meatloaf-unofficial |
02 Oct 2012 15:59 |
Thank you Meat for everything!
Hi Meat and infact to you all,
I just thought I would post a little note and maybe Meat you will read this too but I just wanted to say thank you for the past 8 years. I always knew of Meat Loaf back when I was a wee child as my dad would always play Bat1 and Bat2 in the car and would be like "Ross, you gotta listen to these guitar solos and epic songs" and they were great. I then remember when Nothing Sacred came out, I went and got it for my dad and listened to it even before he managed to get home - the dead ringer live from 1995 is the B-Side and I remember dancing round the room to it... I drove the whole family mad with that song for ages... I guess then it wasn't until 2003 when I went to see my first gig. I remember you came Meat to London back in 2002 but I remember my mum saying your too young... I fixed that and in Jan 2004 after it being rescheduled in Glasgow, I was no longer a Meat Loaf Concert Virgin haha.
Ever since I have not looked back.
Your music has inspired so many people especially myself. There are points I can relate to and after seeing your Biog, there are bit in there where I think, my god, that happened to me and I know Im not alone with some of those things - eg: Bullying. I got through most of my high school years listening to your music.
You also gave me so much passion and showed me what I love and what I wanted to work in and that was theatre - Besides importantly coming to see your show Meat for you and the greatest band there is about, it was also to watch the lx and the effects and how much theatrical elements go into the show, very much like a theatre piece.. I would also go up to the crew after and thank them as unfortunately some people forget that if it wasn't for the crew, there would be no show. They are the ones who load in early in the morning and make sure the stage is safe and ready for the band arriving and not forgetting the late nights and then the road trips to the next venue.. It is hard and long unsociable hours. Its simply wonderful.
After high school I did odd jobs and finally decided to head to london and knock on all doors and take no for an answer until I got a job within Production/Stage Management. Okay, its not that simple, you have to work your way up - understand all departments but its worth it in the end. Soon I built up a reputation and being now only 21, I have done a hell of a lot for my age.
I went to at least one of the dates on each tour, networked with many people and met so many great folk too. I also remember the only time meeting you was in London 2008 and I asked the question of if I was aloud to go chat more with Cosmo - your LXD then and you kindly got your assistant to take me over after the M&G was done... You have the kindest heart and find the time to speak with people despite your very busy schedule.
Sadly though, I was unfortunate to get a bulging disc and have had to quit work within touring. I guess in life you have an ambition and goal - mine was to progress further and become a Tour Manager. I always dream't of working on a Meat Tour. It would of been an experience and a great one too. Moving away from the theatre tours (which dont get me wrong were great and challenging) but I always fancied pushing myself to the max - always remember Meat saying about pushing himself to do better all the time. I guess I took that piece of advice right on.
I will always have a passion for theatre and hope one day to get back into it and hope it wont be an issue to get back on the techie ladder as it is hard! My back is on the mend thanks to great help - Meat you said about operations - Good luck and hope it goes well... They spoke to me about having spinal done, I freaked... Anything like that is scary no matter how old or young you are.
Sorry for perhaps going off on a tangent there but basically I wanna say that this DVD is beautiful piece of art.. It captures the whole production of lighting and sound and effects really well and the way the camera shot the show really do make you feel like you are there... I feel like I am still part of my work.. Brings back so many great memories..
I also love the new arrangements to songs, its always good to freshen them up from time to time and Meat and the band, you have clearly worked your socks off to make this happen and I want to say thank you to YOU.
No matter what the feedback is from an album or dvd you will always have many more who love it and value it greatly. So what if something goes wrong during a show, its a live show... Anything can happen, thats the beauty of it... I bloody love the new DVD and I am very much greatful for it.
I look forward to the last UK tour... Cant wait! I'll be able to stand there drooling in amazement of another great show :)
Thank you once again Meat and certainly to the band and crew for many years of happiness :D
Roll on 2013 and 2014!! :D
x Ross x