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MeatGrl1 26 Jan 2009 22:11


Originally Posted by Heli (Post 455175)
Val Kilmer is 90's hot

But yeah hot guys getting half naked, fighting or just sweating makes any film worth watching......and it would be just the same for the guys if it was girls ;)

Thanks for that :heart: :drool: :faint: :heart:.


Originally Posted by Pudding (Post 455177)
You have no idea what I'm trying to do, because I'm not trying to do anything. I don't like like Val Kilmer and you've thrown your toys out of the cot, spat the dummy out and given the teddy a good beating.

Teenagers who struggle to live in reality go all gooey over a movie star or pop star, how old are you? If you're still a teenager I apologise, let kids be kids is what I say.

Pud :twisted:

OK I may have missed the point and I appologise.

allrevvedup 26 Jan 2009 22:14


Originally Posted by Heli (Post 455179)
But there's nothing wrong with a bit of a perv-a-thon :p

If a man said that there'd be uproar:evil:

Much the same as when a guy visits a strip club, it's morally wrong, but when a woman goes to a male strip show it's a bit of fun...

The Flying Mouse 26 Jan 2009 22:17


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 455181)
If a man said that there'd be uproar:evil:

:twisted: Go for it dude :mrgreen:

mszee 26 Jan 2009 22:22


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 455181)
If a man said that there'd be uproar:evil:

Much the same as when a guy visits a strip club, it's morally wrong, but when a woman goes to a male strip show it's a bit of fun...

Not in my books, it ain't...knock yourself silly...oh right...I ain't no woman...

Heli 26 Jan 2009 22:29

Well I wouldn't be so happy to "girl perv" if I didn't think it was ok for guys too. I don't care, we're only human, why can't we enjoy good looking people? Not like we see many of them in our real lives. lol So if girls say to you it's horrible to perv then she's just boring and small minded.

Betty 26 Jan 2009 22:58


Originally Posted by Heli (Post 455184)
... I don't care, we're only human, why can't we enjoy good looking people? Not like we see many of them in our real lives. lol ...

Amen!!! CHSIB hon!!! :up:

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 00:12


Originally Posted by Heli (Post 455184)
Well I wouldn't be so happy to "girl perv" if I didn't think it was ok for guys too. I don't care, we're only human, why can't we enjoy good looking people? Not like we see many of them in our real lives. lol So if girls say to you it's horrible to perv then she's just boring and small minded.

Hear hear Heli and Betty..
tried to quote you both...but the stupid gene interfered again!

Rockette 27 Jan 2009 00:14

The day is starting well. A promise made has just been kept. Mind you, threatening not to pay until your car is fixed tends to motivate.

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 00:22

It always helps to have some leverage!

MissAsh 27 Jan 2009 00:43

Really wish I had more artistic talent, I can see what I want to draw (tattoo idea) in my head but just can't translate it to paper!

Betty 27 Jan 2009 01:07

Was a lot less stressful when Mum was in hospital... :oops:
Ah well, no I´m glad she´s back lol

SamCat 27 Jan 2009 01:11


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 455228)
Was a lot less stressful when Mum was in hospital... :oops:
Ah well, no I´m glad she´s back lol

Oh hon is she ok? Are you ok? Give her my love

Must be catching my step father is in hospital after having a minor heart attack and now he's got to have a pacemaker!!

angelica 27 Jan 2009 01:17

Hope your mum's Ok Sabrina ... and your step father Emma

SamCat 27 Jan 2009 01:27

Thanks hon X

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 01:46

169 new posts since last night ... feels like most of them were in this thread!


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 455080)
Left work diary at work.. Fantastic so am going to have to pop in tomorrow/today to get it or I don't know what I'm doing !!

After I found myself doing that a few times, I no longer have separate work/home diaries. They're the same thing (also saves money coz work pay for the work diary. hehe!)


Originally Posted by belladonna-took (Post 455114)
Thanks Barb! It's the father's birthday i was hoping it was ok. I find it so hard to judge myself...

I think it's a perfect present! The father looks so proud and it includes the mother too - and she looks happy. I am sure he (and she!) will love it - and baby would love it to when he is older!


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 455135)
I did the photo's for a wedding in a castle, the lighting through the "windows" was awful, good job I'd made them have a dry run and showed them where they could and couldn't have photo's taken!!

I'll dig out the book I bought on photographing weddings and post title and author, worked a treat for me.

I'd be interested in the book details too...


Originally Posted by Heli (Post 455161)
Maybe so.....but he's hot (well was).....which makes crap films always worth watching! :cool:


Originally Posted by daveake (Post 455163)
I don't get how having someone "hot" in a movie makes it worth sitting through 2 hours of shite.


Originally Posted by The Flying Mouse (Post 455174)
:twisted: I'm with the other guys here.
A good actor in a leading role goes quite a way in persuading someone to watch the movie in the first place, but if the movie is crap, no eye candy is going to make the film any better.

It doesn't make the film any better just makes it bearable. Though if it was merely on the TV, I wouldn't stay watching rubbish purely for 'eye candy'...but if I'd gone to the cinema with a friend, say...watching the 'eye candy' would give me something to do whilst waiting for it to finish.

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 01:52

oh and...builder should be coming on Wednesday to fix a few problems with my house :cheer:

Betty 27 Jan 2009 02:10


Originally Posted by SamCat (Post 455230)
Oh hon is she ok? Are you ok? Give her my love

Must be catching my step father is in hospital after having a minor heart attack and now he's got to have a pacemaker!!

She´s on the mend, thank you hon!
The weekend was a killer really. Quite scary driving behind that ambulance that takes your Mum to the hospital.

How´s your stepfather and how´s your Mum dealing with the whole thing??

This new year just started too good, there was something bad bound to happen, wasnt it?


Originally Posted by angelica (Post 455232)
Hope your mum's Ok Sabrina ... and your step father Emma

Thank you Angela, means a lot!!

SamCat 27 Jan 2009 02:26


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 455238)
She´s on the mend, thank you hon!
The weekend was a killer really. Quite scary driving behind that ambulance that takes your Mum to the hospital.

How´s your stepfather and how´s your Mum dealing with the whole thing??

This new year just started too good, there was something bad bound to happen, wasnt it?

Mum's taking the opportunity to go through the house and clear out stuff that if she tried to get rid of when Rhon was there he would make a fuss about it lol!! She's also having a good rest and sleeping more without the snoring!!

Pudding 27 Jan 2009 03:20


Originally Posted by Rockette (Post 455205)
The day is starting well. A promise made has just been kept. Mind you, threatening not to pay until your car is fixed tends to motivate.

A kick to the testicles or the threat of ripping their knackers out of their socket usually motivates the person that needs motivating..

Pud :twisted:

mszee 27 Jan 2009 05:16

Oh my dear lord...pretty depressing thoughts all around...

Betty and Em...hope you guys are ok...write me a few words as to what is going on...

Not around much cause life here is...slightly sad...let's just put it this way...

Reganomics finally work...we do get trickle down effect...except it's trickling acid rain instead of gold...

RadioMaster 27 Jan 2009 09:47


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 455243)
Oh my dear lord...pretty depressing thoughts all around...

Betty and Em...hope you guys are ok...write me a few words as to what is going on...

Not around much cause life here is...slightly sad...let's just put it this way...

Reganomics finally work...we do get trickle down effect...except it's trickling acid rain instead of gold...

hows that possible???? youve got Obama now! :yep:

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 10:23

I'm going off January..Betty and Sam Cat have poorly parents..and all that stress and worry. Zina has Reganomics whic h really hurts..and my daughter has the vomits and today is cancelled for me. Again.
On the bright side, Helen did some virtuoso multi posting a few posts up.Respect!

Battybarb 27 Jan 2009 10:52

agree Caroline,Jan has not been good,still its nearly over,Emma and Betty hope your mum and step dad will be on the mend real soon and caroline hope your daughter does not feel ill for too long,
i for one will definately be glad to see february this year

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 12:01


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 455135)
I did the photo's for a wedding in a castle, the lighting through the "windows" was awful, good job I'd made them have a dry run and showed them where they could and couldn't have photo's taken!!

I'll dig out the book I bought on photographing weddings and post title and author, worked a treat for me.

Don't forget that title M. I've only got til June!!

allrevvedup 27 Jan 2009 12:29


Originally Posted by Heli (Post 455184)
Well I wouldn't be so happy to "girl perv" if I didn't think it was ok for guys too. I don't care, we're only human, why can't we enjoy good looking people? Not like we see many of them in our real lives. lol So if girls say to you it's horrible to perv then she's just boring and small minded.

I agree with you, I just hate the hypocrisy. I think it can be something to suit everyone in that regard.

Yeah there is sleaze to it,l but then again there's sleaze to a hell of a lot of things, which doesn't make it right but still.

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