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loaferman61 05 Dec 2011 22:59

Does not matter a bit to me if it was live or not. Meat was on a huge television show and hit a home run. No media controversy, no jokes at his expense. He showed all the nay-sayers they could go do those "three little words" and that is good enough for me. I pray the DVD sounds as good to watch in all its blu-ray, surround-sound goodness.

lyn 05 Dec 2011 23:03


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560584)
Couldn't of agreed with you more there. :) You look at the live performance on Wetten Das and compare it to his live performance with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and there is no lip synching. Meat isn't a performer like that at all.

Anyway Meat, your performance was nothing short of brilliant!


Originally Posted by BATOUTOFHEAVEN (Post 560587)
People seem to forget that HIAHB had no voice effects and so even his live performances of those songs will sound similar to the studio versions, don't mean he's lip syncing. :cool:

That's exactly right mate, there was no voice affects on HIAHB at all. So they can't be said to be lip synched when done live either :cool:;):D

Sarge 05 Dec 2011 23:05


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560580)
But did you really expect to get just boring or positive responses all the way through?

Is it possible that you misunderstood my post?


Originally Posted by stretch37 (Post 560586)
Don't pick on people just because of their opinion. It's not fair. These are discussion forums. key word discussion

I'll remind you of that post next time you complain about "whining" people who "pick" on Meat or favor Meat giving someone "a bit of a beating" for having the "wrong" opinion. :twisted:

lyn 05 Dec 2011 23:08


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560593)
That's exactly right mate, there was no voice affects on HIAHB at all. So they can't be said to be lip synched when done live either :cool:;):D


Originally Posted by loaferman61 (Post 560591)
Does not matter a bit to me if it was live or not. Meat was on a huge television show and hit a home run. No media controversy, no jokes at his expense. He showed all the nay-sayers they could go do those "three little words" and that is good enough for me. I pray the DVD sounds as good to watch in all its blu-ray, surround-sound goodness.

Couldn't have said it better myself mate! :D Hey I can't wait until his new dvd comes out :D Is there any word on when it may come out?

I've only just got his live dvd with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and it is brilliant :D

lyn 05 Dec 2011 23:13


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560594)
Is it possible that you misunderstood my post?

I'll remind you of that post next time you complain about "whining" people who "pick" on Meat or favor Meat giving someone "a bit of a beating" for having the "wrong" opinion. :twisted:

I might have slightly misunderstood your post Sarge, and maybe I was a bit harsh to an extent but I will stand by my opinion ;)

As for the other quote here, I'm not even going to touch or respond to mate out of respect :)

duke knooby 05 Dec 2011 23:14


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560596)
Couldn't have said it better myself

i can almost feel a get back to the topic warning appearing... but as usual i wont help matters

please enjoy this performance meat did in 2003 to promote his then new single

you can decide for yourselves, was it lip synched? was it live? was it an excellent performance? would it help promote the album?

etc etc

or who cares... enjoy it or not :twisted:

lyn 05 Dec 2011 23:17


Originally Posted by BATOUTOFHEAVEN (Post 560590)
CHSIB although there must be a more powerful word than perfection ;)

He he he, now that my friend is so true ;) :)

Sarge 05 Dec 2011 23:21


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 560598)
you can decide for yourselves, was it lip synched? was it live?

It's blocked in my country, so I suspect it's not live. ;)

lyn 05 Dec 2011 23:23


Originally Posted by BATOUTOFHEAVEN (Post 560590)
CHSIB although there must be a more powerful word than perfection ;)


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 560598)
i can almost feel a get back to the topic warning appearing... but as usual i wont help matters

please enjoy this performance meat did in 2003 to promote his then new single

you can decide for yourselves, was it lip synched? was it live? was it an excellent performance? would it help promote the album?

etc etc

or who cares... enjoy it or not :twisted:

I remember watching this clip, and it was a brilliant performance too :D Just love this song :) Thanks for sharing those, and regardless to what our opinions are on the lip synch thing, this clip you have shared here plus the live performance in Germany was simply brilliant, and our man Rock 'n' rolls well ;) :)

ShelbyLee 05 Dec 2011 23:24

It's a magnificent performance! I'm so proud of Meat, Patti and the band.

duke knooby 05 Dec 2011 23:26


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560600)
It's blocked in my country, so I suspect it's not live. ;)

thats cheating...

try this one...

Sarge 05 Dec 2011 23:26

Blocked as well. :))

duke knooby 05 Dec 2011 23:26


Originally Posted by lyn (Post 560602)
I remember watching this clip, and it was a brilliant performance too :D Just love this song :) Thanks for sharing those, and regardless to what our opinions are on the lip synch thing, this clip you have shared here plus the live performance in Germany was simply brilliant, and our man Rock 'n' rolls well ;) :)

you'll remember it was the lottery show then, not top of the pops as the clip says :-)

lyn 05 Dec 2011 23:29


Originally Posted by ShelbyLee (Post 560603)
It's a magnificent performance! I'm so proud of Meat, Patti and the band.

So true lol ;) :)

duke knooby 05 Dec 2011 23:33


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560606)
Blocked as well. :))

and synched aswell (i think)... pretty standard for tv promo performances

(not saying wetten dass was or wasn't cause i was not there)

just showing its not always possible to sing live on a live tv show no matter who you are, or how good you are performing

(and i hope meat doesnt read this thread and think that people think he's not a good enough actor to synch perfectly to his own songs :twisted:)

^^^ only messin :D

duke knooby 05 Dec 2011 23:43


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560606)
Blocked as well. :))

try this one then, last one... i promise

Sarge 06 Dec 2011 00:06


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 560613)
try this one then, last one... i promise

I can watch it, they must have missed this one. :lawl: Sounds like this to me. ;) That was the time when I went to my first (and best) Meat Loaf concert, seems to be long ago...

Deena J 06 Dec 2011 00:44


Originally Posted by loaferman61
I pray the DVD sounds as good to watch in all its blu-ray, surround-sound goodness.

Sigh, ok you are REALLY making me hate the idea of waiting for the DVD to come out... And I already am past impatient for it. Thanks a lot! :P LOL Just kidding! ;)

PS: I know the DVD will be a-maz-ing!!!!!! :D I can just feel it...

snider22 06 Dec 2011 03:12


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560606)
Blocked as well. :))

I know this is off topic, but why are so many videos blocked in your part of the world :??:

Sarge 06 Dec 2011 03:24


Originally Posted by snider22 (Post 560626)
[...] why are so many videos blocked in your part of the world :??:

Deena J 06 Dec 2011 03:29


Originally Posted by Sarge

Thanks for the info/link. I had been wondering the same thing lately. I hate that for y'all though. :-/

carole 06 Dec 2011 04:52


Originally Posted by CarylB (Post 560546)
Well you might of course be much better informed and knowledgeable than some of us .. but I think being a fan means that you delight in a great performance, in hearing great vocals, in seeing Meat's delight. To me that's not naive .. simply positive, supportive, and one of those fans who actually ENJOYS hearing and watching the performer they follow. It was HIS voice, and some of us take our simple pleasures in that.

Why? They are entitled to make their own assumptions, just as you make yours (I suspect you weren't on the set or the soundboard, so you too are making an assumption based on what you consider to be the evidence). And if anyone wants to express what they think, and that happens (heaven forfend) to be at odds with your view, they are entitled to say what they think ..

Meat appeared on Wetten Das. He was great, and if some of us find that exciting so be it. I think it's terrific to be a fan who DOES get excited by seeing and hearing the performer I follow, simply enjoys it, doesn't need to examine it and dissect it, but can simply take pleasure in it and celebrate.


That's exactly right Caryl, I just enjoyed seeing Meat on TV again and thought he did brilliantly.


carole 06 Dec 2011 04:55


Originally Posted by robgomm (Post 560551)
In my opinion for what it's worth the whole thing was live vocals. All Of Me was live vocals in my view because there was an ad lib that was different from the record.

I find it hard to believe that Meat would be able to lip sync the whole performance THAT perfectly, even the ad libs, if it was it was the best mime in history. Just like someone who said Lady Gaga lip synced at Children In Need when it was so obvious she didn't. The signs are there if you look hard enough that it's live, and I saw enough to convince me.

Yeah, I noticed that too, I started to sing the line on the record, but he sang a different line.


CarylB 06 Dec 2011 05:52


Originally Posted by Sarge (Post 560576)
I regret having started this thread. The same bullshit again and again. You post info on something fans might be interested in and sooner or later something someone has said is (ab)used as a pretext to start the same old "good fan / bad fan" argument.

Really? I missed it if anyone referred to "good", "bad" or the bizarre term "real" fans. Some were dismissed as naive for holding a different view (which I'd say was "personal" and is likely to provoke a response).


You can't even discuss a performance on an entertainment show without a certain group of people getting personal and trying to dictate who is allowed to voice their opinion and who is not ...
Dictating is rather a strong term I think. If it's OK for some to present their opinions, surely it's permissable for others to disagree and venture to post their opposing view?

If not, then who shall dictate which view may be presented as fact which all others must accept, and which view is "getting personal"? Who shall dictate which is the group that is allowed to state an opinion, and which will be the "certain group" who presumably may not?


lyn 06 Dec 2011 06:44


Originally Posted by carole (Post 560629)
That's exactly right Caryl, I just enjoyed seeing Meat on TV again and thought he did brilliantly.


Yes Carole, I couldn't agree with Caryl more luv :) I absolutely loved watching it, and I just had that feeling of weakness in the knees and the flutter in the heart when watching it too.

I don't care what anybody says or assumes about whether he lip synched or not. Meat done me proud and his fans. I love his music and really love just listening to him everyday. I don't think he's an artist to lip synch at all, but if he said he did, well I'd love him regardless because of his sheer bloody brilliance.

But no one will convince me of it and unless Meat comes on here and says "hey guys I lip synched that performance". No amount of clips posted will convince me otherwise. That my friends is how much love and faith I have in this beautiful guy :) :D ;)

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