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RadioMaster 03 Apr 2008 22:08

back to my reply i typed hours ago:

As Jonty, Carl and me are often quoted as a bad example here Id like to say something on this matter:

a) I didnt know our posting was annoying people, if so, sorry

b) I do know that my lyric posting was annoying people. As soon as this was brought to me, I simply stopped it. Without feeling attacked personally or bitching about it.

With all respect Neil, that's simply what you should have done.

djfierce 03 Apr 2008 22:09

The way i see things
ok i typed this earlier before the thread got locked and still see it relevant so i reserve my right to still post, R if you think it wrong then please take it down ;)

Right hmmm where do we start with this mess.....

First i will give my opinion... then answer your quotes Neil

My opinion and my perogative is this....

Neil and co have been needlessly hounded in this thread and some things have been said that just arent true or just very mean!!

I personally dont agree with what has been said, yes i make a little commment to MYSELF when i log onto new posts and see the same name as new poster on all of them but i dont visit half of those threads so i dont care, and the reason i dont visit is not because of these three, it is quite simply that i just think the threads are daft, i am too busy with littlun to get involved in those games, but all power to thse that do, i'm glad you all have fun.

In regards to personal comments, i dont really see any, i saw alot more from another couple when they first got together but nothing was said. As long as comments stay in off topic and relevant to the thread then i dont see the issue. I personally did post a 'so back to the topic' comment on a meat related article thread, because it was taken way off topic and i believe i was right to do so and make no apologies, however i wouldnt do that in the off topic threads as thats what they are for.

As far as i can see we only have one persons word that pm's have been flying around, nobody i have spoken to in the last 24hrs regarding this apparantly knows of anything being said behind the scenes so i find that a malicious comment personally as it can be said without providing any back up whatsoever.

so on to the relevant quotes to me...



Originally Posted by djfierce View Post
I agree completely with Deb, alot of people have private conversations using this board including some who complain about neil and co.

"A lot of people"?

I mean, this is PRICELESS.
Just how many people are involved in this little behind the scenes community?
i'm sorry if i read that wrong but it looks like you have misread what i put...i meant that those who criticise you for having private convo's have been/are guilty af doing the same thing. I tried to refrain from saying but yes i guess i mean hypocrites. I personally know of no pm's flying around or any 'bitchin' i'm not saying it hasnt been happening, but i have no knowledge of it, and have only seen one person talking about this with no one backing it up.



Originally Posted by djfierce View Post
I'm talking about friends too, when you type something that you know only one or two other people will get then i define that as a private conversation, thats just me though.
Now this brings me nicely to the big "in joke" comments i've read.
Yes, we take the piss out of Steve on the forum.
This is not a very complex highly secret in joke that keeps everybody puzzled (and might I say i've seen a few of THOSE posted on the forums).
OK, here's the gag for those who never got onto it - now and again we post a random insult about him, or a remark about how to kill the fat ~~~~~~.
That's how simple that in JOKE is.

This is not the kind of in joke that is going to puzzle great minds is it?
Mentioning things said in PM's or on the phone, now THAT'S an in joke that excludes everybody else, and not the kind i'd post myself on a public forum.
Again not sure my post was read right, i was saying how i defined an in joke, iactually dont think anything i've read from you guys fit that description however many other occasions from others do.



Originally Posted by djfierce View Post
Some people should look at themselves before criticising others i think, and i mean no one in particular before i get hounded, there are way too many to mention.
Thanks Anji, I knew I liked you for some reason
To be brutally honest as other people seem to be, i actually mean less than too many to mention, was just trying to be polite lol

Originally Posted by Lucy
I'm actually disappointed that as soon as someone does bring it up the vast majority go quiet...

maybe thats because not everyone agrees.

Originally Posted by lucy
I can only pass comment on conversations that have either involved me or that other people have told me about (in which case it was all second hand info anyway!)

You have no right to post things other people have said to you but also because you cannot back it up without those people coming forward in which case you need not say anything, in this case i can see how it comes accross as spiteful.

mszee 03 Apr 2008 22:13

Not going back to the debate but do have to agree that most of the threads in question are daft come to think of it...however, some can be quite fun like Change The Letter and Word Association...

AND something to do when nothing to do...

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 22:16

And that's why there is nothing posted in this thread from me that has come from other people.

And in regards to my comment about people keeping quiet, I know it's people that do agree with me, hence me opening my mouth in the first place. I don't expect other people to change their feeling or opinions, ever, but it's irritating that as soon as it comes to light suddenly people's feelings vanish...

mszee 03 Apr 2008 22:22

And...moving on...some things will never change...

angelica 03 Apr 2008 22:47


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 405055)
And...moving on...some things will never change...

Can we move this on ...cos some of the things that have been said are very hurtful to people.

I know we all have our own opinions about things but I agree with a lot of the things Anji has said above, especially about hounding people and in all honesty I think it's time this was all dropped cos it's turning into a kind of witch hunt and that's not fair to anyone involved.:(

And please nobody shoot me for saying this it's just my own opinion

mszee 03 Apr 2008 22:49


Originally Posted by angelica (Post 405063)
Can we move this on ...cos some of the things that have been said are very hurtful to people.

I know we all have our own opinions about things but I agree with a lot of the things Anji has said above, especially about hounding people and in all honesty I think it's time this was all dropped cos it's turning into a kind of witch hunt and that's not fair to anyone involved.:(

And please nobody shoot me for saying this it's just my own opinion

Why did you quote me on this post??? :shock:

I just posted my unrelated thoughts?

angelica 03 Apr 2008 22:53

it was the moving on bit Zina ... nothing else I can unquote you if you want ... but I do'nt think I know how to do this!

mszee 03 Apr 2008 22:56


Originally Posted by angelica (Post 405065)
it was the moving on bit Zina ... nothing else I can unquote you if you want ... but I do'nt think I know how to do this!

Oh no, not a problem at all...I was just surprised at quoting me when I already said moving on...

Deb 03 Apr 2008 22:57

Not sure where to start here but just want to add my views on this...

As I said I really don't have a problem with Neil, Jo and Barb's posts. I have been far more offended in the past by others posts though.

Seeing as everyone seems to be in the mood for the truth and thinks this is an isolated case, it really isn't. Back around May there was a really bad clique here (before and after Wembley). Many of that clique were the very same people who aren't happy that now others are the post whores. (I don't necessarily mean you here Zina) Yet not one of them saw at the time that they were doing the same thing and isolating many long time fans here. The icing on the cake was the meaty awards thingys... That was a complete piss take and was quite clearly a clique voting for their group of friends even if they didn't fall into that catagory. Take Zina being nominated for (or winning cant remember) the life time achievement or what ever it was, and the fav mod of the moment winning all the awards. It made a complete mockery of the site. But many of you loved it. Just have to add here that Neil this time you were also part of this clique.

Others got totally ignored in many many threads, only people who knew each other would reply to each others posts. For the first time ever here I felt like a total outsider and have been around for almost 10yrs. It really is no different to now. But pretty funny that the very same people find neil and co so bad now. Well I witnessed both and I found the May thing far worse.

Neil, Jo and Barb aren't spiteful or nasty, granted it can get annoying, but they aren't hurting anyone. Others have on many occasions and i'm big enough to admit even I have at times. This is all so hypocritical.

And as for the in jokes.... I see far more of them from others here. In many threads. I really don't see Barb wanting to bump Steve off as offensive Lucy. But I did think the BIG King comments were offensive and imo unessecary. And there have been plenty more.

I also see it that Neil and co do include others if they post and they do (especially Barb) try to reply to others. That really can't be said for many here I can tell you.

Some are also saying that many don't post here anymore, then go on to say that it's only Neil. Jo and Barb posting... Well obviously if nobody else will post lol.

sexyeyes_jo 03 Apr 2008 22:57


Originally Posted by angelica (Post 405063)
Can we move this on ...cos some of the things that have been said are very hurtful to people.

I know we all have our own opinions about things but I agree with a lot of the things Anji has said above, especially about hounding people and in all honesty I think it's time this was all dropped cos it's turning into a kind of witch hunt and that's not fair to anyone involved.:(

And please nobody shoot me for saying this it's just my own opinion

couldn't have said it better myself angelica i would have said my own opinion on here but it would have got me banned

angelica 03 Apr 2008 23:02

just saying what I thought Jo ... take care

Deb 03 Apr 2008 23:02


Originally Posted by angelica (Post 405063)
Can we move this on ...cos some of the things that have been said are very hurtful to people.

I know we all have our own opinions about things but I agree with a lot of the things Anji has said above, especially about hounding people and in all honesty I think it's time this was all dropped cos it's turning into a kind of witch hunt and that's not fair to anyone involved.:(

And please nobody shoot me for saying this it's just my own opinion

I have to agree here. Anji said lots of how \i feel. I've been noticing the digs for a long time now and in fact I have mentioned it to a mod from the other perspective. Watching it from an outside point of view really wasn't nice. My some peoples :shit: dont stink comment last week (ish) was in direct reply to some of these digs.

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 23:16


Originally Posted by Deb (Post 405067)

And as for the in jokes.... I see far more of them from others here. In many threads. I really don't see Barb wanting to bump Steve off as offensive Lucy. But I did think the BIG King comments were offensive and imo unessecary. And there have been plenty more.

I think actually the person that was most mortified by that comment was me, as it was a discussion between Andy and someone else that I got involved in and posted something that was taken completely out of context. Call me old fashioned but if I had meant that comment as it sounded (you'll have to excuse me not remembering the exact conversation but i can't be arsed to find it) then I wouldn't have posted it on a public forum as it would have been completely inappropriate. Andy and I consider our private lives to be exactly that and we do not post about it here.

Deb 03 Apr 2008 23:20

I'm sorry Lucy you may not now but in the past you both have on many many occasions. There are many 'Too much information' posts in reply to a lot of both of your posts from many different people.

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 23:25

This is a forum full of innuendo, some good, some not so good, and the vast majority of it down to the interpretation of the reader(s). If any posts from me either to or about Andy (or vice versa for that matter) have been viewed as "too much information" then I'm sorry but they have not been intentional, because our relationship doesn't concern anyone here and we've done well to keep it that way

Deb 03 Apr 2008 23:29

But on the same hand, maybe Neil and Jo haven't done it intentionally?

I am more than sure there are a good few 'high heels' posts from you both. And I don't just mean the shoe addicition ones. But the thigh length boot ones.

firefly 03 Apr 2008 23:47

my ear hurts

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 23:48

With the exception of numerous shoe conversations, the only thigh high boot posts I'm aware of was a conversation between Zina and me during which I posted a pic of some boots because Zina didn't know what PVC was...if people mistook the Ann Summers model for me then great but that did not involve Andy (or anything from my wardrobe!), because again, my personal life is not for public reading.

Deb 03 Apr 2008 23:54

Lucy I am not gonna trawl through all of your posts to prove otherwise but you and Andy have posted on many occasions in the past about your private life. Whether it be out rightly or disguised. I don't care either way if you do or don't, but after the comments about Neil and Jo it seems a bit one rule for one and another for the rest.

firefly 03 Apr 2008 23:56

ok..... i'll leave you all too it.... personaly , this has gone on long enough!!!! have fun.

LucyK! 03 Apr 2008 23:57

Yes, it does seem a bit "one rule for one and one for the rest"...yesterday I posted an issue that had been raised by several people (who conviniently disappear as soon as it's mentioned I might add) and now apparently I'm the bully making personal attacks againt at what point do the posts I'm responding to now become personal attacks?

Deb 04 Apr 2008 00:02

Not sure what you mean, are you saying i'm personally attacking you? As i'm not, just making comparissons and stating facts.

I don't agree with whats being said here about Neil and co. Others do and have posted they do.

And just for the record as it seems ok to do this. i'm also not the only one who has noticed that you two do the same thing. Just seems i'm one of the only one speaking up as well.

firefly 04 Apr 2008 00:07

OH come on you guy's enough is enough.... seems im the only one to say this but for goodness sake just leave it where it is now.... kiss and make up..... lol.... Enough!!!!

LucyK! 04 Apr 2008 00:09

No I don't consider these to be personal attacks, I also don't consider what was said to Neil and Jo to be personal attacks but apparently they are, so I'm interested as to where the line is drawn.

I'm well aware that you are not the only person to have opinions on Andy and I, and one of the major issues that's come up since my original post yesterday is the backstabbing and two-faced nature of people who have discussed Neil and Jo privately. No public posts have been made about Andy and me until now, and neither of us have received PMs or otherwise discussing the matter, so I can only assume we've been the lucky recipients of backstabbing since we made the choice to tell people about our relationship...

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