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RadioMaster 17 Apr 2009 11:20


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 460367)
Ewww ming !!

Just made a cuppa when I got it upstairs to check things it had white floaty things in it, so just made another one with different milk !!!

Lovely when you've just woken up !!

try to decalcify the water boiler, that's mostly the problem with white floaty things.

AndyK 17 Apr 2009 11:35

You need to take the dead sheep out of the mug before adding the tea bag ...

Betty 17 Apr 2009 14:21

this could be my last day... hang on, this IS my last day :shock:

mszee 17 Apr 2009 14:27


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 460370)
this could be my last day... hang on, this IS my last day :shock:



mszee 17 Apr 2009 14:27

REALLY looking forward to seeing Mike again tomorrow!!!

sexyeyes_jo 17 Apr 2009 16:17

hi everyone long time no see believe or not i've just come out of hospital today apparantly i've got guild stones they're ment to be dangerous has anyone on here ever had them before? really not looking forward to going back to the hospital to find out weather i got to have an op :(

mszee 17 Apr 2009 16:25


Originally Posted by sexyeyes_jo (Post 460375)
hi everyone long time no see believe or not i've just come out of hospital today apparantly i've got guild stones they're ment to be dangerous has anyone on here ever had them before? really not looking forward to going back to the hospital to find out weather i got to have an op :(

Is it gallstones?

sexyeyes_jo 17 Apr 2009 16:27

yeah thats the one zina sorry wasn't sure on how to spell it lol

mszee 17 Apr 2009 16:31


Originally Posted by sexyeyes_jo (Post 460379)
yeah thats the one zina sorry wasn't sure on how to spell it lol

I didn't mean to correct you, I just wanted to make sure it's the same thing. My entire family had this shite and yes, you can get rid of them naturally which is pretty painful and I don't remember how but I remember it was bad...and the bad news is that they come back no matter what you do. They do here laser thingie to crush them so you really don't have surgery so to speak...however, like I every case I know they came back. So people just remove gall bladder and are done with's more dangerous to live with these stones than living without gall bladder...

Disclaimer: although I do have some medical education, I am not a

sexyeyes_jo 17 Apr 2009 16:40

lol thanks zina that has helped me alot see my mum told me that she had them when she was younger and she nearly died with them which has made me worried a bit lol

mszee 17 Apr 2009 16:59


Originally Posted by sexyeyes_jo (Post 460381)
lol thanks zina that has helped me alot see my mum told me that she had them when she was younger and she nearly died with them which has made me worried a bit lol

Yeah, I had one relative who nearly died also...but they caught it in time with you so it should be ok...

duke knooby 17 Apr 2009 19:09


Originally Posted by RadioMaster (Post 460368)
try to decalcify the water boiler, that's mostly the problem with white floaty things.

soooo thats where clouds come from....

still hurts :evil:

mszee 17 Apr 2009 19:19


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 460385)
soooo thats where clouds come from....

still hurts :evil:

Poor...hope you're feeling better soon...

SW31 17 Apr 2009 23:42

is having a nice jd & coke

Betty 17 Apr 2009 23:58

aaaaawesome car!!!! perfect colour!
cant wait to drive that thing :mrgreen: shame its not mine tho

~Helen~ 18 Apr 2009 00:06

Sounds like a lot of ungreat news around here atm so hope those with injuries, hospital visits and other general unhappinesses are ok and right as rain soon. Jo (and Barb!) try not to worry as it generally makes no difference to things, and I hope it all goes fine

mike and zina i hope you and families have a great time!

those with good news and general happiness at the moment, i am glad to hear it!

as for me and other than those thoughts, mine are far too random to post them all here. i might frighten people.

samurai7 18 Apr 2009 14:52

think I drank Swansea dry of vodka last night. I'm sure I was giving off alcohol fumes on the train home this morning :shock:

Hypnobabe 18 Apr 2009 16:56

The whole damned merry go round is starting again.... Aren't I getting too old for this? I've certainly had enough...

Stop the world, I want to get off.

Betty 18 Apr 2009 17:43


Originally Posted by Hypnobabe (Post 460399)
The whole damned merry go round is starting again.... Aren't I getting too old for this? I've certainly had enough...

Stop the world, I want to get off.

Ooooh no hon!
First we have concert to attend then itīs ok to stop the world and get off ;)

Lord Kagan 18 Apr 2009 19:51


Betty 18 Apr 2009 19:56


Originally Posted by Lord Kagan (Post 460403)


~Helen~ 18 Apr 2009 22:27

aaah cycle ride today. no particular reason, just a very good friend and I fancied it...bit tired but with that oh so pleased with myself sort of feeling going on. I will admit the last time I cycled was 9 months ago, and before that, 13 years...but I think this may catch on...hoping to go again next week (only then I won't have to stop at a sports shop on the way to invest in a cycle helmet!!)...had a great time!

allrevvedup 19 Apr 2009 00:28

well Zina met my family and everyone survived:lol:

Betty 19 Apr 2009 01:23


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 460411)
well Zina met my family and everyone survived:lol:

Good to hear that everything went well!!:D Have a great time everyone!!!

mszee 19 Apr 2009 05:16

Well...I am just now getting to some more or less sober match for Irish at all...

Mike...miss you to tears already...

Single girls...attack be a part of his family would be a gift for any girl...amazing amazing lovely family...I am completely in love with every one of them...stunned and still working on sobering

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