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~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 12:34


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 455277)
I agree with you, I just hate the hypocrisy. I think it can be something to suit everyone in that regard.

Yeah there is sleaze to it,l but then again there's sleaze to a hell of a lot of things, which doesn't make it right but still.

Yeah but if it's THERE surely it would be a waste not to look??

Like it would have been a waste of the creme egg my boss bought me yesterday if i'd been healthy and not eaten it!! (we were having an 'argh!' afternoon - they were medicinal!)

MeatGrl1 27 Jan 2009 12:43

Wonder if Morrison's sells pockets for files... Might be easier to go into town *groan*. So annoying, decided to sort out my Val articals and have run out of pockets, that's typical :roll:.

Or as I have a day off tomorrow I will have more time to look around which seems like a better option. Finally got around to watching Spartan last night, I have had this in my possession now for awhile but haven't actually had a chance to watch it and I absolutely love it, Val is in pratically every single scene from start to finish :heart:.

I should get dressed... Then eat lol !

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 12:44

Really don't think i could not eat a creme egg. Does anyone think they are smaller than they used to be..or am i just bigger..?

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 12:46


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 455283)
Wonder if Morrison's sells pockets for files

for one horrible moment, my tired eyes/head thought that said pockets for FLIES :shock::?

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 12:48


Originally Posted by belladonna-took (Post 455284)
Really don't think i could not eat a creme egg. Does anyone think they are smaller than they used to be..or am i just bigger..?

smaller. definately smaller.

a lot of chocolate confectionery seems smaller nowadays.

i'd give an example but the healthy part of my brain is blocking access to 'details of chocolate' at the moment.

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 13:05

I'll give you an example i don't have a healthy section of brain...Caramacs have shrunk to virtual invisibility..but the price hasn't!

Betty 27 Jan 2009 14:18


mszee 27 Jan 2009 14:26


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 455247)
hows that possible???? youve got Obama now! :yep:

We got Obama...not a magician...geez

mszee 27 Jan 2009 14:28


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 455285)
for one horrible moment, my tired eyes/head thought that said pockets for FLIES :shock::?

Same here...

I think I will fall in love with some movie star and just day dream about him all day long...maybe that'll help...

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 14:33


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 455327)
I think I will fall in love with some movie star and just day dream about him all day long...maybe that'll help...

if it does, please tell me. i could use all the help i can get (and all the help that i can't get too...ho ho ho. sorry)

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 14:34


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 455326)
We got Obama...not a magician...geez

same difference though right?? ;):twisted:

MeatGrl1 27 Jan 2009 14:35

Oh crap look at the time.. Hair and teeth still need to be done !!

Bye bye

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 14:37

I think...I should get back to work

before that passed MOT! :cheer:

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 14:40

congrats! Mine's having its major service next week. I fear the bill, i really do! Doesn't help that i keep forgetting the when i do remember they are humungously expensive.

mszee 27 Jan 2009 16:11


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 455331)
same difference though right?? ;):twisted:

Can't expect the man to fix what was destroyed in 8 should

mszee 27 Jan 2009 16:11


Originally Posted by ~Helen~ (Post 455330)
if it does, please tell me. i could use all the help i can get (and all the help that i can't get too...ho ho ho. sorry)

Oh let's just pick a celebrity and go for it...

~Helen~ 27 Jan 2009 16:12


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 455342)
Can't expect the man to fix what was destroyed in 8 should

what you mean is you SHOULDNT expect seems like many people do...

allrevvedup 27 Jan 2009 16:55

that's what hope is...lot of responsibility on his shoulders but i think he'll make good decisions

mszee 27 Jan 2009 17:25


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 455352)
that's what hope is...lot of responsibility on his shoulders but i think he'll make good decisions

He is already making some very very good decisions...but we can't expect miracles here...

allrevvedup 27 Jan 2009 17:57

Far as I know he can't walk on water...

mszee 27 Jan 2009 19:25

Well, I just got a pay cut...on the bright least I still have a job...for now...

belladonna-took 27 Jan 2009 19:34


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 455368)
Well, I just got a pay cut...on the bright least I still have a job...for now...

Oh dear, oh dear....though you are right..a worse paid job is better than none. The economic climate here in the UK is horrible too. My husb is a solicitor and he had to wait for hours in court on monday because there were so many house re-possession hearings to be got through. It seemed ironic to me that the banks who got tied up with dodgy lending are now pulling the rug from under the feet of householders who can't pay their bills because of the results of all that dodgy lending...:(

Monstro 27 Jan 2009 19:41


Originally Posted by mszee (Post 455368)
Well, I just got a pay cut...on the bright least I still have a job...for now...

Not nice!!

mszee 27 Jan 2009 19:43

I am sorry but I have to disagree with mortgage lending victims...I would never borrow money knowing I couldn't pay it back...I wouldn't buy 800,000 house when I make 50,000 a year...and that's what many people did...banks can fool you from here to there...but you have to have some understanding of what you're doing before doing it...

A lot of things happened...currency fell and prices went up...when currency is doing better...somehow prices stay the same high...gas was very everybody jumped in with surcharges and charging for every suitcase and trip and nonsense like this...when gas goes down...these things will stay the same unless things will get better...for many they just won't...I am sorry for blubbling...I am a bit upset...

mszee 27 Jan 2009 19:44


Originally Posted by Monstro (Post 455373)
Not nice!!

Nice is not figuring here...could have been worse and probably will be worse pretty soon...I work with numbers...I know...

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