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duke knooby 28 Jul 2008 02:42


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 425399)

I think it's a series's a 51 plate. That exhaust bit in your link does look a lot like the part of the exhaust with the huge gaping hole in it (how that went like that without me realising is somewhat embarrassing i can tell you!), but there is also the thing that from your explanation sounds like it is definately the lambda sensor. Yes it's still there, but am not entirely sure what the thing is that it attaches to - will take it to the garage to sort that bit.

the bright side is, its nothing too major, the darkside is... looks like you've an enclosed cat, which makes that part about 125 quid, ive a may 2000 series 2 outside the door and its same downpipe as the 95 series 1 outside the door, i'm sorry i've no idea what mod was made for the 01 range

SamCat 28 Jul 2008 03:17


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 425435)
the bright side is, its nothing too major, the darkside is... looks like you've an enclosed cat, which makes that part about 125 quid, ive a may 2000 series 2 outside the door and its same downpipe as the 95 series 1 outside the door, i'm sorry i've no idea what mod was made for the 01 range

Anyone else got that Woosh feeling?!! And i dont think its cos i've had a glass of wine lol!!

MissAsh 28 Jul 2008 03:37

Too warm to even contemplate sleeping right now. Very glad I'm not working tomorrow!

Battybarb 28 Jul 2008 04:08

I dont work mondays ,thank god..going on tour of the Emirates stadium so i hope its not too hot...

Hypnobabe 28 Jul 2008 11:20

Barb!!!!! You lucky devil!!! All I'm doing today is packing ready to jet off to sunny Sri Lanka tomorrow.... lol....

Estonia piccies up on Facebook, if anyone's interested.... and yes, the pics of me DO have beer in...

A. Le Coq down by the beach, and cinnamon beer in The Olde Hansa in Tallinn... and it was scrummy!

If anyone ever goes to Estonia, especially Tallinn, I'd heartily recommend The Olde Hansa - they have bear on the menu, and one of the guys had it last Friday night so I tried some - it's delicious! And the fillet mignon I had was perfect... I'm drooling at the thought of it...

Betty 28 Jul 2008 18:27

I donīt like flying

duke knooby 28 Jul 2008 19:37


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 425486)
I donīt like flying

you'll be grand :D... besides it'll be worth it!!!

duke knooby 28 Jul 2008 19:37

it's a bit warm today...
whats it take to be banned these days?

Monstro 28 Jul 2008 19:41


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 425486)
I donīt like flying

You're becoming a frequent flyer now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mszee 28 Jul 2008 21:15

Now about that ABBA tribute...

I should really study what I am going to see...the clue should have been that it was in the State Theater.

The thing is...this is a full blown band with even 2 members from origininal ABBA band as guests...they are Swedish and performed in venues like RAH and Rose Ball in LA...

The are allowed knock off of original ABBA costumes and, in essense, represent ABBA as a band that is no more...and while instrumentals were pretty close to albums as we know them...vocals were better in my opinion, especially girls...The blond girl looks like a spit image of the original one...

In any event...this was a whole lot more serious affair than I expected and it was really really decent...

A little piece of trivia...somewhere in the world every 15 seconds ABBA album is sold...WOW...

~Helen~ 28 Jul 2008 22:02

Interesting Abba trivia! Who was the tribute band?

Car is back home safe with new catalyst/exhaust section according to mechanic (though I didn't pick the car up, so that's the second hand story), cost wasn't too bad - affordable at least, and car is back home and driving now without notifying the entire neighbourhood of my movements. Which is the main thing :)

AndrewG 28 Jul 2008 22:03

So we'll see you on Saturday then?!

mszee 28 Jul 2008 22:03


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 425520)
Interesting Abba trivia! Who was the tribute band?

Car is back home safe with new catalyst/exhaust section according to mechanic (though I didn't pick the car up, so that's the second hand story), cost wasn't too bad - affordable at least, and car is back home and driving now without notifying the entire neighbourhood of my movements. Which is the main thing :)

It is actually pretty amazing trivia...they still sell around 2 million albums a year...geez...

The tribute band was called Waterloo...of course...

And congrats on the car...if I was getting Jonty's posts instead of you I would have traded my car for bicycle...

RadioMaster 28 Jul 2008 22:10

jonty clean out your pm box ffs

Betty 28 Jul 2008 22:21


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 425494)
You're becoming a frequent flyer now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know lol
Which makes it even more pathetic that I still have that fear :doh:
On the other hand, my last flight was 9 month ago ...

samurai7 28 Jul 2008 22:25

that was a heck of a thunderstorm :cool:

shame it was only a brief one.

~Helen~ 28 Jul 2008 22:26

Jonty was my life saver because I could call up the mechanic and give him a vague idea of what the problem was, rather than just saying "it's making a noise" (although he heard that, as he heard me coming down the street) - thanks Jonty! :up:

And yeay, Sam and me will be at London on Saturday - yeay! (Sam's girlfriend's at a McFly concert so I'm allowed loan of him for the day! Lol!)

allrevvedup 28 Jul 2008 23:03

imagine the shame of liking mcfly:shock:

RadioMaster 28 Jul 2008 23:07

or liking Meat Loaf! :shock:

aaah....what a luck that were the Westlife fan club! :))

allrevvedup 28 Jul 2008 23:14

RJ, i like you, please don't insult me:shock:


MissAsh 28 Jul 2008 23:48


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 425486)
I donīt like flying

I'll probably be saying the same thing by the end of this weekend!

MeatGrl1 29 Jul 2008 01:24

I'm very sleepy :zzz:.
I'm feeling muggy, hope there will be a bit of a breeze soon, would reopen my window but being woken by rain isn't the most appealing of things :shock: !!
Looking forward to Friday :cool:.

Now though I should look into sorting this room out, it's an absolute mess then I really must go to bed, am a bit sleepy...

Night night :zzz:.

SW31 29 Jul 2008 01:26

now an offical sudent of the uni - of wales oh my god what have i done

duke knooby 29 Jul 2008 01:32

carl should go to london, carl should go to london, carl should go to london

SamCat 29 Jul 2008 01:36

Ok anyone know anything about air con units we need one desperately for the salon its too hot lol!! I drank 2 litres of water today and didn't need to pee once its that bad!!

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