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suzieq 11 Nov 2009 16:34

Trying to stifle my sniffles. But today I woke up with Man Voice and a watery right eye. Ugh.

duke knooby 11 Nov 2009 20:52

too tired to go to work :(

duke knooby 12 Nov 2009 11:31

:yawn: time for bed

MeatGrl1 12 Nov 2009 12:35

Went to the doctor yesterday and apparently my ear looks inflammed and my ear drum has sunk a bit and has a red line across it... I've been given 500mg of Amoxicillin to take three times a day :(. It's sore and it's making me miserable. On the plus side I have a day off today, yipee lol

allrevvedup 12 Nov 2009 15:13

a day off and on prescribed drugs to boot...some would call that a success minus the pain of course which can't be good!

allrevvedup 12 Nov 2009 15:14

On another topic, I have an interview next wednesday for the role of a Senior Agent in the claims department, so here's hoping that goes well.

MeatGrl1 12 Nov 2009 16:14

Congratulations Mike :up:.

suzieq 12 Nov 2009 16:51

Too many thoughts....too much caffiene....where do I start....I'll be back later....or maybe not.....I cannot get Black Betty (Meat Version) out of my head (similar to a Turrets symptom going on)....all of a sudden I'm focused....and then Bam-a-lam....this is going to be a long day.

AndyK 12 Nov 2009 17:12

Can you hear the mothership calling you?

suzieq 12 Nov 2009 19:19


Originally Posted by AndyK (Post 474043)
Can you hear the mothership calling you?

:yikes: You just answered the question about the voices in my head.

firefly 12 Nov 2009 22:14

feeling awful.... wish this cough, cold thingy would go away

duke knooby 12 Nov 2009 23:41


Originally Posted by MeatGrl1 (Post 474034)
Went to the doctor yesterday and apparently my ear looks inflammed and my ear drum has sunk a bit and has a red line across it...

see what happens when you listen to too much michael jackson music!!!!!!

(sore ears are terrible.. hope your better soon)

mszee 13 Nov 2009 01:45


Originally Posted by allrevvedup (Post 474039)
On another topic, I have an interview next wednesday for the role of a Senior Agent in the claims department, so here's hoping that goes well.

Good luck, Mike!!! Let us - or at least me - know how it went!

AndyK 13 Nov 2009 11:21

Missed opportunity. For them anyway.

MeatGrl1 13 Nov 2009 11:55


Originally Posted by duke knooby (Post 474072)
see what happens when you listen to too much michael jackson music!!!!!!

(sore ears are terrible.. hope your better soon)

LOL !!

Thanks Jonty.

Computer is sick too, I think I have a virus, I keep having pop ups then it gives me the blue screen and restarts :? !!

Evil One 13 Nov 2009 16:58

You've been looking at too much porn! :devil:

MeatGrl1 13 Nov 2009 17:00

:shock: !!

No I have not, recieved a dodgy message on fb, stupidly I clicked the link and bam! Computer has gone kack !

If it's a virus it'll cost Ģ50 to remove :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: !!

duke knooby 13 Nov 2009 17:50

so facebook gives you pop ups and blue screens???

no ta

i likes chocolate digestives :-)

Evil One 13 Nov 2009 18:14

Yes, but McVities chocolate digestives or Cadbury's Jestives?

duke knooby 14 Nov 2009 01:35


Originally Posted by Evil One (Post 474111)
Yes, but McVities chocolate digestives or Cadbury's Jestives?

never heard of those cadburys ones before

Evil One 14 Nov 2009 03:28

They're more shortbready. Very nice, but McVitiess are still the king.

duke knooby 14 Nov 2009 15:04

needs petrol then off to cork for ze duke and chip (if we make it on time)

mszee 15 Nov 2009 04:51

I can't believe that Brits call cookies which can't possibly be good for your health in any way a digestives...digestives my foot...

Betty 15 Nov 2009 04:53

canīt sleep...apparently lol

Pudding 15 Nov 2009 05:20

potato peeler lost, potato peeler found, garlic crusher lost, garlic crusher found, bottle opener lost, bottle opener found, been on an a bit of an emotional rollercoaster today...LOL

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