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allrevvedup 25 Sep 2009 08:34


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 472079)
the new temporary manager loves the new training style pyscho babbel she got taught last year... what she doesn't know is, what she was taught is virtually identical to what i was taught a decade ago, only what i was taught is better ;) (only without the huge amount of psycho babbel)

there will only be one winner over the next few months... and at the moment.. it's her :(

i'm gonna have to raise my game a bit to completely take the piss outta her psycho babbel techniques

challenge her to a shootout at 50 handbags though as someone could store a rocket launcher easily enough

duke knooby 25 Sep 2009 16:34


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 472082)
challenge her to a shootout at 50 handbags though as someone could store a rocket launcher easily enough

tis all a bit of fun

meanwhile, i got bored.. so went home :D

sleep would be a good plan

Betty 25 Sep 2009 18:26

that was a loooong, long day!!!

tickets bought!!!!!!!!!! whohoooooo!!!! nickelback in feb!!!!!!! yeaaaah!!! :mrgreen:

Betty 25 Sep 2009 18:29

oooooh, and nickelback playin wembley arena in jan :saint: :whistle: lalalalaaaaa

Hypnobabe 25 Sep 2009 22:02


Originally Posted by Betty (Post 472098)
oooooh, and nickelback playin wembley arena in jan :saint: :whistle: lalalalaaaaa

Pricks up ears.... Sorry Betty, were you talking to me? :D

~Helen~ 25 Sep 2009 23:34

Decided it was time for a new job, applied for one and got an interview ... only I have to deliver a 10 minutes presentation at the start of the interview.

Actually giving the presentation doesn't so much concern me ... it's writing the damn thing.

I took the full day off work today to work on it ... and my brain seemingly has turned to mush :-(. My presentation (which is on a topic given to me) has gotten as far as putting the title in power point.

I'm really struggling with writing it, and won't get chance to look at this again now until Sunday evening.

I feel so thick! I'm not sure where all my brain cells have gone (not that there can have been too many to start wtih, being blonde!) but the non-taxing job I have been doing for the past 16 months didn't seem to have needed them!

*sulks at lack of progression with presentation* :-(

Anyway, I'm off to bed now.... unusually very early (for me!)... partially so as not to disturb parents who have an early start for something tomorrow, and also because I'm absolutely knackered!

duke knooby 26 Sep 2009 00:05

i did love seeing the mirroring technique demonstrated by derren tonight, as thats what i was trained on... (unlike the new temporary manager who got the "new" version lol)

RadioMaster 26 Sep 2009 09:11

time for a promotion (so I've heard) :whistle:

Betty 26 Sep 2009 16:47

I´ll be meeting Nickelback :panic: :metal:

RadioMaster 26 Sep 2009 17:02

as a fellow dj used to say:
"Hörst du immer Nickelback, dann fliegen dir die Pickel weg" :))

Betty 26 Sep 2009 17:11

Hat bei solch schlechten Witzen sicher nicht sehr viele Zuhörer der gute Mann :p

duke knooby 27 Sep 2009 18:34

why the hell wont ryanair accept a drivers licence as photo id??????????????? :bicker:

mszee 27 Sep 2009 20:58

Thank you all for good wishes on my new job.

First week went well. No time for internet - the place is jumping busy which is what I wanted...boss has even worse ADD than me but everybody seems to be dealing with it by ignoring

Life experience after first 2 days at work...never ever ever ever buy

Funniest moment: some woman came to the meeting of board of directors and ask them to take care of her problem: somebody consistently is breaking into her unit and replaces her brand new neck braces with used

Can't get bored with this

duke knooby 28 Sep 2009 20:06

what the hell did my signature look like 11 years ago?? and is it on record at the passport office???

knew having 4 different signatures would one day come back to bite me on the arse

Lord Kagan 29 Sep 2009 00:44

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired

duke knooby 29 Sep 2009 18:43

yep, knackered also

ze time off is booked :D

duke knooby 01 Oct 2009 00:14

kkkkkkkknnnackered.. and sore feet lol

SW31 01 Oct 2009 01:07

needs a holiday

duke knooby 01 Oct 2009 23:23

the weird thing is, since R has been on holiday, meat has stopped tweeting... so maybe R is in the studio doing the banjo for the album

or maybe i'm just very tired

SamCat 01 Oct 2009 23:38

Realised i should've dealt with the leaky dishwasher earlier when i came home tonight the kitchen was flooded and water was shooting across the worktop!! Its very hard to stem the flow with one hand while trying to ring my upstairs neighbours for help with the other lol!!

duke knooby 01 Oct 2009 23:42

flooded kitchen aint good! are things under control now??

SamCat 02 Oct 2009 00:17

Yes thank you the boys managed to turn the water off and everything is drying out!! Also learnt not to turn the electricity off before you find the candles cos mobile phones dont give off enough light when two panic stricken cats are running for cover lol!!

Betty 02 Oct 2009 10:40

Emma, your life should be made into a film :lmao:

And why can´t I book tickets for the movies from my work pc???
Oooook, the answer is obvious... but on the other hand, the work pc lets me post here too! :?:lol:

allrevvedup 02 Oct 2009 11:28

it's not easy being you...

Betty 02 Oct 2009 12:02


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 472318)
it's not easy being you...

in fact it ain´t, cos work is the only place where I can arrange some things for my very few moments of private life... bit of a dilemma lol

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