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Ben 29 May 2003 02:13

night all!

u aint planning on leaving us as well are ya tim? :?

Asha 29 May 2003 04:56

Well it's in the middle of the night here now.
Being 3.50 am and all.
It's quite here at work, nothing much happening.
So you could say it is a good night....
well just rambling on here, as you can see, mostly talking to myself.
Isn't that the first sign of madness????

MMH, well since most people in this part of the world are asleep at this time off the night I guess it's normal!

Anyways, sweet dreams.

sherrie87 29 May 2003 05:49


Where you are I am 34 years old- here in America at the moment I am still 33, for another hour and 10 minutes. I hope you are enjoying my birthday in Holland, well before I will in America! :lol:


Asha 29 May 2003 05:53

I am, really...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear sherrie, happy birthday to yooouuu.

Hip, Hip Hoera
hip, Hip Hoera
Hip, Hip Hoera

(Standing on the chairs here, singing for you.)

I hope you have a lovely day, Sherrie, and get losts of nice pressies, like ticket to a ML show, to make up for the missed storytellers :D


sherrie87 29 May 2003 06:00

Thanks Asha- since everyone else in my home, right down to both dogs, is asleep that's as close as I'll come to birthday wishes for several hours. Sadly, I fear there are no ML tix for my birthday- as of yet there are no concerts within many hundreds of miles of my home. Hopefully a concert (or five or six) will be added for my part of the country. I'm ready for an ML road trip!

Sherrie (getting old, but still not too old to rock!)

Asha 29 May 2003 06:03

Young at heart, right :)

To bad that ML isn't coming your way yet Sherrie
No Concert dates yet in Holland either, but we'll get there.

But then again Holland isn't even as big a Florida, so no compairing there I guess....


Terri 29 May 2003 09:37

Good Morning All

I know it's early and theres not many of you around at the moment, ( it's very quiet!!!!!!!!), but I thought I would just pop in to say hi!!!

Hope you all have a great day :D

dottie 29 May 2003 12:05

Morning all been busy on the forum already this morning

Ben 29 May 2003 13:05

happy birthday sherrie!! :P

Ben 29 May 2003 13:07

morning terri, morning dottie, morning all! :D

The Flying Mouse 29 May 2003 15:51

:twisted: All the best Sherrie :D .
Have a great day.

There's a lot of birthdays lately.Patties recently,had Carol's last Saturday,and it's also my dad's today.Might take him for a pint later :D .

The Flying Mouse 29 May 2003 15:59

:twisted: Morning everyone,well afternoon anyway :lol:

sherrie87 29 May 2003 16:28

Thanks for the birthday wishes Asha, Ben, Dottie and Flying Mouse! Hey Flying Mouse, how's about a pint for me? (though the "hardest" drink I have is Coke! What a wuss, eh?) I actually get to go out, without a child in tow, to dinner tonight! Wow- that doesn't happen much!
Good day to all


Ben 29 May 2003 18:49

ur welcome! hope that you have a nice meal today then, and hope that you've had a great day!! :mrgreen:

Jen 29 May 2003 21:54

Happy birthday Sherrie, hope you have a nice time :D

Testify 29 May 2003 22:01

Happy birthday sherrie!!! :D

Testify 29 May 2003 22:20


morning, evening.......whats the difference?? wheres dottie?? im lonely?? shez suppose to look after me!1 :cry:

dottie 29 May 2003 22:30


Originally Posted by Testify

morning, evening.......whats the difference?? wheres dottie?? im lonely?? shez suppose to look after me!1 :cry:

I'm here but for only 2 minutes

Testify 29 May 2003 22:45

u leavin me agen?? i have to look after myself?? how will i survive??? Dottie u cant leave me....................

Testify 30 May 2003 00:21

hey Ben!!! :lol:

Ben 30 May 2003 00:23

hiya testify

how are you?

Testify 30 May 2003 00:25

not bad, v tired but determind to make 300 posts tonite.

how r u??

Terri 30 May 2003 00:26

Hi everyone ..... know it's not exactly morning but I thought it was a good a place as any just to say HI!!!!! :)

Ben 30 May 2003 00:26

im ok thanks, but very sun burnt! :lol:

Testify 30 May 2003 00:32

hey terri.

i read that ben, ur own fault 4 not doin as u r told!!

that was u right??

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