

Neil, I do respect you as a friend, and it is very important that you see that none of the comments made in this thread yesterday was meant as a personal attack to you, Jo or Barb.

I dont really want to go into this any further, as their are people here, who have english as there mother language, who can say what I would want to say, in a better way, without the risk of being misunderstood.

Again Neil, nothing here was a personal attack to any of you. It IS true, a lot of people are annoyed by the posts of you three, but its just a problem with the posts, not you.

"Nobody has thought it would be the right thing to do to contact another staff member, who could then contact one of us and explain that there is a problem."

I'm sorry Neil, but that is not true.

mszee 03 Apr 2008 20:04


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 405029)

Again Neil, nothing here was a personal attack to any of you. It IS true, a lot of people are annoyed by the posts of you three, but its just a problem with the posts, not you.

What does this mean???

R. 03 Apr 2008 21:53

Aaaah .... the silence.
I have posted my thoughts below. Please note that I have replied to quoted post in a whole, not to just a bit of it ...


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 404577)
know what you mean.

on a different matter:
If I put someone on my ignore list, would the person's posts still turn up in new posts?

Yes. Think about it, a different, not ignored person, could have posted before the ignored one.


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 404637)
alright no need to ingore then


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 404640)
I've come to the same conclusion...

You see, that's the kind of attitude that really pisses me off. How do you know that it's useless? Give it a try, then decide.


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 404688)
the thing is that it's always the 'usual suspects' (threads i mean) which i dont have to see turning up in new posts every five minutes

Then, surely you don't need to look at these threads, because you already know them.


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 404895)
I was just about to reply to your post Neil with the fact you said discussion over or what ever the words were and then chose to be sarcy about it.

But Lucy beat me to it in a huge way lol.

I personally don't find it bad. Although I have to admit today for the first time I ventured out of this thread and into others in OT and was very shocked at how the convo was only between 3 people. And could then see what others were finding annoying.

BUT to be fair, this isn't the first time this has happened. RJ, Karl and Jonty took over this topic and the sb for months :-P Not that it bothered me at all. So have many others on many occasions, with many convos between a few people that others dont get. Only a few have I ever found annoying. But there have been many times in the past and especially after last May when many here met up and became close that many felt left out here. Trust me from someone who watched both, that was just as bad.

As far as I can make out it is just postwhoring, I don't think its malicious in anyway. Others have been at times.

But I have got annoyed today at the attitude to the Liverpool thread. As it was just opinions that we gave. There was no need to take it as you did Neil.

Haven't checked the "Liverpool" thread, so I cannot comment on that. These areas, the shoutbox and the offtopic forum are supposed to bring life to site when there's nothing else to post about. Of course, this includes a lot of crap posts and threads. Hell, just look at most of the threads I have started.


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 404899)
I agree completely with Deb, alot of people have private conversations using this board including some who complain about neil and co. On different days it irritates me or not, but on the whole i dont care, i only care if it happens on a Meat article thread which happened recently and i did post. Off topic? Nope don't care really, as far as i can see these areas are maintained by maybe 10-15 people (being generous there lol)

Things do seem to go haywire once people know each other personally or date, which is why me and m dont post to each other too much on board, pretty much because none of it is relevant to any threads anyway but because our private life is just that M has a blog for the other stuff. I'm not saying everyone should do that its just how we do it.

I'm talking about friends too, when you type something that you know only one or two other people will get then i define that as a private conversation, thats just me though.

Some people should look at themselves before criticising others i think, and i mean no one in particular before i get hounded, there are way too many to mention.

Great post, especially the conclusion.


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 404903)
One thing I do want to add to this. Some say it isn't a Meat forum anymore. but so many post in off topic and TOTALLY ignore many Meat posts. Aknowledging them would sure help in making it more like a Meat forum again ;)

Now that is one thing that really does annoy me :-P



Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 404988)
For the record, the british fan community has only very few people who think they are 'better' than other fans. ThatS what I like about you guys: you are kind and friendly to everybody new to the community, and dont judge them by facts llike how many shows have they seen, or how many records do they own.

In the German community on the other hand, you have maybe 5 or 6 people who dont even bother talking to or looking at 'newer' fans, as they think theyre not worth it.
Thats why I spend so much time with you guys ;)

Danke. :))


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 405007)
Well I decided to try that ignore button out again and I have to say it works a treat :up: Should have done this months ago :-P

See? ;)


Originally Posted by Lucy! (Post 405021)
Another point, I know this was mentioned to forum staff, long before yesterday.

True. I received one complaint, asked for examples and as these were all off topic stuff, I decided to let it go on.


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 405022)
Yeah, well...enough probably said...but I would like to speak for myself now...

1. Was it not I who tried to post in between your guys posts and my post got lost in a shuffle. I appreciate, Neil, that you have apologized when I've asked why I was ignored. And I do sincerely believe that you meant it. And I also believe that a post from Jo is 1000 times more important to you than a post from me and it was honest mistake...and yet...the fact is...when you, guys, post to each do have eyes only for each other (and that's how it should be but in real life)...after that try...I didn't see a point to join in the "fun" anymore...

2. Was it not me who got an angry PM after I constantly posted in the thread Avatar above me with a request that I should stop and let other people post for a change? And that was ONE thread...

3. I have to admit...I used to be THE BIGGEST postwhore of this forum...and was it not I who was moderated as a result on almost every thread in off topic by everybody but Diane, Dave and SueW (I don't really count the last 2). In fact...was it not me that got moderated in the thread of Word Association, for God's sake...and that was MY association? And if I want to associate knife with watermelon, this is how my mind works...

4. Yes, I am pretty sure PM's flew...but I consider this legit...people do have to establish that they are not minority before addressing something.

5. Jonty, Carl and RJ? I pretty much remember EVERYBODY moderated them whoever wasn't lazy right in open they pretty much paid their dues too...

Alright...rant over...but I just had to make my point...

Joanne shed tears? You think she is the only one?

Well, I sometimes had the impression that you were/are a spambot. :)) And very true, I probably have told you more than once to shut up for a minute. What I don't understand about that post above, why is it that you had to add the tears bit after you made your point?

Anyway, coming back to the getting moderated point from Zina's post. Imagine, you are with a group of people having a conversation. And while you are there, this conversation is dominated by a few people. What do you do, if you can't bring your point across, because these few guys don't stop blathering? Exactly, you tell them to shut up for a second - politely. And most likely, this works. Now, switch back to these forums - what does happen here when people don't stop blathering? Yeah, most likely, those people who just can't deal with the blathering, exchange a gazillion PMs on how to stop that nonsense and finally come to the conclusion to tell them to shut up for a minute. But wait, what if the blatherer is a mod? Yeah, well ... post a few hints, then complain with the admins and let them deal with it (or not, because in my case I didn't see a reason). So that's where we are now.

Now, here's my question to: Why? Does any of you really think that any mod, or more precisely Neil would go berserk if someone would ask him in a polite way to take the spamming a step back? And even if he goes berserk and starts a banning spree, do you really think this would happen unnoticed? It doesn't, that's one reason why we're using that infamous infraction system. The only person on this site who would probably get away with it would be me, but that's something you'll have to live with. I expect you to answer my question above to yourself.

So, there you have it. I'm switching back to idle mode now, because I'm a big fan of doing nothing. :bleh:

Deb 03 Apr 2008 22:03

Thank you for opening the thread again R.

Just to add that the bit you quoted me on was about the summer meet up thread, which was referring to a meet up in Liverpool.

mszee 03 Apr 2008 22:06

My nameless friend who knows who you're...I wish now we've made a bet...

R., in reply, let me post this to clarify something:

You've met I look like a spambot? Is my recent activity here qualifies me even for a postwhore?

Yes, I got moderated a lot and most (but definitely not all) of the time I deserved it and I would expect that everybody else would be treated the same. I did learn a few points from moderation, didn't I?

American forums which I was at prior to coming here didn't have to me it was new...hence tears and tears and tears and tears...until I got a grip and calmed biggie at the end of the day...

Hope it explains tears (and tears and tears and tears and tears)

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