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Chris 22 Aug 2005 14:06

Isn't it annoying when you leave the top off the biscuit barrel so all the chocolate hob nobs go soft!

heat 22 Aug 2005 16:23

indeed it is...

Anyone missed me? :lmao:

Ageing Bat 22 Aug 2005 17:03

Feeling grotty - bad chest. Anyone fancy rubbing in some Vic :shock:

DIZZY DRUMMER 22 Aug 2005 17:33


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Feeling grotty - bad chest. Anyone fancy rubbing in some Vic :shock:

I'll sent Meat around hun ;)

Hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxx

Chris 22 Aug 2005 22:09


Originally Posted by heat
indeed it is...

Anyone missed me? :lmao:

Hello, long time no see

DIZZY DRUMMER 22 Aug 2005 22:20

HEAT - You know I have missed ya :wink:

One day at work then back in for surgery :( :( :( :( :(

heat 22 Aug 2005 22:21

Love ya too hunnie :mwahhhhh:

like my blinkies???

Cathie 23 Aug 2005 05:47

Can't sleeeeeeep...

...and have to get up to see my excitable gran in 4 hours!

Hey heat, good to see you back :D

Skeleton 23 Aug 2005 11:06

I“m tired.. But I have to be at school if I want to graduate this year..

dottie 23 Aug 2005 11:47


DIZZY DRUMMER 23 Aug 2005 13:17

Stuffed :shock:

Chris 23 Aug 2005 13:30


Originally Posted by dottie

Well volunteered Dottie.....

....Hop on the train, i'll collect you at Wakefield and you can crack on with this ironing for me!!!:D

DIZZY DRUMMER 23 Aug 2005 13:34


Originally Posted by Chris
Well volunteered Dottie.....

....Hop on the train, i'll collect you at Wakefield and you can crack on with this ironing for me!!!:D

:lol: :lol: Sure Dottie isn't that bored :lmao: :lmao:

BUT then again .....................

If she is - she could stop off in Nottingham first & do mine ;)

Chris 24 Aug 2005 22:43

My current thought:

It is a wise Dottie who stalks the postman in the Sunshine:shock::shock::shock:

dottie 24 Aug 2005 22:46


Originally Posted by Chris
Well volunteered Dottie.....

....Hop on the train, i'll collect you at Wakefield and you can crack on with this ironing for me!!!:D

With pleasure Chris ;)

dottie 24 Aug 2005 22:47


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
:lol: :lol: Sure Dottie isn't that bored :lmao: :lmao:

BUT then again .....................

If she is - she could stop off in Nottingham first & do mine ;)

Maybe we could go down the pub first FA ;)

dottie 24 Aug 2005 22:48


Originally Posted by Chris
My current thought:

It is a wise Dottie who stalks the postman in the Sunshine:shock::shock::shock:

They say the postman always knocks twice!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Chris 24 Aug 2005 22:48


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
:lol: :lol: Sure Dottie isn't that bored :lmao: :lmao:


Originally Posted by Dottie
With pleasure Chris ;)

What can i say Sharon, you've either got it oor you ain't :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

ChloeLee88 24 Aug 2005 23:33

i am very tired!!!!

Cathie 25 Aug 2005 00:06

Incredibly intellectual thought for the day:

Insomnia sucks

Thank you for your kind attention

That is all


DIZZY DRUMMER 25 Aug 2005 12:34


Originally Posted by dottie
Maybe we could go down the pub first FA ;)

That sounds good to me - infact forget the ironing - we will just go down the pub & stay there :cheers:

DIZZY DRUMMER 25 Aug 2005 12:36


:cry: :cry: :cry: :sick: :sick: :sick:

dottie 25 Aug 2005 16:33


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000

:cry: :cry: :cry: :sick: :sick: :sick:

especially for FA :-)

DIZZY DRUMMER 25 Aug 2005 17:35


Originally Posted by dottie

:oops: :oops: Thank you Dottie :heart:

Just had a great conversation on the phone with Ageing Bat - she has cheered me up too :lol: :lol: Thanks Sarah :heart: :heart:

ChloeLee88 25 Aug 2005 19:16

Why is my college sooooooo awkward grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! Not happy!!!
well glad i got that off my chest!!!
Chloe xx

Chris 25 Aug 2005 19:46


Originally Posted by Cathie
Insomnia sucks

It does but stressing won;t do any good so try not to lose any sleep over it!!!

Failing that, lie on the edge of the bed - you'll soon drop off!

ChloeLee88 25 Aug 2005 20:10


Originally Posted by Chris
It does but stressing won;t do any good so try not to lose any sleep over it!!!

Failing that, lie on the edge of the bed - you'll soon drop off!

lol thats quite funny!!!
Although i do know what its like not bein able to sleep, i've been kept awake very often by the nieghbours that i find it very difficult to sleep now, its horrid!!

But that was very funny!!! :lol:
Chloe xx

Pixie 26 Aug 2005 08:56

You can always rely on Chris for a good wise-crack! :lol:

Another lovely day...should I take the kids to the beach or to see a film? :??:

Skeleton 26 Aug 2005 09:03

I saw a dream that I was 5th on hudred meters run.. :lol:

My doc told me last month that if I want to keep my knees on good condition I can“t run..

Pixie 26 Aug 2005 09:18

That's funny, I dreamed I'd donated a kidney to someone who needed it - must be all these programmes on TV at the moment about transplants...:shock: :lol:

DIZZY DRUMMER 26 Aug 2005 11:26


Originally Posted by Pixie
You can always rely on Chris for a good wise-crack! :lol:

Another lovely day...should I take the kids to the beach or to see a film? :??:

To the beach - you could always see a film on a miserable day

I'm BORED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SuperLoafMan 26 Aug 2005 13:38

I am a little bored to Sharon,

Little slow at work today :roll:

Heli 26 Aug 2005 14:21

*drinks orange juice*

"....if i could only reach you, if i could make you smile, if i could only reach you; that would really be a breakthru" [/sing]

Pixie 26 Aug 2005 15:37

*Pixie recovers slowly from the appallingly bad film 'Shark Boy and Lava Girl'* - FOLKS, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, GO AND SEE THIS FILM!! :?

DIZZY DRUMMER 26 Aug 2005 18:55

Pixie :lmao: :lmao: GOOD WAS IT

BORED STILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dottie 28 Aug 2005 13:31

Not such a bad thing then after all ;)

Going to all day Irish charity fun day today in Whitton, to raise funds for a jumbalance for the severly disabled to take trips to Lourdes.....

Once a year we all dig deep to make as much money as we possibly can, we need to raise £375,000 for a new jumbalance!!!

A workmate and her husband organise absolutely everything... some angels do go unnoticed.....

Leah 28 Aug 2005 21:21

Can anyone help?! On the homepage my 'shout box' is extended and has thrown my screen out of sync! I'm computer illiterate! :tard: :retard: Is there something I can press to make it go back to normal? :pray:

Pixie 28 Aug 2005 22:07

Sorry Leah, can't help - I'm much more illiterate than you are :D

Really enjoyed the cricket today - my visit to Australia must have rubbed off on to watch Messiah on TV.

ChloeLee88 28 Aug 2005 22:59


Originally Posted by Leah
Can anyone help?! On the homepage my 'shout box' is extended and has thrown my screen out of sync! I'm computer illiterate! :tard: :retard: Is there something I can press to make it go back to normal? :pray:

Mine has to i was wondering why this happened!!
Chloe x

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Aug 2005 09:39

Why have I agreed to enter an exam at my age !!!!!!!!!!

Do I really need the stress ????????

Pixie 30 Aug 2005 09:54

Awww c'mon FA - what would life be without a bit of healthy stress? :shock:

And just think how you'll feel when you pass?? :cool: :lol:

Feels like lunchtime already as have been in since 6...

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Aug 2005 10:20


Originally Posted by Pixie
Awww c'mon FA - what would life be without a bit of healthy stress? :shock:

And just think how you'll feel when you pass?? :cool: :lol:

Feels like lunchtime already as have been in since 6...

Ya I know - but I HATE EXAMS - especially practical ones

BUT I know my tutor will get me through it - he's good !!!

SuperLoafMan 30 Aug 2005 11:03

Sharon, you and me both know you will ace the exam, :D:D

No worries, ;)

Skeleton 30 Aug 2005 11:31

I just heard that my class doesn“t have to come at school on Thursday and Friday.. :D Some student needs our computerclass on Friday and we need those computers ourselves so we don“t have school.. ;)

My friend comes to visit this weekend so she can come on Thursday.. :D

Chris 30 Aug 2005 13:45

I have ahd two thoughts today:

1. Getting the munchies whilst working in a sweetie shop is a BAD THING!!!

2. Attempting to eat your own weight in Tunnocks Chocolate Teacakes is also a BAD THING!!!!

Ageing Bat 30 Aug 2005 17:18

Black Dog's staying with me....... haven't a clue what to cook for dinner tonight

DIZZY DRUMMER 30 Aug 2005 19:39


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Black Dog's staying with me....... haven't a clue what to cook for dinner tonight

FOOD !!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hi Shells - Hope you are all well

Speak real soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ChloeLee88 30 Aug 2005 23:36

I am VERY VERY annoyed with my college!!!!

Chris 30 Aug 2005 23:40

I'm sure the washing machine doesn;t normally take this long!

Cathie 30 Aug 2005 23:48


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000
Ya I know - but I HATE EXAMS - especially practical ones

BUT I know my tutor will get me through it - he's good !!!

You will be fantastic, no problem :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Aug 2005 00:15


Originally Posted by Cathie
You will be fantastic, no problem :D

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: you heard something I haven't

Cathie 31 Aug 2005 18:24

FA...I know all... ;)

Heli 31 Aug 2005 18:25


Originally Posted by Cathie
FA...I know all... ;)

I believe her aswell! :shock:

Hey Cathie! :D

DIZZY DRUMMER 31 Aug 2005 22:13


Originally Posted by Cathie
FA...I know all... ;)


Is it worth me spending £28 on a 15 min exam then ?????????????????????

ChloeLee88 01 Sep 2005 19:16


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000

Is it worth me spending £28 on a 15 min exam then ?????????????????????

What exam you doing???
I think you should anyway........i rexcently spent £61 on a 25 min exam :?

Cathie 01 Sep 2005 19:53


Originally Posted by Heli
Hey Cathie! :D

Hey there hun! :D

Cathie 01 Sep 2005 19:54


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000

Is it worth me spending £28 on a 15 min exam then ?????????????????????

Yes...really... :D's worth it... ;)

DIZZY DRUMMER 01 Sep 2005 23:06


Originally Posted by Cathie
Yes...really... :D's worth it... ;)

Can you take it for me then !!!!!!! :lol:

Biter 02 Sep 2005 04:56

4am...yet again I cannot sleep :)

Biter 02 Sep 2005 07:28

Still awake. Marmite on toast is sooooooooooooooooo is fruit and fibre :)
And a big mug of tea...mmmmm breakfast...

Leah 02 Sep 2005 20:55

Alls quiet here tonight, is there a secret Meat gig that I don't know about or something?!!!!

SuperLoafMan 02 Sep 2005 20:59

If there is there are 2 seats with our names on Leah!! :D :lol:

Leah 02 Sep 2005 21:55

How I wish!!!

DIZZY DRUMMER 02 Sep 2005 22:02

is my daughter serious about her career !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

SuperLoafMan 02 Sep 2005 22:46

I would say yes Sharon. the way you describe it and how she got her a's i would say she is deadly serious about it :cool:

DIZZY DRUMMER 02 Sep 2005 23:05

I do not care as long as she does it on others & not herself :shock: :shock: :shock:

amethyst 03 Sep 2005 11:29

Fed up...... :( :|

DIZZY DRUMMER 03 Sep 2005 12:45

Mucky !!!

Ageing Bat 03 Sep 2005 16:13

Mind, body or both FA?

dottie 03 Sep 2005 21:22

:( nuff said :(

ChloeLee88 03 Sep 2005 21:35

Im tired!!!
YAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNN........does anyone automatically yawn when someone says it, or if they see someone or simply by seeing it???? Its contagious!

Chris 03 Sep 2005 21:36


DIZZY DRUMMER 03 Sep 2005 21:37


Originally Posted by Ageing Bat
Mind, body or both FA?

;) ;) You know me Sarah :lol: :lol: - but at the time it was me body - been sorting out the shed

Ageing Bat 05 Sep 2005 12:39

:bicker: :bicker: HP 'Customer Service' :lmao: 37 Minutes on hold at my cost, and then speaking to a call centre on the other side of the world who have difficulty understanding basic English!!!

Bren 05 Sep 2005 17:12

stressful day :roll:

Gez 05 Sep 2005 17:27

*%**@@ :evil:

Ageing Bat 06 Sep 2005 16:27

:bicker: :bicker: :bicker: Mother's!!!! Think mine must work for HP.

Heli 06 Sep 2005 21:39


"I have no heart and I'm cold inside. I have no real intent"

dottie 06 Sep 2005 21:43

Burning Back, Ouch! Blistered Feet Ouch! Bruised Arms Ouch! All for £183 00p.

Was it worth it? Um............

Skeleton 07 Sep 2005 08:54

I have soar throat.. :(

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Sep 2005 09:16

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

SuperLoafMan 07 Sep 2005 10:01

What's wrong Sharon??

Caelan 07 Sep 2005 10:51

aarrgggggg..:mad: .:shock: :shock: why do we have to pay more again next year....:shock: :shock: :mad:

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Sep 2005 14:43


Originally Posted by SuperLoafMan
What's wrong Sharon??

:bicker: :bicker: :bicker: :bicker: :bicker:

WORK - had 3 options this morning :

Lamp someone

Walk out

Or keep my mouth shut & stew

SuperLoafMan 07 Sep 2005 14:48

Hope you lamped some one then walked out lol :lol:

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Sep 2005 16:35


Originally Posted by SuperLoafMan
Hope you lamped some one then walked out lol :lol:


As much as I would have liked to ........................ in the real world - there are things like morgages - bills etc needs to be paid for :twisted:

SO NO .................. Did the 3rd option - even though it was not easy. :bicker: :bicker: :bicker:

SuperLoafMan 07 Sep 2005 16:47


Originally Posted by FALLEN ANGEL1000

As much as I would have liked to ........................ in the real world - there are things like morgages - bills etc needs to be paid for :twisted:

SO NO .................. Did the 3rd option - even though it was not easy. :bicker: :bicker: :bicker:

LOL :lol:, everything else been ok at work though Sharon.

Cathie 07 Sep 2005 19:40

Hope things improved for you Sharon! Want me to come and kick some heads in instead? ;)

DIZZY DRUMMER 07 Sep 2005 22:16


Originally Posted by Cathie
Hope things improved for you Sharon! Want me to come and kick some heads in instead? ;)

lol - ya bring Ross with ya too

I am just so deflated at the moment :wtf: NO spark - No bubble - No ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heli 07 Sep 2005 22:44

*huggles sharon*

You'll find your spark back. You have no choice but too! lol thoughts.....

I'm just listening to tears in heaven by eric clapton. Makes me cry everytime :( (yes sorry sharon i'm crying while chattin to you on msn! LOL!!)

Cathie 08 Sep 2005 00:12

<big hugs for Sharon>
Hope tomorrow is better...

<goes off in search of Sharon's spark>...

...not going to give me an electric shock, is it??? :?

DIZZY DRUMMER 08 Sep 2005 06:55

Only two days of misery - then I'm on holiday :bunny:

Cathie - no you will not get a shock off it - it needs regenerating :lol:

Thanks for the hugs guys - needed that

Skeleton 08 Sep 2005 10:18

I just ate meatloaf :))

We had meatloaf for dinner and it was great..

Ageing Bat 08 Sep 2005 12:19

Did you see the meatloaf we ate at the Leeds Castle concert Skeleton? :D ;) :shock:

Cathie 08 Sep 2005 21:23

2000 Posts!!!

Bren 08 Sep 2005 21:42

congratulations cathie :D

Cathie 08 Sep 2005 21:42

Why, thank you :D

How are you today Bren?

Bren 08 Sep 2005 21:45

tired, but otherwise fine thanks cathie :D
and you?

Cathie 08 Sep 2005 21:46

Busy! ;) I'm doing fine, thanks.

dottie 08 Sep 2005 22:27

Had nightmare last night concerning Kaz's wedding (I'm responsible for the catering) No not food poisioning, :lol: - a 25 hourday on the 7th October would just about do me........

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