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glamourgirl 05 Dec 2011 17:48

That was brilliant! Meat & Patti sounded fantastic and the band was great too. I hope they perform this medley for the US/Canadian promo too. Hats off to Patti for giving up her SAS show to perform with Meat. It was an awesome performance!

chairboys 05 Dec 2011 17:49


Originally Posted by melon (Post 560557)
I've been away fro cricket


BATOUTOFHEAVEN 05 Dec 2011 17:56

Listen to yourselves people!! There really is no pleasing some of you. Meat did a great performance. So let's just leave it at that because I'm sure if Meat had been lip-syncing he would have told us. So just forget about whether he lip-synced and focus on what a great job Meat did and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I know it's an old cliche but he certainly rolled back the years!!

melon 05 Dec 2011 18:04


Originally Posted by chairboys (Post 560559)

Not as much as we would have liked :evil:

glamourgirl 05 Dec 2011 20:19

Has this interview been posted yet?

chairboys 05 Dec 2011 20:22


Originally Posted by glamourgirl (Post 560566)
Has this interview been posted yet?

Yes!! Somewhere. But it is definitely worth watching.

robgomm 05 Dec 2011 21:08

So I just watched this recording in HD (720p), and there's just no way this was lip synced. Sorry but every single word was on time, 100% perfect lip sync if it was which is virtually impossible, and that fact including the ad lib and the obviously live sounding vocals anyway convinces me 100%.

Don't see how anyone can say otherwise and i'm upset that this was even brought up, some of you just seem to want to find some way to bring down Meat every time he does something good. You over analyse and nit pick, which is really quite sad.

ShelbyLee 05 Dec 2011 21:40


Originally Posted by unbekannt (Post 560421)
If you wanna see the kisses:
YouTube Video

Thanks for posting this video and thanks also for the interview link.

This is an amazing performance. Meat, Patti and the guys should be very proud. I think Thomas is in love with Patti. ;)

Moonlight shadow 05 Dec 2011 21:42

Only one thing:
With 63 years old, I think is impossible make so good (supossing it was lip synched).
Years ago, in each perfomance maked in lip synched, he got at least one error.
But in this time, has been perfect.
Lip or no lip s. congratulations Meat!!!

It has been fantastic.
Magnifica actuacion GRACIAS!!

lyn 05 Dec 2011 21:45

After watching his performance, he did not lip sync at all. Compare it to his live dvd performances and you will easily see that this performance was all Meat and nothing lip synched. You know, there seems to be no pleasing some of his fans on the forum at all. The worst part is that Meat comes on here to read stuff and to share, and yet we have this negative rot displayed!!!:(:mad: Wasn't it enough when Meat copped flack about his performance in Australia, without saying that his performance in Germany was lip synched??? Come on guys, fair go!!!

Oh and to add to that, I thought his performance was brilliant! :D Nothing short of perfection :D And Patti and the band also performed brilliantly too :D

Sarge 05 Dec 2011 22:03

So some people suspect Meat Loaf lip-synced on TV - something many artists have done before. Oh, what an audacity! How dare they say that? Those who feel offended by this obviously missed his previous appearances on that show. Neither is lip-synching on TV something to be ashamed of nor is favoring live vocals over a tape offensive.

I regret having started this thread. The same bullshit again and again. You post info on something fans might be interested in and sooner or later something someone has said is (ab)used as a pretext to start the same old "good fan / bad fan" argument. You can't even discuss a performance on an entertainment show without a certain group of people getting personal and trying to dictate who is allowed to voice their opinion and who is not. :down: This is as equally sad and annoying as the stupid anti-Wetten, dass..?/anti-Gottschalk comments I read on German websites.

I'd rather read ten pages about the flower box Meat handed to Thomas or about Karl Lagerfeld's gloves and trousers than watch another thread that started out interesting derail and go to the dogs.

wizardofodd 05 Dec 2011 22:04

If Meat reads this i hope it takes it positively, the real fact is the reason why people are debating if it is Lip Sync is the fact it was an absolutely vocally tremendous performance. I dont really know it its lip sync, if it is then it is probably one of the best lip syncs i have ever seen- and probably means it was rehearsed to death which we must give him credit for. At the end of the day it was a great performance both vocally and production wise and a great stage with a large audience, exactly what he needed. Very happy for him.

lyn 05 Dec 2011 22:16


Originally Posted by wizardofodd (Post 560577)
If Meat reads this i hope it takes it positively, the real fact is the reason why people are debating if it is Lip Sync is the fact it was an absolutely vocally tremendous performance. I dont really know it its lip sync, if it is then it is probably one of the best lip syncs i have ever seen- and probably means it was rehearsed to death which we must give him credit for. At the end of the day it was a great performance both vocally and production wise and a great stage with a large audience, exactly what he needed. Very happy for him.

I think for the little time he had available to him he wouldn't had enough time to practice to lip synch that to the quality he performed it. Yes some may say that he did, and some don't agree. But all in all it was a marvelous show.

Yes we all start threads or post different views, but we must realise some posts are going to get negative responses. But hey, we are all here to talk about Meat and support Meat, and at the end of the day, that is all that matters ;) :)

PanicLord 05 Dec 2011 22:32

What I don't understand about this is that I haven't seen any negativity or rot. Every single post has given glowing reviews of Meat's performance as far as I can tell. I don't see how simply wondering whether it was partly lip synched is offensive, given that, even if some of it was lip synched, we all seem to agree that it is a commonly used and harmless practice.

It was a terrific performance and a great start to the promo in Germany.


lyn 05 Dec 2011 22:34


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560576)
So some people suspect Meat Loaf lip-synced on TV - something many artists have done before. Oh, what an audacity! How dare they say that? Those who feel offended by this obviously missed his previous appearances on that show. Neither is lip-synching on TV something to be ashamed of nor is favoring live vocals over a tape offensive.

I regret having started this thread. The same bullshit again and again. You post info on something fans might be interested in and sooner or later something someone has said is (ab)used as a pretext to start the same old "good fan / bad fan" argument. You can't even discuss a performance on an entertainment show without a certain group of people getting personal and trying to dictate who is allowed to voice their opinion and who is not. :down: This is as equally sad and annoying as the stupid anti-Wetten, dass..?/anti-Gottschalk comments I read on German websites.

I'd rather read ten pages about the flower box Meat handed to Thomas or about Karl Lagerfeld's gloves and trousers than watch another thread that started out interesting derail and go to the dogs.

Well Sarge you did start this thread, and I give you credit for that. But did you really expect to get just boring or positive responses all the way through? Yes we all have our views lol, and we all follow Meat and discuss everything Meat here, but you post anything regarding his performance whether it is positive or negative then you have to expect some backlash.

But regardless of what we all think, at the end of the day his performance at Wetten Dass was great and the band performed really well :D Meat look well rested, and All of Me, well it will sound great in his live concerts imo :D

BATOUTOFHEAVEN 05 Dec 2011 22:35

I knew it wasn't lip synced and I knew it would be a great performance. Meat, when you read this please forget about all the other comments and if anything take it in a positive way because you rocked and some small minded people don't believe that a 64 year old can do that. Well I think those people need reminding that Meat ain't no ordinary 64 year old, he could out sing many singers half his age and he don't need to lip-sync to put on a great vocal performance. Keep rocking Meat because no one rocks as good as you!!!!!!!!!!!

Wario 05 Dec 2011 22:40

the majority isnt lip synched (Notice emat's new posture? hes not walking around the stage, its more reminiscent of his 1987-1993 posture). only a few bits of AOM are, as its pitched down to fit the tempo of the live instruments. relax people

lyn 05 Dec 2011 22:41


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560580)
Well Sarge you did start this thread, and I give you credit for that. But did you really expect to get just boring or positive responses all the way through? Yes we all have our views lol, and we all follow Meat and discuss everything Meat here, but you post anything regarding his performance whether it is positive or negative then you have to expect some backlash.

But regardless of what we all think, at the end of the day his performance at Wetten Dass was great and the band performed really well :D Meat look well rested, and All of Me, well it will sound great in his live concerts imo :D


Originally Posted by PanicLord (Post 560579)
What I don't understand about this is that I haven't seen any negativity or rot. Every single post has given glowing reviews of Meat's performance as far as I can tell. I don't see how simply wondering whether it was partly lip synched is offensive, given that, even if some of it was lip synched, we all seem to agree that it is a commonly used and harmless practice.

It was a terrific performance and a great start to the promo in Germany.


Ok I respect your response on that, but whether he lip synched or not, none of us will know. The negative is the fact that some of us are saying that Meat did. Yes it may be a common thing to do in perfomances, but to say that Meat has partly done it or done it for the whole performance is probably not the right thing to say here imo. Yes he might not be too phased to read this thread, but I don't think he'd like reading this either, if you understand what I mean. Like he might think we are kind of knocking his live act etc.

Anyway, I agree, it was a terrific performance and that everybody will be in for a real treat when he goes on tour again ;) :D

lyn 05 Dec 2011 22:45


Originally Posted by BATOUTOFHEAVEN (Post 560581)
I knew it wasn't lip synced and I knew it would be a great performance. Meat, when you read this please forget about all the other comments and if anything take it in a positive way because you rocked and some small minded people don't believe that a 64 year old can do that. Well I think those people need reminding that Meat ain't no ordinary 64 year old, he could out sing many singers half his age and he don't need to lip-sync to put on a great vocal performance. Keep rocking Meat because no one rocks as good as you!!!!!!!!!!!

Couldn't of agreed with you more there. :) You look at the live performance on Wetten Das and compare it to his live performance with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and there is no lip synching. Meat isn't a performer like that at all.

Anyway Meat, your performance was nothing short of brilliant!

lyn 05 Dec 2011 22:48


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560584)
Couldn't of agreed with you more there. :) You look at the live performance on Wetten Das and compare it to his live performance with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and there is no lip synching. Meat isn't a performer like that at all.

Anyway Meat, your performance was nothing short of brilliant!


Originally Posted by Wario (Post 560582)
the majority isnt lip synched (Notice emat's new posture? hes not walking around the stage, its more reminiscent of his 1987-1993 posture). only a few bits of AOM are, as its pitched down to fit the tempo of the live instruments. relax people

Don't entirely agree with you there on the lip synch thing Wario, but yes, I did notice the new posture, which works ok imo :D

stretch37 05 Dec 2011 22:49

You Guys need to chill out. No ones trying to be negative, stop telling me I am or anyone else who suggested some of it was lip synced possibly. Its ~~~~ing annoying.

Meat did fantastic, the mix and the production were so great. If anything it's a time to celebrate. Don't pick on people just because of their opinion. It's not fair. These are discussion forums. key word discussion

And don't tell me there's "no pleasing me". Don't put words in my mouth. I am very happy with the show and I am ~~~~ing pleased with it! It means the world to me how good it went. I know you people are upset and defensive for meat, but in this case you are actually doing the bullying! And I am on your side for ~~~~ sakes. Sick of this shit on these forums it's annoying as hell!

BATOUTOFHEAVEN 05 Dec 2011 22:51


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560584)
Couldn't of agreed with you more there. :) You look at the live performance on Wetten Das and compare it to his live performance with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and there is no lip synching. Meat isn't a performer like that at all.

Anyway Meat, your performance was nothing short of brilliant!

People seem to forget that HIAHB had no voice effects and so even his live performances of those songs will sound similar to the studio versions, don't mean he's lip syncing. :cool:

lyn 05 Dec 2011 22:55

Anyway, what does it really matter??? Meat is a bloody brilliant performer and his performance was perfection at it's best! :D So in my eyes that is all that matters here ;) :D

lyn 05 Dec 2011 22:58


Originally Posted by ShelbyLee (Post 560573)
Thanks for posting this video and thanks also for the interview link.

This is an amazing performance. Meat, Patti and the guys should be very proud. I think Thomas is in love with Patti. ;)

It was a brilliant performance that is for sure :D It would have been great to be part of the crowd that was there to watch it :D

BATOUTOFHEAVEN 05 Dec 2011 22:58


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560588)
Anyway, what does it really matter??? Meat is a bloody brilliant performer and his performance was perfection at it's best! :D So in my eyes that is all that matters here ;) :D

CHSIB although there must be a more powerful word than perfection ;)

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