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MeatGrl1 12 Aug 2008 07:15

I often think that you can't say one thing nice pudding.
Michael is not 'fat' I despise that word so much, he has quit smoking a few months ago and if you know what the effects of that is then you'd know the one thing that happens is that you gain weight. Also as his role in Hairspray his build is just right, I have met him twice and he's a gentleman, he's one of the nicest person I have ever had the privalliage to meet and I hope to meet him more in the future, but next time if you don't have anything nice then don't say it at all especially if you do not know what the story is, I am trying to say this in a calm and adult like manner, but I am secretly fuming !!

Please keep such views and thoughts to yourself in future, thank you !

Pudding 12 Aug 2008 07:57

I never claimed he wasn't a nice guy or a gentleman, but I am saying he's turned into a fat fat fatty fat-arse :))

Mrs Pud is a Michael Ball fan, not a crazy stalker who knows when he's online, posters on the wall, drinks from a teacup with his face on it type fan, but enough to have seen him several times and enough to know when he's gained quite a few extra pounds of lard and she says he gone fat from that video clip.

Pud :twisted:

AndrewG 12 Aug 2008 09:08

Bleeding heck, it is raining like crazy outside. So much for summer.

RadioMaster 12 Aug 2008 09:28


Originally Posted by Pudding (Post 428658)
He's put on a lot of weight, should be called Michael Balloon :whistle:

Pud :twisted:

How about Fat Rooster?

wait....that was a different Michael :twisted:

Battybarb 12 Aug 2008 10:14

Good day yesterday,lets hope today is the same..

mszee 12 Aug 2008 14:10


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 428649)
ouch, headache :(
but it was a good night, except for the bit when i was walking home at the dead of night (yes, where i live are the street lamps switched off after midnight lol)

That might be a hint...but too subtle for you...LOL...

allrevvedup 12 Aug 2008 17:30

Raining like there's no tomorrow...maybe there isn't?

RadioMaster 12 Aug 2008 17:34

had the same around noon here

mszee 12 Aug 2008 18:25

Sean...I just read your status update on eyes popped out of my head though...

duke knooby 12 Aug 2008 18:34

ooooookkkkkkkkkkk then
i'm not drinking that again!!!!

samurai7 12 Aug 2008 18:42


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 428775)
Sean...I just read your status update on eyes popped out of my head though...

can you tell I'm bored lol?

mszee 12 Aug 2008 18:43


Originally Posted by samurai7 (Post 428777)
can you tell I'm bored lol?

I am laughing here...yeah, I guess you can call it bored...LOL...entertained me at least...

Battybarb 12 Aug 2008 19:51

Good day didnt last long...hell.....

MeatGrl1 12 Aug 2008 20:15

Had a relatively good day even if I have been a bit lazy.
I am at a point now where I really don't care, bad as that may be. I am minus in the bank, I have my mum say to me this evening that she can't have me living here if I don't contribute as she'll need help with money... Yes help with what money I have none !! So that makes me feel wonderful and she has given me a task to write this letter.. I have never written a letter of recommendation in my life and don't know where to start, I am now sat here miserable and feeling a bit alone, not that I am after pity I really do not want that I just need to vent somewhere because I feel no matter how much I say I need help it falls on deaf ears, I am in a rut and I hate it. Yes I know what some will say and it's all too easy to say you need to find a job and all that but I think I have a real disability in that area, forms and interviews are a hurdle.
I find comfort in Michael's music, not that I expect people to understand that, IDK I've been so long out of a job now I know it'll be alot worse finding one, it has always been the case.

24K 12 Aug 2008 20:57

I am busy getting ready for me hols, or rather sat here posting, pretending that i am busy;)LOL....

mszee 12 Aug 2008 21:27


Originally Posted by 24K (Post 428814)
I am busy getting ready for me hols, or rather sat here posting, pretending that i am busy;)LOL....

Did Andrew scared you from telling me where in US you gonna be? Ask Deb...she knows I am harmless...looney but harmless...

mszee 12 Aug 2008 21:27

Hell, you can ask half of this forum active members...LOL...

Betty 12 Aug 2008 22:11

My new in-ear headphones are PERFECT!

24K 12 Aug 2008 22:14


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 428830)
Did Andrew scared you from telling me where in US you gonna be? Ask Deb...she knows I am harmless...looney but harmless...

Looney but harmless, sounds like a lot of people i know;)LOL...I will be in Chicago some of the time, then somwhere in Wisconsin, i am still sat on me arse, still who gives a FF, i will when ~~~~~~ all is packed;)LOL...

Monstro 12 Aug 2008 22:19

Cant get the software to do what I want it to do

mszee 12 Aug 2008 22:19


Originally Posted by 24K (Post 428854)
Looney but harmless, sounds like a lot of people i know;)LOL...I will be in Chicago some of the time, then somwhere in Wisconsin, i am still sat on me arse, still who gives a FF, i will when ~~~~~~ all is packed;)LOL...

Well, I am in NY/NJ area...guess not this time...have a great trip and don't eat too much cheese in you have relatives there or something? Cause it ain't really vacation spot???

MeatGrl1 12 Aug 2008 22:20

I'm tired.

This letter isn't working, it sounds so stupid so I keep deleting the line I write... God I hate this !! Can't get it right it's frustrating me !!!

24K 12 Aug 2008 22:24


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 428856)
Well, I am in NY/NJ area...guess not this time...have a great trip and don't eat too much cheese in you have relatives there or something? Cause it ain't really vacation spot???

Friends, there will be plenty to do, partying for a week! Then me and hubby relax in Chicago for 3 nights, probably recovering;)LOL...

mszee 12 Aug 2008 22:24

I shouldn't have clicked on that button...:roll:

mszee 12 Aug 2008 22:25


Originally Posted by 24K (Post 428861)
Friends, there will be plenty to do, partying for a week! Then me and hubby relax in Chicago for 3 nights, probably recovering;)LOL...

OK...I think I am going nuts...partying in WI and resting in Chicago??? LOL...did you check your stats???

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