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Wario 05 Dec 2011 00:07


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560514)
Isn't the DVD supposed to feature footage from Sydney? The artwork on the drumkit appears to be from HCTB. As far as I know, the bass drum was decorated with the HIAH cover artwork during the Sydney concert.

Edit: I knew it looked familiar:

ah yes my mistake.

PanicLord 05 Dec 2011 01:11


Originally Posted by stretch37 (Post 560516)
It does not matter if it was lip synced or not. It sounded goddamn good, They did amazing work on it, and it has the potential to get meat to #1 in Germany because of the fabulous production. Anyone who whines about it has got nothing better to do in their life except pick everything apart done by meat.

I hadn't noticed anyone whining about it, just inquiring in a friendly manner, but either way I 100% agree it was a terrific job and excellent promotion for Meat. Looks like it's having a positive effect according to the other thread about chart positions - a job very well done indeed!

allrevvedup 05 Dec 2011 01:18

Still not convinced by All of Me but, as a medley, the performance it was a million times better than the AFL one

SueL 05 Dec 2011 02:23


Originally Posted by BATOUTOFHEAVEN (Post 559774)
I couldn't agree more, come on the rest of you, what's with the negativity? Meat has never let us down and I'm sure this will be great and I for one, can't wait!!!!!!!! :D

And you were proven so right!!! ;)

The entire performance ROCKED, but ALL OF ME..... ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! :D


SueL 05 Dec 2011 02:30


Originally Posted by Ollie241189 (Post 560490)
I really really cant stress how muc i disagree with you Wario. Respectfully of course. I really dont think it was lip synched at all!!!


stretch37 05 Dec 2011 03:38

I think parts of it were live and parts were pre recorded. It was ingenious!!!! And like I said it doesn't matter, the production was ~~~~ing epic!

Kathy 05 Dec 2011 06:44

four thumbs up!
Thanks so much to Stretch and Adje and Unbekannt for posting the links! I enjoyed that :) and I'm thrilled Meat was on this big show!! Can't you just hear the worldwide buzz factor increasing :)

chairboys 05 Dec 2011 12:11


Originally Posted by Vickip (Post 560493)

I'm just curious Wario ... you said yourself you thought it was awesome. So why not just leave it at that, instead of putting the performance under a microscope to try to analyze every little note and detail :??: ;)

I now have an image of a white-coated Dr. Wario in his purpose built "Meat Loaf Testing Laboratory"

robgomm 05 Dec 2011 13:03


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 560538)
I now have an image of a white-coated Dr. Wario in his purpose built "Meat Loaf Testing Laboratory"

That's probably not far from the truth to be honest. Wario goes overboard disecting everything Meat does.

razorball2002 05 Dec 2011 14:46

Well I dont know why people on this forum are being so exited about a lip synched performance? Is being a fan = being naïve?
I would rather be impressed at seeing Meat do a great LIVE vocal performance LIVE on TV. When is it that he sounded great on TV during a live performance? Really i can't remember, but since the Hang Cool CD came out, I would say NONE (with the exeption of Living on the outside at one TV show maybe...). He sounded great live during a hang cool show when I saw him, but at every TV show i'm like: ARGH!!!!.......... Noooooooo!!! Please Meat stop to stress out so much your vocal chords!!!!!!¨.....
Really, there is nothing extraordinary at lip synching a song, even if you're Meat Loaf. Hope it gets him to sell some CDs, thats all.
PS: I have been watching Wetten dass since my childhood, and EVERY artist I saw on this show lip synched, so I just hope noone will persist on saying it was live.

CarylB 05 Dec 2011 15:17


Originally Posted by suzieq (Post 560501)
Can anyone tell me why it's a big deal if he did lip sync? Did it take away from the performance for you? Is the performance less credible to you? I just don't get it.

I have no idea either why this always has to be the subject of guesses, assumptions, pontifications and debates either :roll:

Was it a great performance? YES. Did he rock the house down in style? YES. Was it Meat singing? YES. Why the hell that can't be enough baffles me. (Nor how anyone who wasn't on that set can make their assumptions by simply watching YT clips anyway. Going on those the host lip synched his way through Meat's introduction :lol:)

It was a terrific performance, what was recorded then or earlier, or delivered live only Meat knows .. It was HIM singing, he was great, I loved it, the audience loved it, he was clearly delighted, and frankly that's more than sufficient for me.


snider22 05 Dec 2011 15:19


Originally Posted by razorball2002 (Post 560542)
Well I dont know why people on this forum are being so exited about a lip synched performance? Is being a fan = being naïve?
Really, there is nothing extraordinary at lip synching a song, even if you're Meat Loaf. Hope it gets him to sell some CDs, thats all.
PS: I have been watching Wetten dass since my childhood, and EVERY artist I saw on this show lip synched, so I just hope noone will persist on saying it was live.

Lol, if watching/participating in something since childhood makes you an iron clad expert on a subject, then I just realized that I am officially a freaking genius. :cool: Seriously, just ask me, I'll tell you.

Dude, you are doing what many people tend to do, you are presenting your opinion as fact and that is just not the case. I personally stand by my opinion that the performance was live, and unless Meat tells us otherwise, I will continue to believe that. And, no I am not naïve, I just think it was a great performance by a well rested performer.

robgomm 05 Dec 2011 15:35


Originally Posted by CarylB (Post 560543)
I have no idea either why this always has to be the subject of guesses, assumptions, pontifications and debates either :roll:

Was it a great performance? YES. Did he rock the house down in style? YES. Was it Meat singing? YES. Why the hell that can't be enough baffles me. (Nor how anyone who wasn't on that set can make their assumptions by simply watching YT clips anyway. Going on those the host lip synched his way through Meat's introduction :lol:)

It was a terrific performance, what was recorded then or earlier, or delivered live only Meat knows .. It was HIM singing, he was great, I loved it, the audience loved it, he was clearly delighted, and frankly that's more than sufficient for me.


Well said.

CarylB 05 Dec 2011 15:39


Originally Posted by razorball2002 (Post 560542)
Well I dont know why people on this forum are being so exited about a lip synched performance? Is being a fan = being naïve?

Well you might of course be much better informed and knowledgeable than some of us .. but I think being a fan means that you delight in a great performance, in hearing great vocals, in seeing Meat's delight. To me that's not naive .. simply positive, supportive, and one of those fans who actually ENJOYS hearing and watching the performer they follow. It was HIS voice, and some of us take our simple pleasures in that.

Quote: I just hope noone will persist on saying it was live.
Why? They are entitled to make their own assumptions, just as you make yours (I suspect you weren't on the set or the soundboard, so you too are making an assumption based on what you consider to be the evidence). And if anyone wants to express what they think, and that happens (heaven forfend) to be at odds with your view, they are entitled to say what they think ..

Meat appeared on Wetten Das. He was great, and if some of us find that exciting so be it. I think it's terrific to be a fan who DOES get excited by seeing and hearing the performer I follow, simply enjoys it, doesn't need to examine it and dissect it, but can simply take pleasure in it and celebrate.


2jaxx 05 Dec 2011 16:00

I guess people just want to make sure Meat can still do it without the comfort and safety of a recording studio. At least All of Me was part lip sync. That's a given. I have such a sensitive memory for sung words that I would hear the difference at once. And the first verse is right from the CD.

loaferman61 05 Dec 2011 16:05


Originally Posted by razorball2002 (Post 560542)
Well I dont know why people on this forum are being so exited about a lip synched performance? Is being a fan = being naïve?
I would rather be impressed at seeing Meat do a great LIVE vocal performance LIVE on TV. When is it that he sounded great on TV during a live performance? Really i can't remember, but since the Hang Cool CD came out, I would say NONE (with the exeption of Living on the outside at one TV show maybe...). He sounded great live during a hang cool show when I saw him, but at every TV show i'm like: ARGH!!!!.......... Noooooooo!!! Please Meat stop to stress out so much your vocal chords!!!!!!¨.....
Really, there is nothing extraordinary at lip synching a song, even if you're Meat Loaf. Hope it gets him to sell some CDs, thats all.
PS: I have been watching Wetten dass since my childhood, and EVERY artist I saw on this show lip synched, so I just hope noone will persist on saying it was live.

Many tv shows do not allow live performances as a rule. I recall Dick Clark's "American Bandstand" when I was young (very, very young LOL) one band made headlines because they suddenly played something live without the producer's knowledge. I don't think they ever appeared on there again and as I recall the producers were quite upset the lip sync only rule being broken. In America I have noted Saturday Night Live going from all live performances to a mixture of live and either outright lip sync or backing tracks. Depends on what the show allows.

nikox1 05 Dec 2011 16:14

great performance!!! does everybody agree? end of people!!!!!

robgomm 05 Dec 2011 16:29


Originally Posted by 2jaxx (Post 560547)
I guess people just want to make sure Meat can still do it without the comfort and safety of a recording studio. At least All of Me was part lip sync. That's a given. I have such a sensitive memory for sung words that I would hear the difference at once. And the first verse is right from the CD.

Again, just you're just stating an opinion, not a fact as you make it sound.

robgomm 05 Dec 2011 16:37

In my opinion for what it's worth the whole thing was live vocals. All Of Me was live vocals in my view because there was an ad lib that was different from the record.

I find it hard to believe that Meat would be able to lip sync the whole performance THAT perfectly, even the ad libs, if it was it was the best mime in history. Just like someone who said Lady Gaga lip synced at Children In Need when it was so obvious she didn't. The signs are there if you look hard enough that it's live, and I saw enough to convince me.

nikox1 05 Dec 2011 16:45


Originally Posted by robgomm (Post 560551)
In my opinion for what it's worth the whole thing was live vocals. All Of Me was live vocals in my view because there was an ad lib that was different from the record.

I find it hard to believe that Meat would be able to lip sync the whole performance THAT perfectly, even the ad libs, if it was it was the best mime in history. Just like someone who said Lady Gaga lip synced at Children In Need when it was so obvious she didn't. The signs are there if you look hard enough that it's live, and I saw enough to convince me.

best post of this thread!!! 100% on the money!!!

chairboys 05 Dec 2011 16:50

If Meat is reading any of this debate I bet he's having a good laugh.
I must say I didn't realise half of what goes on in a TV performance!
It certainly sounded live to me, although I am easily fooled. Even it wasn't live live as Monstro said I couldn't really care. I doubt he would have had time to do too many takes in the rehearsals so, to me, I am counting it as live!!
We had to endure nearly 3hrs of german entertainment before Meat came on, so I was determined to enjoy the moment and, by heck, I did!!

CarylB 05 Dec 2011 17:00


Originally Posted by 2jaxx (Post 560547)
I guess people just want to make sure Meat can still do it without the comfort and safety of a recording studio.

Which he's been doing regularly during the last two years, on stage, live, loud, in-your-face proud and bloody brilliantly .. so they should all be pretty happy


robgomm 05 Dec 2011 17:19


Originally Posted by nikox1 (Post 560552)
best post of this thread!!! 100% on the money!!!

Thank you. For those that are wondering there was a bit during All Of Me where he did an 'oh' ad lib that wasn't on the record.

pierre 05 Dec 2011 17:21

It was great performance and I enjoyed it very much (the lights, the cut with the singing girl in the audience, etc.) It doesn´t matter, but I think it was live pre recorded and a very good lip sync. In my mind, it wasn´t synchron at the end of Anything for example.
Am I right, that there wasn´t a performance at the announced breakfast show today?

melon 05 Dec 2011 17:42


Originally Posted by lorenzoduke (Post 560430)
By the way HIAH is currently #12 on German iTunes. Not bad to say it's been out for a day.

Great!!! Congratulations Meat, I hope it continues upwards from there!


Originally Posted by suzieq (Post 560443)
1st: LOVE the Meat Loaf lighting behind John. 2nd: The new jacket (moons/stars/peace signs) a grower on me.

Me too!


Originally Posted by Vickip (Post 560493)
I'm just curious Wario ... you said yourself you thought it was awesome. So why not just leave it at that, instead of putting the performance under a microscope to try to analyze every little note and detail :??: ;)

Beacuase iz Wario ;)


Originally Posted by robgomm (Post 560551)
In my opinion for what it's worth the whole thing was live vocals. All Of Me was live vocals in my view because there was an ad lib that was different from the record.

I find it hard to believe that Meat would be able to lip sync the whole performance THAT perfectly, even the ad libs, if it was it was the best mime in history. Just like someone who said Lady Gaga lip synced at Children In Need when it was so obvious she didn't. The signs are there if you look hard enough that it's live, and I saw enough to convince me.

It's taken me a few days, I've been away fro cricket, but I finally got to watch this. I was thinking when I watched it that AOM sounded very similar to the recorded version, but then I watched closely, he is in perfect timing and Meat has always said that he never stays in time, and it did sound a bit different, I am pretty sure it's not lip synched, but so what if it was? It was great and TTW & AFL were fantastic!


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 560553)
If Meat is reading any of this debate I bet he's having a good laugh.
I must say I didn't realise half of what goes on in a TV performance!
It certainly sounded live to me, although I am easily fooled. Even it wasn't live live as Monstro said I couldn't really care. I doubt he would have had time to do too many takes in the rehearsals so, to me, I am counting it as live!!

Me too, all all counts!

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