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Betty 03 Sep 2008 02:17


mszee 03 Sep 2008 02:18


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 435378)
oh right... i reckon i just don't know what i'm doing

but thats pretty normal lol

Who does?

On the other hand, you can e-mail pictures to me and I can try to upload them for you.

~Helen~ 03 Sep 2008 02:27

Could it have loaded a new tab? or be a large image and therefore taking a while? also i find if i've loaded one, i can't load another in that post...have to copy what i got already and start again.

mszee 03 Sep 2008 02:31

It might be in another occured to me too...maybe not a new page but a new tab...

mszee 03 Sep 2008 02:32

People have some nerve to challenge me to a quiz called "80's"...I wasn't even born then!!! Duh...:roll:

mszee 03 Sep 2008 04:06


Originally Posted by daveake (Post 435233)
Handy hint to any language translation companies trying to win my business ... when you write and tell me that you work with 270 languages, try and spell "languages" correctly. :shock:

Dave :twisted:

270 languages, eh? Too bad one of them wasn't English...

MeatGrl1 03 Sep 2008 10:28

Morning all :coffee:.

It's too early :shock: :zzz: !!

Would still be in bed but stupid O'Clock is the only time mum has.

Got a bit of a dodgy stomach this morning but that could be due to being hungry.

Better go and get ready.

allrevvedup 03 Sep 2008 10:38


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 435433)
Morning all :coffee:.

It's too early :shock: :zzz: !!

Would still be in bed but stupid O'Clock is the only time mum has.

Got a bit of a dodgy stomach this morning but that could be due to being hungry.

Better go and get ready.

welcome to my world

have fun

Lord Kagan 03 Sep 2008 12:56

looking for jack action....

duke knooby 03 Sep 2008 18:43

thank ~~~~ thats over... get to do it all over again tomorrow :(

~Helen~ 03 Sep 2008 18:57

do any of you in england know what on earth i do with a repeat prescription? who do i take it to? and how do I get it turned into a normal prescription i can take to a chemist? do I have to take it to my doctor's surgery? and if so, that's stupid because they're only open during the hours i'm in work!!

LucyK! 03 Sep 2008 18:59

Our surgery has a 'repeat prescriptions' box on the desk at reception...

~Helen~ 03 Sep 2008 19:02

b ugger. so I can get time off for appointments (allegedly - as actually I can't because I can't have any time off at all due to staff shortages...i.e. I'm the only one here, doing two people's work at once) but not time for getting prescriptions. The only advantage I see is that this will be quicker than seeing the dr... the world is stupid

*and i'm in a tetchy mood thanks to lack of sleep and aching apologies for grouchyness and thanks for the info!

samurai7 03 Sep 2008 19:08

you'll have to nip over on your lunch break, I guess ;)

duke knooby 03 Sep 2008 19:48

knob is a great name for a quantity..
but how big is a knob of butter??????

samurai7 03 Sep 2008 19:53


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 435469)
knob is a great name for a quantity..
but how big is a knob of butter??????

that can depend on the temperature :p

24K 03 Sep 2008 20:12

I think i have poisoned meself with the amount of bleach i have used, the fumes are bad...~~~~ing housework..why am i so OCD?! I wish i didn't give a shit!

Betty 03 Sep 2008 20:52

I just said no to a cinema date with a friend :shock:
Must be ill :rly:

djfierce 03 Sep 2008 21:03


Originally Posted by 24K (Post 435474)
I think i have poisoned meself with the amount of bleach i have used, the fumes are bad...~~~~ing housework..why am i so OCD?! I wish i didn't give a shit!

<<pulls the sofa bed out ready for Chelle to bring her OCD here :p

MissAsh 03 Sep 2008 21:14

I really hate the post tour blues. On the bright side though, only 16 days until I get to go to London again, yay!

Siobhan 03 Sep 2008 21:21


Originally Posted by MissAsh (Post 435482)
I really hate the post tour blues. On the bright side though, only 16 days until I get to go to London again, yay!

luckily mine have gone - 20 days 'til One Republic and 23 til The Tings Tings although they don't compare to Meat they still be good fun I hope.

Have a good time in London btw - I'm jealous I miss it loads (well my friends)

MissAsh 03 Sep 2008 21:45


Originally Posted by SOC2292 (Post 435484)
luckily mine have gone - 20 days 'til One Republic and 23 til The Tings Tings although they don't compare to Meat they still be good fun I hope.

Have a good time in London btw - I'm jealous I miss it loads (well my friends)

Thanks, it'll only be my second proper trip there but I love it already!

I'd just managed to get over the ML show then I went to see one of the other two bands I love as much as Meat at the weekend... three nights in a row! It was great 'cause I got to see friends who I only see at their gigs and also got to hang out with the band quite a bit, had an absolutely amazing few days but definitely suffering for it now.

Battybarb 03 Sep 2008 21:51


Originally Posted by MissAsh (Post 435487)
Thanks, it'll only be my second proper trip there but I love it already!

I'd just managed to get over the ML show then I went to see one of the other two bands I love as much as Meat at the weekend... three nights in a row! It was great 'cause I got to see friends who I only see at their gigs and also got to hang out with the band quite a bit, had an absolutely amazing few days but definitely suffering for it now.

Hi Ash,how you doing ?? hope you have a great time in London..

Hypnobabe 03 Sep 2008 21:52


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 435466)
b ugger. so I can get time off for appointments (allegedly - as actually I can't because I can't have any time off at all due to staff shortages...i.e. I'm the only one here, doing two people's work at once) but not time for getting prescriptions. The only advantage I see is that this will be quicker than seeing the dr... the world is stupid

*and i'm in a tetchy mood thanks to lack of sleep and aching apologies for grouchyness and thanks for the info!

I used to work in a doctor's surgery - the way repeat prescriptions work is you get to order a certain amount of prescriptions without needing an appointment with the doctor - it should say on the repeat form. You then send the form into the docs when you need the repeat, that orders the prescription, signed by the doc without you needing the appointment. Most of the big chemists offer a service where they will collect the prescription from the surgery for you and make it up and you collect the drugs from them without needing to set foot in the surgery at all. You should be able to put a note on the repeat form asking them to send it straight to the chemist (I know Boots do this, the Lloyds Pharmacy in the town I worked in also offered the same service) and then just put the form through the surgery's letterbox - it's probably a good idea to stick it in an envelope marked 'Repeat Prescription Request'.

You could also try contacting the chemist you'd take the 'script to and asking if they offer the service, they may have a list they collect from the surgery, and at least that way you'll know where to pick it up from!

Does any of that make sense?

Battybarb 03 Sep 2008 22:00

8 days of pure heaven.....and peace....

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