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Ben 30 May 2003 00:34

yeah that was me

hi terri :lol:

Terri 30 May 2003 00:46

HI Testify!

HI Ben, did I read somewhere you got sunburnt today, Poor you, take it easy tommorrow it's going to be hot again I think.

Testify 30 May 2003 00:49

dont give him sympathy!! he brought it on hiself!! :wink: :lol:

Testify 30 May 2003 00:55

300th post!! not bad for 8 days.

night everyone

Terri 30 May 2003 01:12

Goodnight All.
Gotta go, fallin asleep at the keyboard!!

By the way well done Testify 300 posts in 8 days, good on you 8)

dottie 30 May 2003 01:41

Logging out now - my turn to be a lumberjack c u tomorrow

sherrie87 30 May 2003 05:53

Oh Dottie, everytime I read the word lumberjack I have visions of Monty Python's Michael Palin in women's clothing! Not a good association, but that word is forever linked to that image for me! Hopefully that is not the type of lumberjacking you are doing. (yes, I know you mean sawing logs)

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I work all night and I sleep all day
I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wildflowers
I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars....

(hopeless Python fan)

dottie 30 May 2003 11:41

Good Morning all folks - have a lovely day 8)

Ben 30 May 2003 12:46

morning all

Testify 30 May 2003 13:13


Testify 30 May 2003 13:27

thanx terri!!!

Testify 30 May 2003 14:11

l8r guys, im off cos n1's on. bye bye

The Flying Mouse 30 May 2003 15:32

:twisted: Morning all.
Well,it's morning too me anyway :lol: .

Ben 30 May 2003 16:31


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE
:twisted: Morning all.
Well,it's morning too me anyway :lol: .


are you implying that you have just got up mouse?

The Flying Mouse 30 May 2003 17:01

Yep :mrgreen:
I'm having problems sleeping at nights lately :( .It's this weather :? Too damn hot :evil: .
I've just had my dinner,or was that my breakfast 8O

dottie 30 May 2003 18:20


Originally Posted by THE FLYING MOUSE
Yep :mrgreen:
I'm having problems sleeping at nights lately :( .It's this weather :? Too damn hot :evil: .
I've just had my dinner,or was that my breakfast 8O

Mouse check your shirt you'll be able to tell then which it was :lol:

original sin 30 May 2003 20:50

Sherrie Happy Birthday

I'm off now to find a nice beer drink and enjoy!!! catch ya later

Asha 30 May 2003 20:51

Have Fun Sin

Terri 31 May 2003 00:45

Night everyone, gottta go now!

original sin 31 May 2003 02:23

ouch :!: just banged my head on the monitor when I nodded off so I guess it's time for bed :?

dottie 31 May 2003 11:02

Good Morning - I woz here and now I'm going - having huge bbq this afternoon about 30 people will go on the early hours, so u probably won't hear much from me tomorrow :lol: p.s. just noticed my "crying or very sad" emotion is actually tearful for once.

Ben 31 May 2003 12:55

Morning all, enjoy ur BBQ dottie!

Bren 31 May 2003 13:09

Goodmorning everyone sleepy bat here,missed you all

original sin 31 May 2003 13:12

Morning Ben, welcome back Bren missed ya............. 8)

Dottie enjoy the BBQ........I take it my invite got lost :wink:

Ben 31 May 2003 13:15

morning sin, hope ur ok! :P

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