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The Flying Mouse 24 Aug 2008 20:17


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 432537)
:twisted: My brother used to work for a firm that kit pubs out with furniture.

Some pubs (theme pubs in particular) liked to go with the "distressed" look, which involved John and his workmates kicking hell out of it, hitting it with hammers and whipping it with heavy chain.

And that kind of treatment made the tables and stools go UP in value :wtf:

:twisted: Wonder if ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ could be "distressed" :devil:

I don't know if it would make him go UP in value, but it could hardly bring him down in value :shrug:

The Flying Mouse 24 Aug 2008 20:29

:twisted: Comments on youtube not posting :shock:

Tried twice but no dice.

RadioMaster 24 Aug 2008 20:52

no wonder why he gets only good reviews on his youtube videos.

He keeps deleting everything else.

Somebody should SERIOUSLY take him to a doctor......or to a police office.

Battybarb 24 Aug 2008 21:05


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 432538)
blimey, what a ~~~~er! (mr ~~~~~~~~~~ that is, of course!)
i've only just spotted it too...coz am a bit behind all you lot obviously!

(I had been wondering about your fb status tho barb...just presumed it was a general dislike (understandable), not due to any particular reason or the recent utter rubbish and hateful comments he's responsible for)

I cant even be bothered any more the man is just a total idiot,and so rude and abusive,he really wants to grow up...( or be put in a padded cell )) to me he is just acting like a spoilt 2 year old,only differance a 2 year old would not use language like he does,just thank goodness he is not on here,all the people on here are just so lovely...

The Flying Mouse 24 Aug 2008 21:22


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 432549)
no wonder why he gets only good reviews on his youtube videos.

He keeps deleting everything else.

:twisted: I meant on Michael's vid of you RJ :wink:
Will try and post again in a bit.

BTW, you want to see the barny Dean's pal theBESTelvis is having with "Ericelviss"

Quite something, I can tell you :lurk:

Battybarb 24 Aug 2008 21:33

Just had a really lovely ,very colourful message left for me in my inbox on youtube,,as i have already said the man is a total idiot..i would really love to meet him one day..he thinks we are all sad jealous little ************* losers on this site ,who are all very jealous of

The Flying Mouse 24 Aug 2008 21:34

:twisted: Just the one?

Expect more :roll:

Monstro 24 Aug 2008 22:02

Cool, I got one as well lol, he really has trouble with words with more than four letters in them doesn't he lol

The Flying Mouse 24 Aug 2008 22:04

:twisted: He has trouble singing them as well :p

RadioMaster 24 Aug 2008 22:14


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 432552)
:twisted: I meant on Michael's vid of you RJ :wink:
Will try and post again in a bit.

BTW, you want to see the barny Dean's pal theBESTelvis is having with "Ericelviss"

Quite something, I can tell you :lurk:

check out the response that ericelvis guy has posted. A nice little rant against Porky and his friends.

I wonder how he's got time to "sing" if all he does is sending abusive messages all day :roll:

The Flying Mouse 24 Aug 2008 22:31

:twisted: As posted in trib talk.............


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 432560)
:twisted: To be fair, we (hey, guilty here too)shouldn't be attacking Dean on a forum where he can't speak for himself (and as he's banned from every Meat Loaf site on the web, this makes things slightly complicated :lmao: ) but youtube is open for buisness, so go there and voice your views :up:

As I say, i'm guilty as charged here as well, and I hate to say it, but we can't slag Dean off on a forum where he has no way to answer for himself.
I had a dig at him not so long ago that received complaints, and agree with that or not, it is one of the rules of the site that arguments from other websites are not continued here.

With that in mind, can we please make any comments about ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ on youtube where this all began, and is happily not our resposibility.

Thank you.

One more thing.

Last one to youtube's a rotten egg :p

mszee 24 Aug 2008 22:42

Well, it is obvious that this is certified crazy posting any kind of comments you're just fueling his brand of insanity...

If he met nothing but silence from everybody he would have imploded already long time ago...he feeds on all this's like giving lion raw bloody meat to smell...let him loose everybody's attention and implode...

RadioMaster 24 Aug 2008 22:48

mmmm......raw bloody meat...:drool:

mszee 24 Aug 2008 22:49


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 432571)
mmmm......raw bloody meat...:drool:

Mr. D...he didn't bite you, did he???

RadioMaster 24 Aug 2008 22:52


duke knooby 25 Aug 2008 00:36

off tomorrow.. excellent

Betty 25 Aug 2008 00:39


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 432613)
off tomorrow.. excellent

Lucky you!!!!

SW31 25 Aug 2008 01:10

yeah------------off for 8 days

mszee 25 Aug 2008 01:16


Originally Posted by SW31 (Post 432634)
yeah------------off for 8 days

I am SO green with green I resemble green smurf...LOL...

Have a great vacation!!! Are you doing something exciting???

AndrewG 25 Aug 2008 01:55

I'm so bored. I even started to talk to Fred, but he's such an idiot.

sexyeyes_jo 25 Aug 2008 01:59

thats cause hes a computer lol

AndrewG 25 Aug 2008 02:00

Yeah but even as far as computers go I'd still consider him an idiot. Lol.

sexyeyes_jo 25 Aug 2008 02:03


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 432715)
Yeah but even as far as computers go I'd still consider him an idiot. Lol.


RadioMaster 25 Aug 2008 08:01


Originally Posted by AndrewG (Post 432701)
I'm so bored. I even started to talk to Fred, but he's such an idiot.

Well, we COULD have him renamed to Dean....
We'd just get his vocabulary changed a tiny bit.
but then again, I dont think that would make him any smarter...

Battybarb 25 Aug 2008 10:35


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 432554)
:twisted: Just the one?

Expect more :roll:

you were right another..apparantly he is better than Meat Loaf has ever been (( i think this guy is an alien from another planet ))...also a lot more abusive...also how we are all saddos...oh and at the end we had all better not push him....(( only off a very high cliff ))...makes me think he is trying to make threats...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: i have come accross some really stupid people over the years in the pub,but this guy certainly takes the biscuit....he has not got many words in his own private dictionary...on words with bleeps...

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