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sexyeyes_jo 01 Jan 2009 16:40

im bloody regretting i got drunk last night as im now hungover but was worth it though

~Helen~ 01 Jan 2009 16:50

Apparently, according to the experts online, if you plaster over a painted area it will bubble up no matter what.

Phew! - spent the last couple of days wondering what I could have been doing wrong. Turns out it's nothing and I can merely scrape off, then fill the holes left by the bubbles in my plaster job!

Made good progress on house over last few days -
1. have chiselled a lump (plaster/plasterboard) out of the wall and attempted replaster over it (not too bad for a novice...needs a bit of polyfilla/sanding though)
2. made more progress sanding the walls in the back bedroom (long, on-going task, as plasterwork not great - needed much polyfilla, and besides I'm turning into something of a perfectionist!)
3. stripped and sanded down the back bedroom windowledge (looks gorgeous wood now...was previously messy white gloss...discovered it had previously also been yellow, red, pink, and dark green - I dread to think how any of those looks combined with the door frame, which was once lilac!)
4. cleaned and waterproofed (back of) a skirting board (damp proof company hadn't done this one, and needs top-up DPC behind it)
5. cleared more rubble from behind the removed skirting board (which was no doubt interferring with the DPC)

Today I'm tired so have spent most of the day researching DIY activities - it's suprising how much you learn when you find yourself doing up a house more-or-less single-handedly!

Monstro 01 Jan 2009 22:56

The uninvited mouse visitor may have survived christmas but new years eve was a different matter...

chocolate baited mousetrap 1 - 0 Mouse

daveake 01 Jan 2009 23:03


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 451954)
The uninvited mouse visitor may have survived christmas but new years eve was a different matter...

chocolate baited mousetrap 1 - 0 Mouse

Fat Furry Pussy 1 - 0 Mouse

Our first little gift of 2009 :-)


MeatGrl1 01 Jan 2009 23:56

That was a fantastic night, feckin' tired now though but can't complain as the company has been fantastic :cool:.

Sue K 02 Jan 2009 02:30

health happiness and an extra jingle in the pocket is wished for all meatie peeps of the world in the new year !!!

t ... :D ...

MissAsh 02 Jan 2009 13:47

I really should've left the country for New Year.
Hope you're all having a good one so far.

Sue K 02 Jan 2009 14:46

... i really should stop listening to music i suppose and ease back into the real world by listening to NPR radio and some world news ...

nawwwwww... lol ...

t ... :lol: ...

SamCat 02 Jan 2009 20:19

My flat seems really empty now!! Marvin is less twitchy now tho lol!!

The Flying Mouse 02 Jan 2009 21:35


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 451954)

chocolate baited mousetrap 1 - 0 Mouse


Originally Posted by daveake (Post 451955)
Fat Furry Pussy 1 - 0 Mouse

:twisted: You just wait till we fecking sober up :devil:

SamCat 02 Jan 2009 22:02

Last nights pizza reheated and Celebrity Big Brother normality has returned lol!!

daveake 02 Jan 2009 22:18


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 452023)
Last nights pizza reheated and Celebrity Big Brother normality has returned lol!!

Don't you mean Celebrity Big Pizza, and Last Year's Stars Reheated?

Dave ;-)

angelica 02 Jan 2009 22:21

Thanks for your hospitality Emma ... we had a great time. Was a bit knackered next day travelling back. Actually was a lot knackered lol! Was worth it though! It was great to see everyone again!

SamCat 02 Jan 2009 22:26


Originally Posted by angelica (Post 452026)
Thanks for your hospitality Emma ... we had a great time. Was a bit knackered next day travelling back. Actually was a lot knackered lol! Was worth it though! It was great to see everyone again!

It was so lovely to see you again, it all went so fast i didn't feel like i chatted to anyone properly lol!!

angelica 02 Jan 2009 22:33

It did go fast you're right ... and there was a lot of people to chat too lol!

Sue K 03 Jan 2009 00:06

... the king of Zor ... he called for war ...

duke knooby 03 Jan 2009 01:04

a BIG BIG BIG HUGE MASSIVE thankyou to Emma (samcat) for putting up with me

t'was great to see everyone

(for those that couldn't understand me, and for everyone else that wasn't there)

Happy New Year

mszee 03 Jan 2009 01:13

Once again...completely predictable...

Well, we are all in one piece...well, 3 pieces...sort of...but no was tremendous to have an opportunity to see all of you again albeit for a short while...

Emma are an absolutely of a kind...

Monstro 03 Jan 2009 01:20


Glad you got home ok!!!

Till next time


mszee 03 Jan 2009 01:21

Oh Michael...I miss everybody already!!!

Have you seen my picture with baby that Chris took??? It's

Betty 03 Jan 2009 01:21

Glad you enjoyed my pizza hun ;)
Thank you for letting me stay at yours, once again!!! You´re the best! xxx

Everyone thanks for a great time, was awesome to see you all again!!

Monstro 03 Jan 2009 01:22

There's loads of great pics with you!!!!

mszee 03 Jan 2009 01:24

Michael, that one is hysterical's waiting for Chris to give his permission to post that one...

Betty!!! So glad you're safe and sound!!! I am counting from posts who has arrived

Betty 03 Jan 2009 01:25

Ok, I´m scared lol
Postable or not postable ones?

Betty 03 Jan 2009 01:26


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 452070)
Betty!!! So glad you're safe and sound!!! I am counting from posts who has arrived

Thanks for your text Zina!!
I´m reading your posts and I literally hear you saying those words lol :nuts:

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