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Bren 26 Jan 2005 18:38

been quite a good went well :D

...must go cook evening meal.........

back later methinks......

dottie 26 Jan 2005 19:55

thought for the day..........

definetely feeling better today........

still barking like a bloodhound, but hopefully the meds wil sort that out eventually.........

Tim 26 Jan 2005 21:50

i'm going slightly mad

Bren 27 Jan 2005 00:42

thinking....don't think Tim's going mad....

glad Dottie's feeling a bit better......

....need sleep

Biter 27 Jan 2005 04:03

Tired...JD's and coke made my head hurty.
No...falling over while under influence of JD's and coke make my head hurty.

Ugh....gotta work tomorrow...not goooooood. got new book to read....yay!

Went out tonight with the mad rocker girl and her gorgeous best friend *drools*, saw ex on other side of pub and totally ignored him, yay for me!
Laughed so much that my ribs now hurt AND managed to get a creme egg at 11:45 in deepest romford.

Mood - happy

Bren 27 Jan 2005 11:18

...thinking of a friend...and hoping all is well....

...must go to work now...not loking forward to that today :roll:

dottie 28 Jan 2005 01:35

thought for the day........

feeling better.......... still barking like crazy but getting there :)

hope your keeping well my parent bat Bren we keep missing each other, and airhead sorry haven't chatted for a while :) keep happy

Gez 28 Jan 2005 10:42

Bed please :zzz:

Bren 28 Jan 2005 22:13

'tis lonesome tonight...... :(

thinking about a friend.......

so tired......but need to stay awake....waiting for a phone call.from daughter..... :roll: :zzz:

hope Dotties feeling better.....

Gez 28 Jan 2005 22:42

oh well, may as well have a beer then :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 29 Jan 2005 09:52

better get ready to go shopping

Gez 29 Jan 2005 12:28

:cheer: Saturday :cheer:

DIZZY DRUMMER 29 Jan 2005 13:22

Where's me drum music - have to practice before this afternoon

Gez 30 Jan 2005 15:26

Better get the washing on :roll:

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Jan 2005 15:43

Gerry do mine too please - aleady done 4 loads :twisted:

Shell I practice me drums now or later

dottie 30 Jan 2005 16:09

Feeling better now......... :)

back to work tomorrow :(

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Jan 2005 19:20

My throat is killing me & I'm starting to cough - hope I'm not coming down with anything - AGAIN :twisted:

dottie 30 Jan 2005 22:31


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
My throat is killing me & I'm starting to cough - hope I'm not coming down with anything - AGAIN :twisted:

Don't like the sound of that FA :( ..........

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Jan 2005 22:41

Me either Dottie :cry:

Feeling shattered too :zzz:

I must take some paracetamol & have an early night :(

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Jan 2005 08:17

My voice is crooky & I have a headache ........... before I get to work :cry:

It'll be fun answering the phones today

Gez 31 Jan 2005 11:00

monday :cry:

Pixie 31 Jan 2005 12:15

Hope Dottie and FA are feeling a bit better...

Working well under pressure at the moment (time for a mini collapse around lunchtime probably :lol: )

Better get on with it then.

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Jan 2005 12:41

Thanks Pixie - but no - I am feeling worse - coughing & sound really horse - just want to sleep - but at work

Wonder if I can make it through the day :?

Pixie 31 Jan 2005 12:49

No you can't FA! Go home and get better - tell them they don't need you spreading germs etc. 8O

Can I get my surgeries done in time today - oh please, I really want to be able to eat those cheese 'n' tomato sarnies in peace today.. :lurk:

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Jan 2005 13:09

Pixie - stop coming on here & get them done :wink: Then you can spend lunch eating your sarnies & catching up on here :lawl:

Can you be my boss please - so you can send me home 8)

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