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allrevvedup 29 Jun 2007 01:49

to paraphase a quote from an episode of Fraiser

'Daphne:You men, you're always using sex to get what you want

Fraiser:That's is what we want'

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 01:52

is cream crackered, byeeee

mszee 29 Jun 2007 01:54


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352441)
is cream crackered, byeeee

Night, Jonty...take care...

Monstro 29 Jun 2007 09:54

Jeez, I'd forgotten the housework involved when you have visitors for the weekend!!!!

Betty 29 Jun 2007 10:09

Really need the weekend!!! As soon as possible... best would be NOW!

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 11:08

Zina stole my idea of being located in a funny country
(which I stole off jonty)

rick 29 Jun 2007 11:20

I just want to be located in a large pub !

Monstro 29 Jun 2007 11:40


Originally Posted by rick (Post 352472)
I just want to be located in a large pub !

I'd be sat right next to ya m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Betty 29 Jun 2007 11:44

Painkillers needed

SamCat 29 Jun 2007 11:47


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 352482)
Painkillers needed

Ooh that was me yesterday!! Lots of water thats the cure!!

Hypnobabe 29 Jun 2007 12:19


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352378)
(duke) special spice i reckon

So does that make Jonty one of God's special people?


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 352430)
'Oh when i'm cleaning windows'

Ah if George Formby were alive today... he'd be trying his best to claw out of the coffin screaming 'i'm alive'!


firefly 29 Jun 2007 13:36

3 hours sleep is not enough...

Betty 29 Jun 2007 13:41


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 352484)
Ooh that was me yesterday!! Lots of water thats the cure!!

lots of water?
That helps when you´re having stomachache? :?

mszee 29 Jun 2007 14:11


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 352471)
Zina stole my idea of being located in a funny country
(which I stole off jonty)

I didn't steal your idea...I just thought it would be a hoot...and so did Mike...

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 15:05

At least I did it before it became cool :lol:
I can see loads of fake-flags coming up the next days/weeks :))

firefly 29 Jun 2007 17:19

So glad i finished that blog entry..... it's about time i done it!

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 19:20

used the wrong shampoo today :(

mszee 29 Jun 2007 19:32


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 352561)
used the wrong shampoo today :(

For dogs or cats???

Bren 29 Jun 2007 19:35

why is my life so stressful at the moment?....
........must go cook evening meal....

mszee 29 Jun 2007 20:19

I have decent blackmail material on allrevvedup...just waiting for the right moment...

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 20:41

how about now?

Betty 29 Jun 2007 20:45

yummy, Beck´s Chilled Orange!!!! :cheers:

mszee 29 Jun 2007 20:45


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 352582)
how about now?

How about when he gets out of hand???

Which he can't do right now because he doesn't appear to be online...

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 20:52

looks like the funny flag thing gets popular:
Look at Betty, she claims to be from ... "Germany"... :lmao:


mszee 29 Jun 2007 20:53


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 352586)
looks like the funny flag thing gets popular:
Look at Betty, she claims to be from ... "Germany"... :lmao:


ANd if that not enough...she claims her beer is a citrus fruit!!!

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 20:55

check out the yorkshire flag if you want to see a funny flag

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 20:55

not just that: how can a fruit be chilled? :tard::confused:

mszee 29 Jun 2007 20:56


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352588)
check out the yorkshire flag if you want to see a funny flag

Does it have a pudding on it??? :shock:

mszee 29 Jun 2007 20:57


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 352589)
not just that: how can a fruit be chilled? :tard::confused:

That it actually can...shove it into freezer...and it's chilled...

Betty 29 Jun 2007 20:59


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 352586)
looks like the funny flag thing gets popular:
Look at Betty, she claims to be from ... "Germany"... :lmao:


Just a try to confuse people! :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 352587)
ANd if that not enough...she claims her beer is a citrus fruit!!!

It is!! I swear!... And it´s even a chilled citrus fruit indeed! yummmmm

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:00

Could you just confuse me even more than I already am?

Monstro 29 Jun 2007 21:02

Anji says HI ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Betty 29 Jun 2007 21:02

Of course!
My chilled citrus fruit beer is coloured in a bright and shiny orange... how about that?

Betty 29 Jun 2007 21:03

Hey Anji!!!!!!!!! {{{{{{hug}}}}}}

Monstro 29 Jun 2007 21:04

She'll be online in a bit, my computer is just negotiating with her laptop lol

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:04


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352598)
She'll be online in a bit, my computer is just negotiating with her laptop lol


Monstro 29 Jun 2007 21:06

Aparently they do it wirelessly lol

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:08

hi anji

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:08


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352600)
Aparently they do it wirelessly lol

das ist gut? ja

Monstro 29 Jun 2007 21:09

Tis for them lol

Betty 29 Jun 2007 21:09


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352603)
das ist gut? ja

:mrgreen: sehr gut sogar

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:14

fein eins


djfierce 29 Jun 2007 21:22

Hey Guys!!!

At M's for the weekend so i'm here to terrorise you for a bit.
He forgot to mention also that i have to settle my baby down for bed who is at the moment screaming and trying to get away from a monstro stronghold lol.

see ya all later anyways :))

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 21:27

I can make all the stadiums rock

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:31

your not that big rj... no offence lol

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 21:31

theres no such thing as getting money for nothing


mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:32


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 352607)
Hey Guys!!!

At M's for the weekend so i'm here to terrorise you for a bit.
He forgot to mention also that i have to settle my baby down for bed who is at the moment screaming and trying to get away from a monstro stronghold lol.

see ya all later anyways :))

Welcome back, Anji!!!

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:32

money for nothing, sex for free

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:34


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352611)
your not that big rj... no offence lol

And you would know THAT because......................???????????????

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:36

he's not that famous, ya know... just cause his cardboard cutout is well travelled doesnt mean he can make a stadium rock

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:43


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352617)
he's not that famous, ya know... just cause his cardboard cutout is well travelled doesnt mean he can make a stadium rock

I am sorry...but I believe the statement're not that big...:twisted:

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:44

if god could talk... great song!!

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:45


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352619)
if god could talk... great song!!

It is...and now imagine it just done with piano...

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:46

even god knows baby that aint right

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:46

you should have heard the demo.. such power

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:47


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352622)
you should have heard the demo.. such power

Where did you hear it?

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 21:50

cant rem where... its on the other hard drive probably

mszee 29 Jun 2007 21:59


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352624)
cant rem where... its on the other hard drive probably

Well, as long as it's hard...I suppose it's ok...

Ageing Bat 29 Jun 2007 22:05

or is it on his 3 and a half inch floppy? :lmao:

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 22:05

seize the night

mszee 29 Jun 2007 22:09


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat (Post 352627)
or is it on his 3 and a half inch floppy? :lmao:

THAT must hurt...

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 22:10

finally finished reading the transscipt of the six hour interview wiht Jim Steinman.

VERY interesting, although it took me a few weeks

Hypnobabe 29 Jun 2007 22:15


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 352583)
yummy, Beck´s Chilled Orange!!!! :cheers:

I can go for all of that up to the Orange bit... mine's just Beck's Chilled....


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352598)
She'll be online in a bit, my computer is just negotiating with her laptop lol

*raises eyebrows* Is that what they call it these days?


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352600)
Aparently they do it wirelessly lol

*stares dreamily off into space, imagining Monstro as a father to a bunch of little CD-RWs....*

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 22:16

i wish it wouldn't come, but it always does

mszee 29 Jun 2007 22:18


Originally Posted by knooby (Post 352632)
i wish it wouldn't come, but it always does

Lock windows and doors...

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 22:20


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352600)
Aparently they do it wirelessly lol

wheres the fun then?

djfierce 29 Jun 2007 22:52


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 352631)

*raises eyebrows* Is that what they call it these days?

*stares dreamily off into space, imagining Monstro as a father to a bunch of little CD-RWs....*

:lmao: :roll::bleh:

Daren't comment on any of that lol there are too many here with a quick slightly sadistic sense of humour. But at least with the little cd-rws if we don't like the first one's we can have fun rewriting them ;)

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 23:03

the clitoris that thought it was a puppy

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 23:04

lol, they had a good pianist and song writer

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 23:16

though their singer wasnt the best :lmao:

duke knooby 29 Jun 2007 23:26

wee charlies not well at the moment.. back to the vet tomorrow i fear

RadioMaster 29 Jun 2007 23:28

turn around bright eyes

Monstro 30 Jun 2007 09:00


heat 30 Jun 2007 09:23

I think i've broken my kneecap!!!

Betty 30 Jun 2007 09:53


Originally Posted by heat (Post 352685)
I think i've broken my kneecap!!!

Go and see a doctor!!!

Gosh, too early to get up!! Gotta meet my colleagues at the football ground in 45 minutes and I´m still in bed :roll::oops:

Monstro 30 Jun 2007 10:07


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 352687)

Gosh, too early to get up!! Gotta meet my colleagues at the football ground in 45 minutes and I´m still in bed :roll::oops:

Sleep Til Noon Spice has spoken lol

RadioMaster 30 Jun 2007 11:45


RadioMaster 30 Jun 2007 12:26

Simpsons movie coming out July, 26th! :)) :yay: :cheer:

duke knooby 30 Jun 2007 13:44

what rotten weather

duke knooby 30 Jun 2007 13:55

time for f1 qualifying.. and lunch

heat 30 Jun 2007 15:18

Kneecap ain't broke... lots of soft tissue damage:roll:

Meat was worth it though!!!:twisted:

mszee 30 Jun 2007 15:40

More blackmail material is stored...

allrevvedup 30 Jun 2007 15:46


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 352578)
I have decent blackmail material on allrevvedup...just waiting for the right moment...


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 352716)
More blackmail material is stored...

The amount of material that can be used against me could fill the old and new editions of the bible...

mszee 30 Jun 2007 15:50

'Tis true...

Betty 30 Jun 2007 17:16


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352689)
Sleep Til Noon Spice has spoken lol

Exactly :mrgreen:
Btw, I managed it to be in time at the football ground...very proud of myself! lol

Sue K 30 Jun 2007 17:21

... i am SO freakin' glad it's the weekend... rough week... and ***piff***... it's gone !!! ... :lol: ...

mszee 30 Jun 2007 17:28

Whoever invented category for Best Pics nomination should rot in hell...or at least somewhere close to it...

Monstro 30 Jun 2007 17:47


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 352737)
Whoever invented category for Best Pics nomination should rot in hell...or at least somewhere close to it...

Anji wants to know if she can nominate 8?

Hypnobabe 30 Jun 2007 17:48


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 352687)
at the football ground in 45 minutes and I´m still in bed :roll::oops:

Best place to be at that time of the morning...


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 352737)
Whoever invented category for Best Pics nomination should rot in hell...or at least somewhere close to it...

I couldn't agree more, my dear...

mszee 30 Jun 2007 17:56


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352738)
Anji wants to know if she can nominate 8?

We have a poster #8????

How do you mean? 8 people? She can nominate the entire website...but vote only for one when voting time comes...

mszee 30 Jun 2007 17:56

8 pictures...if she doesn't give us links to them or at least thread/post numbers...she is banned from this site!!!

mszee 30 Jun 2007 17:57

And with this said you can also give her a hug and a big sloppy kiss from me...

RadioMaster 30 Jun 2007 18:18

getting serious:
paid my first rent

djfierce 30 Jun 2007 18:24


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352738)
Anji wants to know if she can nominate 8?

:bleh:Thought he looked a bit shifty when he dissapeared into the bedroom lol

havent voted anything yet but it's on my to do list when casey goes to bed. :))


Originally Posted by Mszee
And with this said you can also give her a hug and a big sloppy kiss from me...

No offence honey but i will just take the hug ;)

Will def speak later when i get more time though i promise, i'm not ignoring you!!

Hypnobabe 30 Jun 2007 18:25


Originally Posted by djfierce (Post 352751)
havent voted anything yet but it's on my to do list when casey goes to bed. :))

Can i recommend you indulge in a bit of foolproof picture identification, or you're likely to find your nominations get 'lost in the post'... lolol...

Sue K 30 Jun 2007 19:06

... there's voting?... who's voting?... i like to vote !! ... will someone please tell me where to vote??? ... lol...

t.. lost ...

Hypnobabe 30 Jun 2007 19:22


Originally Posted by tink (Post 352759)
... there's voting?... who's voting?... i like to vote !! ... will someone please tell me where to vote??? ... lol...

t.. lost ...

Here, tink....

nominations to me while I'm online is fine, after that, all nominations to mszee please, and make sure you get them in before midnight UK time!

Sue K 30 Jun 2007 19:26

ta luvvie... i had a feeler that's what it was ... and founded it all by myself !.. hooray for me... hehehe...

ta again ...

t... off to work on this project ... :D ...

Monstro 30 Jun 2007 19:43

I'll make sure she gets her nominations in on time - I'll just get all bossy (learnt that from Hypnobabe!!!)

djfierce 30 Jun 2007 19:44


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 352763)
I'll make sure she gets her nominations in on time - I'll just get all bossy (learnt that from Hypnobabe!!!)

Had a feeling you were up to no good. Now get in here and show your partner some attention:bleh: :))

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